Probably adopting my brothers kids, and going to nursing school to become a respitory therapist for kids.
« Life Forum
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
113 Replies

Reply by Megz
Okay so this is tough for me. I'm about to be 35 and I am getting a divorce and starting my life over. I'm moving to another town, looking for another career, and moving from a 2 bed room home with a sun room to a one bedroom or studio apartment. No big deal for me, more frustrating for the 4 cats. So I would like to hope in 10 years I figured some shit out. Maybe got better at cooking. I hope I travel more and read more. And go back to college and do something fun with my life you know.
Reply by Cloudy
Honestly, I'll be happy just to get through the next decade at this point. Would be nice to be done with trauma therapy though, and maybe even getting my mortuary license. Not sure it'll happen by then though.
Reply by Rita
In 10yrs I hope to have maybe 2 kids, happily married and making enough money so that I can support my parents after they retire. I'm doing pretty good right now but I still have room to grow and do better.
Reply by Tayla Gaffney Blake
Hopefully, at the same job that I am at now, but with lots and lots of cats and I can be the next crazy cat Lady
Reply by Danny
10 years from now I hope I’m still enjoying life as I’m now with my family and friends.
Reply by Cashlin
Just hopefully more successful and happy. I guess envisioning a future also involved envisioning a future with a better society and world which is tricky and we don't always have much power or influence over that. It's also hard to identify which goals would truly provide the most value. If I could save up more money going back to school could be a good move, or maybe it wouldn't serve me. For these reasons it seems better sometimes to just have a really positive general intent like meeting good people and doing good things and enjoying life and just being present for it
Reply by Steve Lam
Reply by Kindness Queen
A kindness activist having better control of my anxiety and just being a good mom to 2 adopted kids at least I want adopt anyway yeah
Reply by ☆Melody
Reply by Nik 11
Reply by Kitsune
Reply by moopuries
in ten years i'll be 25, so im still very young. i have no idea what i want to do with my life yet, so hopefully i have a job and moved out of my toxic household. i would like to have met up with my internet best friends, that i've known for about 2-3 years now and they helped me out of my darkest times. they're like my family and i don't know what i'd have done without them. i wanna be able to have enough money to travel, and buy a van. hopefully me and my girlfriend are still dating, and i'll also buy a pet cat, since i wanted one ever since i was a little kid. i'll also possibly had top surgery, or at least saving up for it. maybe i'll also finally be cured of my depression, and no longer need meds because of escaping my home and living the way i wanted to.
Reply by 𝒛𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒐
Reply by james
probably even more sad and depressed with we’re thinking realistically, but hopefully things stay positive for everyone and it’s nothing but happy vibes!
Reply by LuLu
Reply by Mason
I dont know, maybe a cop?? life is throwing me curveballs so i cant really tell.
Reply by Eci
Reply by Eci
Reply by Suburban Guy
Reply by Emy
I don’t even see myself being alive in the next 10 years but if I were I’d probably be some sort of basement dweller I wouldn’t have the energy to get a job, I should really get my life together. But I could also see myself having tons of cats Lmfao
Reply by Kinnie
When I try to imagine myself myself 10 years in the future I see... nothing but not to be a debby downer here's what I hope I'll have/be:
A uni graduate with a decently paying job that I don't hate (and job/life separation to the max) who's mentally doing well, has control of her life, is the best aunt to her friend's kids and maybe even has a girlfriend!
Reply by not_lain
hoping im alive, with stable life/work balance, with a good living condition and have a good routine to remain healthy as much as possible
Reply by Arman
Depending on how the world spins forward, I might just be in a beautiful wilderness living out the rest of my days on this planet while everyone else tries to leave it.
Reply by ✧ 𝙈 𝙖 𝙧 𝙯 火だ ✧
probably with a bunch of money, a house, tattoos, a job i am very content with, the ability to fly out to music fests, maybe a kid?
Reply by Olivia
My boyfriend and I as husband and wife, living in a house together with a baby.
Reply by Kryppl
Reply by David Wolfe
In ten years time, I'll see myself living in 2032.
Reply by nyl1s3
Reply by Angela
I just hope I'm happier and finally figured out what I want to do with my life. I hope I'm either an art teacher for little kids or I'm a tattoo artist in California:)
Reply by Angela AnaconDope
probably similar to what i am now just with more experience, maybe move to tasmania
Reply by Robyn
i hope i'll be successful by then. i want to achieve my dreams, live in my dream country, stable job and a fun life. i'll be 26 by then, so i also hope i get a partner too lolz.
Reply by notcris
I'd be in college, hopefully doing a major that I enjoy. Visiting my bf every time I have the time to see him. If I don't study abroad, then I would probably living in a better house with my parents. If I would be studying abroad then hopefully a dorm with nice roommates.
Reply by whokilledjj
Reply by xX_p!nkie_Xx
Reply by hila :)
Reply by iwtd
Reply by 4cl1pc3lun4r
honestamente, yo siento que me voy a morir joven es como una seguridad que tengo.
Reply by ★☆ VIRGIN_GERMS ☆★
Reply by Emo_Screamo
Reply by Alex
Reply by XxAcidFeverxX
in 10 years from now i will be a reliable air traffic controller. I'll be backed by a bachelor's degree in linguistics and live in a small but cozy apartment. still emo, still rocking.
Reply by Scaredd_xbb
mmm, dentro de 10 años me veo estudiando psicólogia, viviendo un departamento lejos de mi familia, con 20 gatos, soltera y sin hijos, feliz viviendo mi vida libre sin preocupaciones ni estrés, rescatando a animalitos de la calle o dándole comida, mi mejor amiga y yo nos veríamos todos los días y salimos de compras.
PD: viviría la vida que tanto deseó
Reply by Liana
Reply by Nico
i have no idea, and that terrifies me. i have no aspirations, and no dreams. i only hope i still have a roof over my head
Reply by Paulfargeix
I hope that I will realise my dream to become a commercial pilot and that I will be able to stay in my lovely country, Morocco.
Reply by Dino
I am 17 right now, and I honestly have no idea. I have a dream how I want my life to be, but those dreams mostly don't come true. I am posting this here cause I am curious if in a few years I'll find this reply back and have a geniune answer.
Reply by Fishingforpie
Reply by Nakatomi
Reply by earth angel
i'll be 25 years old. it's really hard for me to predict my life beyond school, but i hope to be living in places big enough to dance in. i say places plurally because i will hopefully be moving around a lot before i find one place to stick to. i will be fluent in spanish by that point so i'll have a lot of options to choose from. my agenda will be to find places and people to make art with: choreography, film, writing and who knows? maybe something completely unheard of.
i want to teach dance all over the world, i want to write a lot of everything. i want to be all soul and vulnerability, no timidity when approaching situations and making connections. i want to have conversations with all kinds of people and hear all kinds of music. i want to cook for people i love. i want to make my family proud.
when i'm 25 i will still be committed to creating a beautiful life for myself. my intuition will be heightened, i will trust the process more. i will be more forgiving of myself. my perfectionism will be long behind me. i will no longer hold tension in my sternum. i will get along with my little brother. i will shield myself from the terrible people in the world by being assertive and authentic.
i will no longer crave male approval. i will be better at believing in my art. my self value will no longer depend on the way my body looks. i won't overthink simple things. everyone i love will know how much i appreciate them. when i'm 25 i'll be sending warmth and reassurance to myself now.
Reply by oklohadalittlelamb
That's a good question.
I hope in 10 years, i'll be okay. that i learn from my mistakes in the past, and that i fulfill my dream of being an animator and creating art.
And to everyone in this forum, i hope you are all okay and happy as well, in the future. love you guys so much!!! we can do this!!!
(what's "this"? idk life maybe lol)