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lets talk abt our favorite horror/slasher movies!! horror is my favorite genre of all time and i've been addicted to any horror content available since i was a little kid, so any recommendations r encouraged <333

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Reply by soomyyronj


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Reply by TJ Vegas


Recently I've been doing a deep dive into horror movies and I've fell in love with the movies Intruder, The Prowler and the movie Maniac. I like slasher movies but I'm not the biggest fan of The people that most associate with slasher movies like Jason and Freddie and Michael. But it's also been a while since I've seen any of them so maybe my taste has changed.

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Reply by Rosyquartz


I love slashers that dont take themselves too seriously, you should for sure watch tucker and dale vs evil (not really a slasher but really funny) 

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