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dream about 2d reality

Posted by kelcee


Forum: Dreams and the Supernatural

i had one of the craziest dreams i have ever had the other day, in that dream i was in my bedroom and on my bed there was a box but the box had writing on it. the box said something along the lines of “easily travel to the 2d reality” or whatnot, i just know for a fact that it had something to do with traveling to this reality. so i had woken up and the first thing i thought was to look up what the hell the 2d reality is because i simply had no clue! turns out, this 2d reality in my dream was explaining that we’re literally living in a simulation. and yes, i’ve already known this but i had no idea that it was called 2d but it all makes sense certainly due to the fact that the CIA released the documents about reality shifts and that we basically live in a simulation or whatnot. i was going to include a link to the documents but the CIA took them down for some reason. you can definitely still research it though! this was just very eye opening for me and i believe we really are just living in some simulation of some sort. 

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Reply by Julia*5D*



Oh nice!  I tend to think about this on a lot of different layers.  Yes, we're in a simulation, but simulation is the nature of diversity and so it's a quite natural evolution.  From here we can CHOOSE to only operate within the limitations of the current consensus reality or we can transcend past expectations and create anything we want. 

This article is only peripherally related, but I thought maybe you'd enjoy it.  My client visits the "2nd Dimension" where flat creatures who looked like jellyfish sent her messages of encouragement. 

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Reply by Cat Daddy of Two


This is mind-blowing.

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