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The 25th Amendment and Trump: Should he? Could he? Would he? Be removed

Posted by C. A. R. Ross


Forum: News and Politics

What is y'all's opinions on the calls for the removal of President Trump?

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8 Replies

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Reply by C. A. R. Ross


This is not just for the 25th but also for the calls of impeachement.

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Reply by Shаun


Reply by Colleen Shrader


Not at all. I personally believe that he should not. They are targeting not just the president of the United States states I think some people tend to forget he is human he is going to make mistakes ( not that he has made that many) but he is also an American that has fought for the people.

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Reply by Junky Punky Patrick


He won't, 🤷‍♂️

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Reply by Ralph Rodgers


Pretty much a total disaster. 

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Reply by Ashli Vixen


 I never liked Trump, he turns my stomach..I think he is Satan Incarnate myself...So glad Biden is running the country now, such a better choice....

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Reply by mystical illusions


it is the 14 amendment of line 3 ...  yes... is it very possible...  he and other broke the laws of our constitution an more then likely they will abound by the constitution  ...

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Reply by mystical illusions


it is being worked on and will be sent to the supreme court... to decide ... 

they have already said  there is a good chance it will be in acted on him being taken of the ballads becouse it already shows he is the starter of the insertion ... and the cause ...  they have a few mnths to decides and honestly he broke the rules of the constitution here an to over throw our  democracy ... so that is what is left ...

should see the results coming soon for that ... 2924 election is about... do we want to  uphold  our democracy and our constitution ... or do we wan't someone that is a  authoritarian and a dictator... to run our country ...I will be voting for democracy and that is not trump ..."  ck out trumps report 2025 what he is all about ..." I do not understand people that want our country to be run by these insurrectionist they should look and know trump is not for our right or freedom ... they don't believe what a dictator is ... he is  harmful to our country an more of a break down ...

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