Need some new shows give me some good animes to dive into
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Favorite animes
13 Replies
Reply by ALostDarkendSoul5637
Reply by Budweiser
Reply by Kass
Some of the few that I'm watching/rewatching
- Inuyasha
- Clannad
- Fruits baskets (and the reboot)
- Sk8 infinity
- The promised Neverland
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Shaman king (there will be a reboot soon)
Reply by Giuseppe
Reply by KiethBlackLion
I've always been partial to the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. I actually started off with Gundam Wing in the early 2000s, then went back and watched the original series and its off shoots. Great mecha battles but it's the story and it's underlying commentary on war that gives it depth.
Reply by Geeby
I will just list some of the ones I like hopefully you haven't seen and give these a shot.
Reply by Xx_J4GG3RK1MBL3Y_xX
fullmetal alchemist!! read the manga first obviously but the anime is rlly good! theres 2 versions n lots of ppl dont like the 2003 version but ive grown in2 liking it a lot more..its got my favorite anime character of all time in it <3
Reply by Black Sheep Derrick
Outlaw star, afro samurai, yu yu hakusho,black lagoon anything that reminds me of toonami line ups With adult themes.
Reply by Gina<3
Reply by Spencer
Oh man! I’ve got a few faves but I’m not a big weeb XD. I really like: Blue Period, Digimon Tamers, Aggretsuko, FMA:B, the Great Pretender, Erased, March Comes in Like a Lion, and Cowboy Bebop
Reply by Haxxlim
FMA:B and Devilman Crybaby
Reply by Moth<3
Reply by l8n1t3
degenerate as hell but im trying to finish high school dxd currently, wow this show is something else (i have not seen a lot of anime)