« Dreams and the Supernatural Forum

Story Time!!

Posted by m4d_minute


Forum: Dreams and the Supernatural

(Changing some names to preserve identities.) 

So! When I was younger I lived in an old log cabin. We were renting, it was way out in the woods of Maine near some small mountains. The driveway was nearly a quarter of a mile and all dirt. It got very muddy at times, my mom's car fell in and got stuck for two weeks but that's a tale for another time.

When we began the process of moving in we had to clean for two months before hand, the place was trashed. Even after we began to move our things we were still cleaning. It was spring at the time so all the windows and doors are open as we're cleaning. My mom and her close friend had 5 children between the two of them, making seven people that day. Her and her friend had to make a store run so she left me, my older brother, and Danny the older daughter in charge. Fran was the youngest at 5 and pretty shy. My mom told us in charge "DO NOT leave Fran in the black room alone."

So being stupid teens....we did just that. The black room is a bedroom on the bottom floor of our large bay garage. The upstairs was a loft space that my mom stayed in. All the way across the house we all migrated except for Fran. About ten minutes after sitting down she comes running across the house to us bawling her eyes out. "The man with the red eyes all in shadow is gonna get me, he said awful things to me!"
Fran was inconsolable for a little while before finally calming down. 

A few months later I forgot my house key at school. Previously mentioned friend of my mom's lived a mile up the road with a spare key. I hopped on my bike and pedaled that way. Once I got there Fran saw me and wrapped her arms around my legs babbling on and laughing. She looked up at me and her eyes went funny almost unfocused. Then she backed away and tucked herself under the table. Crying and pointing over my shoulder she said "The shadow man followed you here, he's gonna get me!!"
She spent the next 10 minutes I was there sobbing and staring at me under the table. 

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