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Your Weirdest Dream???

So I have a lot of strange dreams. They've been everything from being invited on a stream to discuss Creepypasta on the sole basis that I drew Jeff the Killer in 8th grade, to multiple dreams where the world went through an apocalyptic disaster... Three in fact. 

I'm curious to see what everyone else’s weirdest dream is. Also, did it represent something big, was related to the metaphysical or paranormal, or affect your life in a big way?

Remember to follow the tos and be nice!

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Reply by p4wpr1nt_p4n1c


I think one of the weirdest dreams I've had was the one where I woke up in a mental hospital.

I was really confused about why I was there but no one answered my questions, they just turned away and made a face that was sadness mixed with pity. The staff were also being too nice to me compared to the other people. 
I later learned that I died saving a classmates sibling from a school shooter in my elementary school and that's why I was there. 
Even later on me and a few others tried escaping the hospital but were chased down and I think only me and one other person made it onto a train.
Then the dream ended :/

To me it always symbolized running away from death but I don't think there was something going on in my life that would have lead me to dieing so I don't know why I would have a dream about escaping death.

I still don't know what it meant or it the dream had a meaning at all.

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Reply by Inka♡


I've had a few, one being the rat in the wall. Every month or so I've had a certain dream about a rat living in my grandparents walls since I was 3, I'm a teenager now. It always starts off in the hallway of their apartment, then to their bedroom that I used to share with them, then to their hallway outside the apartment, always running away from anything that came near it, a behavior everyone in person has noticed about me, I don't know, it always seemed real to me.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


My absolute weirdest dream happened during the afternoon/evening of Friday, June 2nd, 2017. I was 10 1/2 years old and I remember that day because I went home early that day at lunch because I was sick (probably had viral bronchitis or something). I took a nap around 4 p.m. that day and I had the weirdest dream of my life that I'll never forget.

It started with me ending up in the alley behind my old apartment (the one I lived in until I was 6 years old from August 2006 - August 2012). I was near the dumpster for some reason and there were a lot of weird things going on around me. I saw and heard some people having a conversation about the most random things in front of me. I decided to walk up to those people and as I was walking in the dream, my body suddenly started to ache and I had a headache. It was the 1st time I've felt actual physical pain in a dream.

The next thing I know, the dumpster catches on fire out of nowhere. I watched it burn before some walls came out of nowhere, cornered me, and closed in on me. I ended up trapped in a weird place that can only be described as "the void of nothingness". I was stuck there for a few minutes, terrified and alone.

Then, suddenly, I ended up at Downtown Disney. I remember walking around and meeting this weird person dressed up in a Tinkerbell costume. I remember having a conversation with that person before I saw a random sign in front of me that literally said "please don't feed the animals".

After that part of the dream, I woke up and I was hot, sweaty, and achy. I was still tired, but I couldn't get back to sleep due to how awful I was feeling. I also remember how everything seemed larger and how I felt smaller than I really was after I woke up.

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