Topic: Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

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Reply by SaturnianPisces


In 10 years, I'll be 37.

Honestly, a lot of this is my 5-year plan, because I try not to project too far into the future. My goals and vision can change easily.

But anyway:

I'm living in a comfortable home that isn't too big or too small. There's a garden outside full of decorative plants and some fruits & veg that I grow for myself. I actually have the energy and motivation to cook and bake at home.

I can see mountains from my home.

Most of my debt is paid off and I have a comfortable savings. I have a steady income doing something I love. My partner has a steady income doing something they love.

I live in an area that doesn't trigger my seasonal depression.

My mom is still happy and healthy and we get to go on vacation a few times a year. I see my brother and his partner regularly.

My cat will be reaching 20 years and she's still kicking!

I don't have any kids, but I'm thinking about setting up a good home for foster children in my 40s.

I don't have to worry about bills because my business is a huge success and I get to live comfortably.

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Reply by Rose Moon


Hopefully similar to how my life is now.  Living in the same place with my husband, except having long accomplished my health and fitness goals by then, and maybe have made some new friends, but hopefully still have my current ones.

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Reply by Gamer Gaming


3 possible things:

Funny music guy
Sad music guy

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Reply by lian


i just honestly hope life goes best for me, i hope im able to accomplish my dreams, and for anyone reading this, i give you good luck for a year 

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Reply by AcerRuni


10 years from now I hope to have made at least 5 short films and to have started my career as a film director <3

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Reply by aye_jayX3


i dont know where ill be in 10 years, but i have one hope, and its to start my own baking buisness

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Reply by JOSH


En diez años probablemente ya tenga un trabajo, esté enlistado en la marina de mi país y siga soltero.

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En Italia siendo psicóloga.
Preparando postres a las 3 de la tarde mientras veo un lindo paisaje desde mi balcón al sur de Italia.

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Reply by sadking



I hope I'm somewhere safe and comfortable with my boyfriend.

I don't see much, but I do hope everything in my life becomes peaceful, and I'm able to live comfortably with those around me. I want my friendships to strengthen, and my animals to prosper. 

I just wanna be at a point in my life where anxiety doesn't exist and I can peacefully play my video games without any issues getting in the way; the simple life.

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Reply by tisteatime


hopefully i'll be doing nursing by then. i'm in college for it now, so i see no reason why i wouldn't be 

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Reply by Snesonix


In 10 Years i probably hope to have the normal stuff yknow a boyfriend,my own home,more friends and a more healthy life then i have currently. I also hope to maybe still work at a retirement home who knows.

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Reply by Ether


Hopefully I'm rich and not dead. That would kinda suck ngl

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Reply by doom


Personally, I can mostly see myself being gone somewhere. Either gone out my mind, gone out of my city, country, or even my state. I don't know where I would be, but I know I'd be somewhere in a general. Lost in space..flying around.

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Reply by doom


Personally, I can mostly see myself being gone somewhere. Either gone out my mind, gone out of my city, country, or even my state. I don't know where I would be, but I know I'd be somewhere in a general. Lost in space..flying around.

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Reply by frankie ♱


malewife. thats it.

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Reply by Y0zo


three meters underground or in a psychiatric hospital

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Reply by ImREJ4


La verdad no me veo en el futuro, no creo llegar a los 16,
se oye tan lejano, siento que no me estoy recuperando, y si lo hago tarde o
temprano tratare de yo misma hundirme y apuñalarme por la espalda, tal vez no entiendan
a que me refiero, pero siempre me traiciono, y algún dia volveré a caer bajo,
porque es lo que planeo todos los días sin excepción, no diré motivos, pero
siento que algún día dejare de lado mi dignidad y lo hare.

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Reply by Hellen


Reply by Nevaeh


Wow okay where do i see myself 10 years from now wellll i see myself graduating from art school, and starting up my own business, selling my artwork, and doing makeup for a living and making art all the time. I want to do alot of abstract and very unique makeup styles, doing hair, nails, everything really I'll be making bankkk

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Reply by Strawberryy :3


dentro de 10 años, me veo viajando en una furgoneta camperizada a la otra punta del mundo y haciendo exposiciones de arte y moda

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Reply by Kai :3


Reply by ☆Al3sit4☆


La verdad no lo sé...uan parte de mi dice que jamas llegara a más de 28 años,pero otra puede decir que probablemente trabajando o viajando; aun que no creo que cumpliendo mis verdaderos sueños o metas....

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Reply by Kathrine


With 25 cats on a farm  

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Reply by Creature


As a high school senior I hope to become a park ranger or a child psychologist. Both fields are pretty different but I plan to double major in forestry and child psychology, it'd be really cool to make it to getting a doctorate but I don't want to run myself ragged which is why I'm double majoring just in case.

I've done a lot of wishful thinking about how I want to live (a decent house, vegetable garden, chickens, and maybe fostering when I'm older) but at this point in time I expect to not be able to reach these milestones until maybe my 40s or 50s, there's no shame in achieving later in life.

I hope by the time I'm in my late 20s that I get hrt and reassignment surgery, it's something I've been thinking about for a long time and have made sure that I know all the possible side effects and such.

Another little thing I want is that I want to keep playing music and writing and making art even though I wouldn't do it for money.

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dead with a broken nek and a cute pink shirt if baggy jeans :33333

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Reply by Enigmatico


I see myself posting here about how I see myself 20 years from now. And hopefully doing better than now.

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Reply by 99iris


floating in space

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Reply by 0cean


If I don’t die, and I don’t mean by self destruction cuz atm I’m Algs. But if I don’t die from doing something stupid or cool, then I see myself living in a little apartment with some of my closest friends and working as either an actor, childcare worker, barista or at an antique shop. The world didn’t end after I turned 16 so now I’m trying to get better and doing things that won’t destroy my life. ATM it’s not perfect but it’s mostly the small things that are helping me along  d( ̄  ̄)

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Reply by fumi


Dead. If not dead, then probably living somewhere in Switzerland in a basement writing novels and drinking coffee.

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Reply by Rombred


I'm seeing alot of "dead" comments, and I totally view it the same, I don't see this life being more than past late 20's, I don't wanna view the effects of what actions led to this road, such as any underlying diseases.

I overall don't have many things I wanna do in this life anyways.

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Reply by Luna


Either dead or in a mental facility

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Reply by Nanaki


I don't think I'll make it honestly, especially in this economy.

But if I do, I'd like to imagine I went to college and wrote a book or two.

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Reply by Bex


I'm hoping house sold and moved by then. 

And happier.

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Reply by space cadet


either dead or studying biology in college

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Reply by LightningShade


10 years from now... I'd be 27 and a half years old, if I'm still alive, that is, you never know what's gonna happen, I might die tomorrow or even die 5 minutes from now without getting to finish this reply. Anyways I got too carried away blabbering about life again lol. But it's kinda crazy to think about. Ideally, I'd love to be an animator working on my web animation that would, again, ideally, have a large enough fanbase for it to be supported and also having some sort of job that actually pay me money so I can live somewhere. I probably wouldn't be animating every day [or maybe I will, maybe I'll go insane and just animate out of fun] but enough to at least have some several minute animations I can pump out once a few months or a year. Again, that is ideally. Afterschool Vigilante [the animation series I am "working on"] is already a 2 and a half year old concept that had it's pilot out back in April this year. Realistically though? I'd probably be working in some low end job, either finishing university or dropping out of it and doing random commission art with most of my animations getting around 100-500 views on Youtube [if youtube still exists in 2034]. For some reason I just see myself working at some random retail store or a grocery shop or something lol while living alone in a cramped apartment, I'm not a very responsible individual. I realized I talked a lot about being an animator and working on my own animation series and that's true, that is the dream job I've wanted since age four. However, I have some hobbies such as music and writing and other stuff that I'm working on. Who knows maybe I'll change my mind and become a music producer or work at a tech store.

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Reply by !Charlie!


Six feet under in a coffin.

E Just kidding, I think I can live a few years longer than that. Honestly, I prefer to try not to think so much about very distant futures, this really improves my anxiety about the future. But I imagine that I will be at a college that I will probably leave and try another. I think I'll be living alone, and preferably in some state other than the one I'm in now, but it doesn't matter really. I can't imagine much more than that, the future is very unexpected.I can only imagine what I can do during these 10 years, and there are so many things, and they can and will change the course of my future life, whether they work out or not. 

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Reply by сука228


через 10 лет я буду алкоголичкой,я уверенна в этом ,ведь мой образ жизнь говорит сам за себя,повезет если я не стану наркоманкой,ну пож

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I see myself enjoying my solitude with a good book and some weed on the side.

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Reply by YuiKek


Reply by Ariell


absurdly millionare maybe

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Reply by blackplumeria


I hope to be a psychiatrist 10 years from now, or nearly done with getting the qualifications. I want to be living in a small house in a gloomy forested area near a lake with 2 cats.

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Reply by e


it's really hard to say. i'd be in my mid 30s by then, and i cant even picture myself past 30, or in a place where i'm financially stable in a place of my own. it's impossible to get a decent job right now, so i'll really have to see if i'll stick around for 35ish.

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Reply by Rune


I'll be 28. I hope to continue working in graphic design, living with a partner who gives the same energy I do, and that I live close to a city, if not in one. Maybe have a cat or two, that or a pitbull. at this time, I can't be sure if id have kids or not because children are really expensive, especially in this economy. but I also don't want to fuck them up like my parents did to me. I could see myself possibly adopting, not sure. hope I still follow the beat of my own drum and stay in touch with the people that matter the most to me. I also hope I'm able to go to therapy and heal from my past so I am able to move on. 

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Reply by gordy


tough to say, im only in senior year of middle school. 

at 23? probably in college studying engineering or civics

moved out probably

I don't know, no one knows where they'll end up

also 100th post under this thread?

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Reply by faz


In 10 years time, the plans of the UN, WEF, WHO would've become a reality in all nations of the world. Private property, cash, freedom to travel, express or do anything no longer exist.  Instead there'd be centralized digital currency tied to social-credit, 24hr surveillance, cramped living quarters and an extensive network of gulags camps. There's going to be a lot less people around.

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Reply by angry bosnian dude


Reply by trashpandaz00


Somewhere far away where I can finally be myself 

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