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is there anyone who doesn't enjoy Arcane?

I watched Arcane a couple of weeks ago and it blew my fucking mind. I've actively hated "league of legends" for a couple of years now so I wasn't expecting to fall in love with a show based on the game. amazing characters, amazing story, amazing art, close to flawless.

the last time I was so touched by a TV show was when they released the last season of bojack horseman about 2 years ago.
what did you think of this show?

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Reply by Charmberry


Omg I'm glad someone liked the show as much as I did...the characters and the plots from the game put onto the show were amazing, I see you like shows and or movies that may be touching sad and or beautiful so I wanted to give you some movie/show suggestions and one I personally think you might fall in love with is "midnight gospel" if you haven't seen it already it's an amazing show on Netflix, I don't want to spoil it so all I'll say is that it's like a podcast Abt points of veiws on life. Along with with movies here's some suggestions: Buffalo' 66, Lolita, super dark times, mean creek, rust creek, without evidence... Just a few suggestions I think ppl may like! :)

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