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How do you know when grad school is the decision you should make?

I just graduated from undergraduate in 2020 and I'm already feeling kind of stagnant. I miss university and I want to be learning more than I am. Maybe it's the job I'm at or who I'm with relationship wise, but I just have been thinking maybe I should try the whole grad school path. My undergrad is in computer science with a minor in math. 

I don't know where I would want to start. What path of computer science I should head down. I feel like I'm lost in a world of craziness. 

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Reply by nicky star emoji


honestly if you can afford it + you enjoy learning + the structure of learning you should. i went to grad school straight out of my undergrad bc i can’t do anything with my degree really. thing is costs a lot so like, depending on what you wanna do or how much time you have between wanting to start grad school and now i would recommend figuring out what you enjoy and then do a lot of external work in that field or like hobbies etc to look like you have a strong focus so you can get scholarship money. im speaking from a social sciences perspective so might be different for computer science…also I m pretty sure all u need is a degree for a lot of non science grad programs if you don’t feel like going back to compsci

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Reply by Jace Peter


The best way to prepare for exams may vary depending on the type of exam. However, some tips at resumesplanet for preparing for school exams include studying for the exam and practicing test-taking strategies.

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