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any game you never finished?

Posted by GL1TT3RC0RPS3


Forum: Deranged SpaceHey Gamers Group

when I was tiny tiny I was used to play Crash Bandicoot 2, it is my childhood.

I never finished it tho, I had a problem and the ps2 never recognized the memory card, so I could never save my progresses and everytime I had to start all over. (๑•﹏•)

what about you guys? 

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


I think my list of games that I've actually finished would be shorter. On the conservative side of estimating, I'd say that I've completed about 10% - 20% of all games in my collection (from NES to XBox One). 

In the old days, the games had one difficulty and you either beat or you didn't. Ghost and Goblins on the NES was famous for it's difficulty, much like Contra. Nowadays though, my problem is that there are so many things to do in the games that I get side tracked. Fallout 4 and the Assassin's Creed games are a good example. I just enjoy the mechanics so much that I get lost in them and never complete the games.

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Reply by Kylie


Honestly I never finished Red Dead Redemption 2, I had it spoiled for me early on and everytime I progress further into the game I get really sad and just end up switching to online.. One day I'll do it but for now I don't wanna be sad lmao

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Reply by O Alentejano


Lost Vikings 2
Since it's a puzzle game, and only had password saves, I wouldn't ever make too much progress.
Love the game tho, still has some of the most memorable visuals of my childhood.

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Reply by Shadow Bliss


So many but the one that I have in my sights at the moment is Bloodrayne 2. There is this one part where the mechanics of a fight were so broken I spent just as much time getting to that point as I had on that point.

Others are usually games I gave up on because I just hated what I had played of it. The only time I really went the extra mile to beat a game I didn't think much of was Wolfenstein 3D (undisputed classic but, especially if you're a fan of DOOM and other FPS games, there's just so much missing from that game).

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Reply by Death Cab for Lukie


I love this topic, I went back a few years ago and tackled my gaming demons (AKA games that I never finished) and finally beat Zelda II and Final Fantasy 8 after about 20 years.

I'd love to finish Bucky O'Hare on NES as that game has haunted me for a very long time and it's so so difficult. 

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Reply by Death Cab for Lukie


I love this topic, I went back a few years ago and tackled my gaming demons (AKA games that I never finished) and finally beat Zelda II and Final Fantasy 8 after about 20 years.

I'd love to finish Bucky O'Hare on NES as that game has haunted me for a very long time and it's so so difficult. 

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Reply by sputnik


...one big game that comes in mind is final fantasy 6... you never know where to go next in these old ff games.. i dont want to talk with everyone and look in all locations on the whole #@&*ing map just to continue the game... i simply stuck in the world of ruin forever.

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


One of my favorite accomplishments though was completing 100% Shadows of the Empire on the N64. I finished all 4 difficulties with all of the rebel symbols collected. I still have those saved files on my cartridge. It is one of the few games where I took the time to complete everything.

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Reply by GL1TT3RC0RPS3


Another game I never finished is Heart of Darkness, for the first playstation.

It always scared me, I was so little, and it was also very hard.
I tried playing it this week but it still is very hard for me, guess I'll never finish it...

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Reply by Nomad


When I still played, I never finished FFVIII or FFIX, but I liked them both

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Reply by RainbowRawrXD


I think Uncharted is actually one of them. I really want to finish it but I just can't bring myself to do it

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Reply by 🦴🍄casper/tommy🍄🦴


⚠SALLY FACE SPOLIERS ISH⚠ I've not finshed tonsss of games but the main one I can remember is Sally face I love it so much but i was too sad to finish it and all my favourite character were gone :[

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Reply by Jesse


There are several games I have never finished, but I think the big ones would be Half-Life 1 and 2.

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Reply by ZAE !!


Undertale. When I was in elementary school I was a huge Undertale nerd, around 2016 - 2017. The ironic thing is that I never actually bought the game, I'd only watch gameplays, play fanmade spin-offs, and download the demo version. Now looking back, it's kinda odd how I knew everything thing about and would talk nonstop about undertale but I never actually played the full game.

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Reply by 𝐯𝖆𝖓☥𝖆


im scared to finish undertale LMFAO i kinda effed up ;-;

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Reply by ZOMBIE


tons!!! lol not on purpose just get distracted all the time 

one day i'll finish them all tho ^-^ 

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Reply by Handsumm


I have never finished Tak 2 staff of dreams... it was such a let down to me considering how awesome power of juju was ughhh

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Reply by ⛧.TROY B.⛧


Once upon a time I got all the way to the final boss of Grandia 2. I never managed to beat it and even though I own it on Dreamcast, PS2, AND PC, I still haven't gotten around to getting back to it. 

... it's been at least 15 years.

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Reply by M


Bethesda keeps selling newer versions of it to try to get me back but I've never really finished Skyrim. I refuse to kill that last dragon... The Blades can rot in hell.

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Reply by Cosmicgirl534


Legend of zelda breath of the wild, lowkey kinda forgot i even had it lmao

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Reply by Aaliyah Anderson


Assassin’s Creed Unity. Criticisms about the game aside, I got stuck at a part of it, and I didn’t care enough to even try, so I purged my progress altogether. 

Was alright, though, I’d give it a 4/10. :)

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Reply by ShutUpGabe


That list is a mile long, more recently I've cut back on buying games and trying to finish some of the ones I have and I try to only buy if I knew I'm going to finish, I got Tales Of Arise for my birthday and just recently beat that and now I'm steadily clearing through Guardians Of The Galaxy, I usually stick to multiplayer games to avoid buying new games now lol.

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Reply by Bouchu_


Omori, there's a fight i can't win and i give up :(

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I started playing Digital Devil Saga a few months ago but I just sorta never ended up finishing it lmao. Pretty sure I'm right up at the ending bit too.

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Reply by mak :]


just about any silent hill game not only do i have a short attention span but i just prefer to sit back and anaylze those games for some reason

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Reply by unrestedjade


I haven't finished about 90% of the games I've ever played. T_T

When it comes to platforming and action games, I'm just not quick enough and end up getting stuck before long. I lose interest or get distracted before I can get to the end of longer rpgs. When I do get to the end of a game, it feels a little strange! Like it's not supposed to happen, or something.

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Reply by Patrick


I have grown into multiplayer games. throughout my childhood, i played a lot of single player games that had an end to them. But nowadays i cant seem to finish any single player game. I would enjoy the game of course, but i just couldnt ever stick to it until i completed it. May many single player games that i own on PC rest in pepperonis 

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Reply by ~Khaos~


Red Dead Redemption 2. I have had the game for a few years now and still have not completed that or undead nightmare. People have spoiled the games so much over the years, it just took my interest away. 

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Reply by Bonifacio Cordero Jr.


Let me tell you. The amount of games I've bought and never finished. Anthem, Cyberpunk 2077, Outriders, Outerworlds, half life Alyx, Mario 64, Destiny 2, Call of Duty Cold War, plus many others. The list goes on...

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Reply by Alveus Nosville


Portal 1 - when one of the cores froze in mid air towards the end of the fight with GLaDOS I couldn't figure out how to deal with it.
Half-Life: Opposing force - I swear I will finish it at some point
Mienecraft - I'm a bulider.
the Deponia series as a whole - I am dumb, but determined. Come to think of it me and Ruffus are not unlike eachother.
Wolfenstein the new colosus - Yet to start though I woned it for a while
Doom Ethernal - got tired of running it on GPU just barely too old to handle Vulcan, also had to lay off Monster Energy for a while.
WATCH_DOGS2 - I got it for the full price of 250 PLN, loved the tutorial area, had high hopes, turned out they weren't exagerrating when they said the characters are annoying, ended up only playing 2h in total. Never installed Uplay since.
Cyberpunk 2077 - When Pam took her rocket louncher back to the car with her I figured it's a good time to stop and let them fix the game first. Still better WATCH_DOGS than WD2 though and that's all I needed.
Tekken7 - The fact Heihachi cannonically survived that fight gives me the level of respect I don't think I ever had for anyone else in the series.
Borderlands - not worth it without company.
Nostale - MMO, not worth it without company, especially because every mechanic is designed to annoy the hell out of you, but man is that game pretty and is the soundtrack the best thing I heard in my entire goddamn life.
Fallout games - I tried to like them, I really did, but they just ain't my thing.
Postal 2 - no reason, just never feel like it tbh.
Quake 1 - got tired of fast shooters

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Reply by gavi


"A story about my uncle" it's a great game, the story is cool and the game is beautiful but i got so bored that i couldn't finished it lol.

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Still haven't gotten to the end of Yume Nikki/2kki.

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Reply by Monsoon /\╭(ᴼᴼ౪ᴼᴼ)╮/\


Drawn to Life The Next Chapter, which made it very weird to learn about the ending later. My childhood copy of the game always softlocked at a later level so I could never finish it 

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Reply by Spooky Steven 🦇


Plenty lol. Usually there's a gameplay reason but sometimes I just lose interest, or they get lost in the shuffle (happens a lot with Steam sales ). I've also set games down for over a year or more because I got bored with them, then forced myself to go back and at least finish the story. That happened with Red Dead 2, which I thought was incredibly dull and boring (honestly, I've felt that way about most Rockstar Games, Red Dead 1 being the exception). 

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Reply by O-ton


Oh I have PLENTY I still need to finish, but the one I want to finish the most is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (original on N64). I started it a little while ago on a whim but so far it's fun as heck. 

However... I do struggle on the 3 day system and I cooonstantly mess up on platforming segments. The game is still enjoyable though.
As much as I would like to 100% it, collecting and seeing everything the game offers would be too much of a hassle.

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Reply by bhavya


Reply by veronica


portal because my pc broke and i lost my save data

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Reply by Lilgothbbyyy


i remember as a kid trying to finish the last airbender game on the wii for literal days!!! in the end i gave up and later that year the wii was sold and now at 22 i still haven't finished it! still bothers me lol.

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Reply by angel !


NieR: Automata. That shit is crazy fuckin hard.

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Reply by RICHIE!!!


Uncharted lol

i started playing the first game then forgot about it for two months. maybe i'll play it again

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Reply by Apav


All the time! It took me like 15 years to finish the first Kingdom Hearts, and I'm still working of the rest of the series. Only went about halfway through Cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima even though I loved playing them. Fallout 3 and New Vegas I never finished... Gosh I should really get back into those lol 

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Reply by Bignate


Arkham Knight. Too many riddler trophies.

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Reply by klo


Arkham Knight, it was a second hand cd and was scratched

 it crashed at the worst moment in the last mission, the joker was running against a wall and I couldn't stop batman from jumping non stop. Even tho the scene was funny I ragequit 

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Reply by Stacie


Almost all of them...

I didn't start playing video games until I got a switch during the pandemic, like most of the world. I'd casually played some Just Dance and Guitar Hero on the Wii a few times, but that was mostly it. 

I noped out of Breath of the Wild super fast. Basically, if I get stuck, I'm screwed. 

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Reply by Star Faery


Super Ghouls and Ghosts for SNES. After finishing the first brutal run through of the game, you have to do it again! It’s impossible and listed as the hardest game of all time in some places. 

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Reply by Star Faery


Super Ghouls and Ghosts for SNES. After finishing the first brutal run through of the game, you have to do it again! It’s impossible and listed as the hardest game of all time in some places. 

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Reply by Tembius


I remember this PS2 Transformers game that had the graphics of a PS3 game. It was a sort of shooter exploration game. I was like seven and very stupid and couldn't get past the first level (The objectives where quite archaic tho.)

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Reply by lev


I started Grey Garden AGES ago while on my hunt to play every rpgmaker horror game and the like under the sun and i got my hands on deepsea prisoner games. I could never run mogeko castle for some reason, so I just stuck with wadanohara and the great blue sea, which i barely finished because i lost my place. I tried to play grey garden but i lost my place AGAIN and couldn't remember what to do. LiEat has suffered much the same fate xp

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Reply by Nene


Reply by Elfie Dreame


I’ve really only ever finished a few of the games I’ve played! I’m constantly starting new games on Stardew, still starting and stopping Slime Rancher, never finished Dark Souls, never even finished any of my super Mario saves on my gameboy or DS!

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