so I had this dream as a kid (around 6/7) that I woke up in my childhood home and started to play with these dolls and action figures. suddenly the eyes of every toy were following my every move and my previous first person view changed to a third person view. next thing I remember, I was viewing the inside of a museum with sentient dolls jumping on a trampoline. my third person view goes up some stairs with the horror of these sentient dolls following me and “I” get to a room and “I’m” by myself. now I’m back in first person. I get to a closet and I open the door and find a jack-in-the-box. I distinctly remember it being very very sad. it asked me for help, and only then did I associate that with my brother and I woke up irl and cried.
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this one isn’t a dream and freaks me out to this day. my family and I moved when I was around 5 to a new place in the same town. before we moved, I had this Pikachu toy that had a sensor on it, so if you were playing with it it would make happy cheery noises but if you were away and it was still turned on, it would cry. I got so annoyed with it as a kid because it would cry constantly when I was away from it. I took it upon myself to throw the thing away when my trash cans were on the curb. so we move, sans the Pikachu toy. so one day when we were in our new house and we’re having dinner, I hear the unmistakable noise of the Pikachu crying, in what was our game room. to make matters scarier, the game room was at the end of a long hallway (especially for a 5/6 year old). I get up to the closed door and hear the cry again, and I start to cry because there’s no way this could be here. sure enough tho, the Pikachu toy was in a pile of other toys and crying. I don’t know how to explain that there’s no way we could have it and that it would be ON, because we were already at this new house for DAYS. it would’ve already made noise several times.
I know I’m not good with explaining things in short detail but these are experiences that I feel are related and I just wanted to story time I guess. I’ve since moved around in apartments and I’m 24 now but these just haunt my memories.