i love the Texas Chainsaw series but the 2022 one and Leatherface 2017 was just.. not it..
2022: it had a shit ton of plot holes and it was just bad honestly first of all it doesn't make sense that they gave Leatherface this super strength he literally broke someones wrist in half and stabbed them with the bone.. thats cool but i feel like Leatherface wouldn't or couldn't do that AND i HATE how they made Sally, like... how the fukc is Leatherface suppose to remember you after 50 years not only that... it was just.. shitty, the gore work was amazing i would say that but it just wasn't good
Leatherface 2017: at the start i really loved the birthday scene and i expected to love the movie cause the birthday scene was REALLY good.. but that was it.. like first of all it didn't make sense that Bud wasn't Leatherface like he wasn't talking he was kinda aggressive and he was.. just built like him BUT instead ofc Leatherface is thw handsome skinny boy... and there was unnecessary sex that i didn't want to see