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Any cool spooky stories you've heard/experienced?

When I was little my house was like suuuuper haunted LOL! I have quite a few spooky stories from the. I've also found a lot of them on the Internet, although I think many of them are fake... still interesting!! I'm not too sure how this website works... so maybe if it's possible tell me your scary stories! fake or real, all is good! Maybe we'll cover some of them at the club meetings!

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Reply by Robot


The only thing I can tell you is that it's a good thing that the robots are not being controlled, that it's a great idea to have a lot more control over them. I'm not sure why they don't just have more control.

I don't like to talk about robots. They're just robots, but it's nice to know that the people around me can see the robot.

If you want more info, check my other posts. I'll be posting some more on this site.

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Reply by CrystalPalaceWitch


My Dad Told Me One Day He Was Running Up A Hill in California and He was the Ghost Of A Rich Guy and he also told me Some People were Praying for His Soul and then he told me that Dead People go Back Home cause They Have Unfinished Matters.                                      He also Told Me about My Great Grandmother Dying and How he saw her Ghost Walking Home in Nigerian.                                                                Lastly a Old Angry Woman Died in A Hospital where My Dad Was Working and her Ghost bit The Nurse on The Breast cause she Fell asleep in her Favorite Chair.

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Reply by Xx_max_barf_bucket_xX


hey, i'm not the best at righting so srry for any spelling mistakes, ig ill just tell it now. me and my family had just moved into a new house. the place made me fill a little uneasy, like i was being watched constantly. the house was on a hill with some woods behind us, so our shed was pashley on land and hovering over the hill. so i went under the shed and found a rusty machete and took it back to my room. later that night while sitting on my bed playing on my 2DS feeling uneasy, like someone was in the room with me or watching me so i decided to leave the room and go in the living room with my family. as i went to get off my bed it started shaking violently like as if multiple people where surrounding my bed shaking it. i jumped off my bed screaming and ran to my family who did not believe me. after that night i immediately put the machete back and only slept in our living room for 2 months refusing to go in there alone. this isnt really a scary story but its the only thing scary that ever really happened to me. thx for reading!

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