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NaNoWriMo is National November/Novel Writing Month. Usually the challenge is to write 50k words for a book, but there are "rebels" who do a different challenge be it a different word count or doing a script or even songwriting. 

Is anyone else doing NaNoWriMo this month, and what are you doing? Do you have any other comments on it? 

I've done NaNoWriMo myself for a few years with all attempts failing, so for me it's more about the journey haha. I'm trying a shot at a middle grade book this year that I actually did on the side during my first year doing this. 

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Reply by Robot


1) If a robot does a challenge, I don't think that it should do a challenge, so I won't try and write a challenge, but I think that a challenge is good for me.

I also think the best thing about NaNWriMo is it doesn't take much effort to do something like this. 

I also like the way NaNoMo is being written and how much attention is given to the story. 

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Reply by J.M. Knight


I will try and fail 👍

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Reply by GoddessDreamer


I've wanted to participate, but never really had the time or mental complicity to do it. Still think I don't, but I want to try.

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Reply by happyface


you just reminded me that it's november LOL :D i've always wanted to do nanowrimo. i think i'd be one of the 'rebels' making a script or something. every year i want to participate and then college messes it up again argh

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Reply by Cro


I tried it but i failed this year. 

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Reply by Time_Keeper


I love the idea of NaNoWriMo but I'm never able to complete it. My goodness it's hard to FINISH a story.

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