Times are crazy and people are feeling powerless. There are things you can do!
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Mutual Aid
11 Replies

Reply by C. A. R. Ross
Reply by KLCY
Reply by umbrykane
I've always felt if communities and stuff helped each other out more, like if they had a doctor they would do stuff for the community for "Free", people that can farm and make food can do that, people that can fix cars, etc, pretty much everyone helping everyone without having to worry about anything; there would be no need for the government at all, because we'll have everything we need.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
I too am also looking for givers to give me, and or others stuff. Although I would never actually give anything of my own, I would just encourage others to do so, as everyone else in here is doing as well. Maybe if we get enough people encouraging people other then ourselves to give, someone will step up and do it.
Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix
Well, I can list off some good organizations who do work in my city, if y’all happen to know anybody in central Virginia who could use the help.
Anyone is welcome to come volunteer, at any time! (to volunteer for the second shift for example, you can join us to serve at the park, and help with the clean-up shift)
Volunteering is on a walk-in basis (aside from regular roles like weekly grocery pickups). Volunteer jobs include sorting produce, cutting up veggies, preparing dishes, and cooking. We also always can use extra dishwashers and cleanup crew members towards the end of the schedule. There is no official registration; just show up when you can. Likewise, everyone is welcome to eat. The meal itself is self-service.
Food is a right, not a privilege. Food Not Bombs is a political organization that expresses its politics- anti-militarism and ending homelessness- through the direct action of providing a free meal to all once a week. We also cater events for local organizations which are working for social justice. Food is a right not a privilege.
Food Not Bombs operates on non-hierarchical consensus decision making, meaning there is no formal executive of any kind. If you need to get in touch with a primary organizer e-mail: rvafoodnotbombs@gmail.com.
We are happy to accept donations, of both food and funds.”
Reply by Gasstationhotwingz
Reply by Helios (he)
I'm a mutual Aid organizer in my area. It's definitely valid to feel hopeless and helpless, but it doesn't have to be this way!
Reply by Michael <3
Reply by Tyler i guess
Yes! Mutual aid is a great way to overcome our technological isolation and loneliness! A lot of unitarian, anabaptist/Mennonite, and UCC congregations have mutual aid projects you can involve yourself in as well!
Reply by earthcoil
Mutual aid is the only way we will ever free enough people from the prison of trying to survive long enough in order to initiate a radical restructuring of society. Mutual aid is life! There can only be collective liberation through mutual aid <3