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Introduction of a Federal Universal Basic Income in Canada

Posted by Saoirse


Forum: News and Politics

December 16th, 2021 during the 44th Parliament 1st session of the Canadian Government Leah Gazan, MP representing Winnipeg's Centre, introduced Bill C-223 For a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income. While it isn't the first bill of it's kind in Canadian history, there is growing support for such a Universal Basic Income in Canada, given the current predicament Canada finds itself in. This Bill was introduced as a change in the public opinion in Canada as other attempts to start a UBI in Canada have been tried since the 70s and as soon as 2018. In previous attempts the main criticism was that it would be too difficult to implement, or Canada could not afford such a program. Given the basically overnight implementation and complete overhaul of the already in place "Employment Insurance" to split into "Employment Insurance", "Canadian Emergency Recovery Benefit", "Canadian Recovery Benefit", "Canadian Recovery Caregiver Benefit", "Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy", along many other variants of those benefits. Supporters of such a UBI in Canada point out that such a service would introduce 80 billion Canadian dollars (~62 billion USD) per year to the economy, allow the general public to pursue a higher education, invest in their hobbies, and alleviate one of the largest aggravators of anxiety and depression (As per the NIH, WHO, and Forbes). Critics claim that a UBI would "Make people lazy" or "There just aren't enough tax dollars to support such a system" despite extensive academic research which proves otherwise.

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Reply by dianaroy


The initiation of Canada's Federal Universal Basic Income aims to address socioeconomic disparities, providing financial stability and fostering economic resilience nationwide. There is also another amazing organization must check their financial condition specially ODG Africa Salary in Naira

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