i usually just end up finding new songs from my youtube recommendations
Topic: Where do YOU go when you are looking for new music?
Reply by Zero
Reply by aria <3
spotify discover or those little genres preview things or this one guy on tiktok that listens to every single music genre and shows 3 good songs :p
Reply by ¿¿LucasIsBored!!
I tend to listen to internet radio or just racing game soundtracks, they're the best.
Reply by IZZAK
check out https://www.chosic.com/
You can put in ur song links, playlist, and it'll spit out what it thinks you'll like. You can even make a playlist with the songs it gives you thru the app!
Reply by 🎀💖💫Venus💖💫🎀
I go to youtube really. And pretty much, I've found a lot of music that changed which genre I liked. And also, I got a little more interested in music.!
-I really hope this helps!
Reply by knut
Reply by ଘ꒰ ´ ᗜ ` ♡ cattie
if i want more songs that sound simalar to a perticular song, i use the website chosic !
Reply by alec
i usually go to record stores and head to the cd section and take a photo of any album cover i find intriguing, then go home and search it up to listen to it
Reply by sakunosuke
spotify lastfm youtube おすすめ。あと、chooningという日本の音楽アプリも使っています。これは、spotifyで聴いた曲にコメントを付けて他の人と共有できるサービスです。https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/chooning-%E3%83%81%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8B%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0-%E9%9F%B3%E6%A5%BD%E5%A5%BD%E3%81%8D%E3%81%8C%E9%9B%86%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8Bsns/id1523140155
Reply by RiSK
Reply by jeremau
I read about the 639 Hz frequency and its focus on interpersonal harmony and tried it with my partner. Solfeggio Frequencies (639 Hz Frequency) has great info on why it’s known as the "relationship frequency." A helpful tool for anyone wanting to enhance connections.
Reply by xXLord_FredXx
When I'm looking for new music, I just try to find a YouTube playlist with the vibe I'm looking for. Sometimes it's a specific character or maybe an aesthetic, or even new music in a genre. People make super good playlists.
Reply by Jeff Madden
Walk into your local music store and thumb through the old records. Stuff from aeons ago.... this... this is where I find the most obscure stuff. This is the stuff you wont find on the internet.
Reply by zekeyboy
to be honest.. i look up other people's playlists on spotify and find ones with similar vibes that i enjoy. it works a lot!! it got me into sum 41 and placebo
Reply by kozel