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Opinions on these TV shows

Posted by The.Online_Mercedes


Forum: Movies, TV, Celebrities

What’s your opinion on these tv shows

1. South Park
2. American Dad
3. Impractical Jokers
4. Gravity Falls
5. Family Guy
6. The Cleveland Show
7. The Owl House
8. Amphibia
9. Ducktales from 2017

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Reply by Jessica


South Park & American Dad r hilarious. Impractical Jokers  is stupidd

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Reply by Eleven


American Dad, to be honest if Stewie and Brian didn't exist Family Guy will be cancel.  American Dad surprisingly is more interesting and well thought out than their counter part. South Park still got it through the years, but I'm tired of that they're focusing on the adults than the kids, Randy, could be funny at times he gets annoying quickly wish Mr Garrison come back to South Park. Gravity Falls, ik people are complaining about Gravity Falls ' clones ' that the new animated shows are ' trying ' to copy Gravity Falls. I disagree, how you seen the ducktales ( 2017 ) sadly its canceled give the show a chance also amphibia and owl house aren't so bad. I keep binge watching it, Disney animated series shows are improve not gonna lie. Gravity Falls needed to end cause Alex Hirsch said the show ends when dipper and mabel's summer is come to a close. Cause as I recall the show starting airing in June.  And impractical jokers  I watch it I don't have a says to it.  

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Reply by Lunchbox


1. South Park - Still funny. Favorite episodes are the ones with the Goth kids and that one when Timmy and Jimmy go to camp. 

2. American Dad - Never really got into it. 

3. Impractical Jokers - Meh. My brother is a fan. 

4. Gravity Falls - Wish it had more than two seasons. Mabel Pines is one of my favorite characters ever. I wanna be Grunkle Stan when I get old(er).

5. Family Guy - Been a fan since day one. Still enjoy it, but its losing steam. 

6. The Cleveland Show - I may have seen one episode. 

7. The Owl House - Couldn't get into it. 

8. Amphibia - Seen a few episodes. It has its moments. 

9. Ducktales from 2017 - Grew up watching the original, loved what they did with this one. Gonna be sad when it ends. Hope they do something with Darkwing Duck. 

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Reply by Ðꧧï©åtêÐ ©ø®þ§ê


1. South Park use to be great, now it doesn't make me laugh at all.
2. American Dad is obnoxious as.
5. Family Guy is something I despise with a passion.
6. The Cleveland Show is another show I despise with a passion.

I haven't seen any other ones, so I can't say anything.

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Reply by zombiemeat


1. South Park- its good but a show i would only use for background sounds
2. American Dad- better than family guy 
3. Impractical Jokers- its alright 
4. Gravity Falls- really good show, visuals, dialogue, it was all good
5. Family Guy- peters not funny stewie carries the show
6. The Cleveland Show- good but havent watched it in years
7. The Owl House- idk it
8. Amphibia- idk it 
9. Ducktales from 2017- good but didnt watch alot of it 

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Reply by ava


2. American Dad - too much like family guy kinda idk
3. Impractical Jokers - used to be funny when i was like 8.. 
4. Gravity Falls - again i liked it when i was little lol. 
5. Family Guy - i rlly like the early - ish seasons more but the new seasons are rlly good compared to other shows.
6. The Cleveland Show - i never watched tbh. 
7. The Owl House - never watched that either. 
8. Amphibia - only watched a couple episodes a long time ago. 
9. Ducktales from 2017 - idccc

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Reply by Geeby


1. South Park while I love it can admit the last season wasn't that great. But overall still love it. 

2. American Dad is so funny and it keeps getting better with time.
3. I've seen a little bit of this show and while moments can be funny I'm not a huge fan. 
4. I love Gravity Falls it ranks high up there in terms of Disney cartoons. If you like this you might like Star Vs. The Forces of Evil. 
5. It's one of those shows for me that were really funny at one point in time. But now feels almost tedious to watch as the jokes aren't as funny. They try real hard to work in certain pop culture references that don't translate well to the writing. 
6. I liked it but it's just what family guy is now. 
7. Never seen it but my boyfriend really liked it. 
8. Another one my boyfriend really liked. 
9. I seen a little bit of it and I loved the animation for it. The story as well had a good flow to it. 

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1. South Park - Pretty good but also pretty hit or miss. Jokes can be either really funny or godawful, feels like theres no inbetween.

2. American Dad - Haven't seen it in years and it hasn't left an impression on me. It's fine I guess.

3. Impractical Jokers - Again, very hit or miss. Jokes can either be really funny or boring as hell.

4. Gravity Falls - trying to put aside my nostalgia bias for this one Very unique and very good, though some episodes are a bit lacking.

5. Family Guy - Annoying, but the memes are pretty funny. Sometimes.

6. The Cleveland Show - Never seen it, but it looks annoying.

7. The Owl House - Never seen it, but it looks pretty good.

8. Amphibia - Haven't watched much of it, but its really cute from what I've seen!

9. Ducktales from 2017 - Never seen it. Seems cute though.

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Reply by Erika


South Park, Cleveland Show, American Dad, Family Guy, anything on adult swim are so hilarious, best shows of all time!

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Reply by Emily Louise


1. I used to like South Park, but as time passed, I got to where I couldn’t watch it anymore because it just seemed like they were trying too hard to stay relevant. 

2. I love American Dad! Honestly, I love it more than Family Guy.
3. Impractical Jokers is one of those shows that you can watch any time. However, I always wonder if it’s staged. How many times can you go to the same places without anyone knowing who you are and what you’re trying to do? 
4. I’ve never really seen Gravity Falls. 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. Family Guy is alright, it used to be one of my favorites but it seemed like they got to where they were running out of ideas and ruined Brian’s character. 
6. I love the Cleveland Show and wish they brought it back! 
7. Never seen The Owl House.
8. Never heard of that one. 
9. Never seen anything that dealt with Duck Tales.

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Reply by Phantom Black


1. South Park- I like it. 
2. American Dad- I've only seen a few episodes, but tbh I've seen better. 
3. Impractical Jokers- Never seen it.
4. Gravity Falls- Takes me back to middle school; I love anything Alex Hirsch is apart of. 
5. Family Guy- I prefer the older seasons. 
6. The Cleveland Show- It was alright while it lasted. 
7. The Owl House- Amazing story, but I need to watch all of it; I've only seen what my friend was watching when she had it on in her dorm. 
8. Amphibia- Tried it once, couldn't get behind it. 
9. Ducktales from 2017- Never seen it. 

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Reply by gurmpgeister


I love South Park, and American Dad. I've watched like 4 episodes of Impractical Jokers and used to watch Gravity Falls on my TV when I was younger. Family Guy is pretty good. The Cleveland Show, I haven't watched yet but it looks promising. The Owl House and Amphibia my friends have watched and told me are superb but I don't think I'd be interested in them. And I don't really care about Ducktales 2017

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Reply by Akira


1. South Park - its defo not for everyone but I can get a chuckle outta some of the episodes. it relies a bit much on current events but at least it comes out when said events are still relevant.
2. American Dad - diet family guy, weaker in every aspect. 
3. Impractical Jokers - can be funny, can be second hand cringe, ether way very entertaining to watch if nothing else is on during a Sunday evening 
4. Gravity Falls - haven't watched many of the later seasons but the early stuff was good minus the very creepy and weird love interest dipper had that was like so not needed.
5. Family Guy - older is so much better, but the modern show has its moments. modern relies too much on shock humor sometimes 
6. The Cleveland Show - was this show even real? its like a clone of a clone of a clone.
7. The Owl House - haven't seen much, very cool from what ive seen but my god is the fanbase gatekeepy.
8. Amphibia - i dont think ive heard of this one yet? no opinion 
9. Ducktales from 2017 - it tried to be serious and dark in the end like star vs but it was not a good attempt. the cartoon was too goofy to pull that off but the rest was ok

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Reply by Drywall


South Park: Some episodes are really great and funny like fishsticks or the black Friday trilogy, but some are pretty shitty.
American Dad: I haven't seen many episodes but the few I have seen are decent. Not very funny.
Impractical Jokers: I really love Impractical Jokers. It's very funny.
Gravity Falls: A masterpiece.
Family Guy: Absolute terrible garbage.
The Cleveland Show: Also absolute terrible garbage.

I haven't seen the other ones.

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Reply by Binx


yes, yes, no, yes, eh, no, maybe idk, idk, no

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Reply by zia


gravity falls>>>>

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Reply by J


i love South Park and TOH sm <33

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Reply by Sav <3


Gravity Falls is absolutely top tier.

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Reply by eric


south park: sometimes sucks

family guy: sucks
cleveland show: well its a family guy character so that sucks too
american dad: havent watched but that probably sucks

the living guitar show: best

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Reply by dakota 📎


I've never actually watched South Park but I've seen clips of it on TikTok and it seems a little bit funny but not something I would want to watch because of what I've heard about the creators and stuff. My dad used to watch American Dad and Family Guy when I was younger so I don't remember much about them but I see clips of them on YouTube sometimes and it's alright. My brother loves Impractical Jokers and I get why because it's hilarious. I used to watch Gravity Falls back when it was on air and I even remember when me and my brother would rent the DVD for the first season so we could re-watch it. I've never watched The Cleveland Show but I think it's about a character from Family Guy. The Owl House and Amphibia are literally some of my favorite shows like ever they are so good omg. I used to watch DuckTales when the first season came out then I forgot it existed until the very beginning of the third season.

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Reply by MrsMoe


1. South Park
Mehhh, it used to be pretty funny, but now it's up its own ass. Nobody's asking this show to commentate on every political issue that comes our way, but does anyway (and sometimes, very badly).
2. American Dad
Haven't seen much of it, but I think it's a better show than Family Guy. It doesn't seem to rely on cutaways as much, but I could be wrong.
3. Impractical Jokers
Uhhh, I don't really watch reality TV, so I don't know what to say about this one.
4. Gravity Falls
The GOAT. One of the best cartoons of all time, from Disney or otherwise. Making theories about this show and getting caught up in the hype is one of my fondest memories from being a teenager.
5. Family Guy
Meh. Sometimes, it's REALLY bad and sometimes it's REALLY good. I'd much rather watch out of context clips than sit through a full episode.
6. The Cleveland Show
A poor man's Family Guy, I guess idk.
7. The Owl House
I love this show! I'm not sure yet, but it's shaping up to be just as good as Gravity Falls at this point. I really dig the fantasy horror setting most of all and the writing is superb.
8. Amphibia
I'm extremely behind on this show, but I enjoy it quite a lot! I prefer The Owl House for it's setting and how it gets the plot going faster, but I've admired what I've seen. In a way, I'm kinda glad that it ended because it means I can have an easier time catching up with it.
9. Ducktales from 2017
This one's really cool too! It's a good example of a cartoon reboot that actually reinvents the original rather than shit all over it. The characters are given more depth, the art style is sketchy yet appealing, and a good sense of humor. A good time all around.

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Reply by heartbeats


i love roger from american dad 

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Reply by ★☆ VIRGIN_GERMS ☆★



3. OK
8. "
9. "

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Reply by Qoheleth


1. South Park - Used to be pretty good
2. American Dad - meh
3. Impractical Jokers - okay. I've lmao at times
4. Gravity Falls - quality content
5. Family Guy - meh
6. The Cleveland Show - idk
7. The Owl House - never seen
8. Amphibia - never seen
9. Ducktales from 2017 - pretty dang good

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Reply by Julie<3


I loved Gravity Falls but all those conspiracies and hidden things kind off gave me a weird vibe when I first heard them.

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Reply by Julie<3


I loved Gravity Falls but all those conspiracies and hidden things kind off gave me a weird vibe when I first heard them.

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Reply by Eryn (Kitsch Mama Obscura)


1.) I love it, no matter how passe making jokes about it is nowadays, let alone how problematic a lot of the older episodes are

2.) I am not a fan of Seth MacFarlane's shows. All they are are visual junk food with 0 substance to back it up

3.) If you've seen one prank show, you've pretty much seen them all: Candid Camera, Punk, Practical Jokers, they're all pretty much the same show with the same shtick. Boring!

4.) I loved Gravity Falls. It was the most brilliant show Disney Channel aired in years. It also helped one of the Homestar Runner guys wrote for the show

5.) See my answer about American Dad for reference. Family Guy is also trash

6.) Really? You want to know what my opinion is about the show that bumped King of The Hill off of Fox? Lmfao

7.) I fucking loved Owl House. It was canceled too soon #BringBackOwlHouseDisney

8.) Never heard of it. I know of Animorphs though. Is Amphibia anything like that?

9.) It was mostly Blatant Fan Service tailored to those who actually grew up in the 80s and 90s (myself included). But for what it was, it was actually pretty awesome

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Reply by ≈ MiDNiGHT WHiSPeRS ≈


1. South Park: I used to be a huge fan but now I don’t pay much attention. I can say it is still a good show.

2. American Dad: Some of the early stuff is good but it’s not my thing.

3. Impractical Jokers: I’ve seen some old episodes.

4. Gravity Falls: I’ve never seen it. 

5. Family Guy: It used to be good.

6. The Cleveland Show: It was okay.

7. The Owl House: I’ve honestly never heard of it.

8. Amphibia: I’ve never seen it.

9. Ducktales from 2017: I’ve only seen the old one. 

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Reply by $YD


South Park will probably forever be one of my FAVOURITE shows, I've kind of been slacking on the last few seasons so I def need to catch up. The crude humour will always appeal to me and despite like everyone thinking that the new shit suxx I personally like that the show has changed over time and we do get more episodes/storylines that go beyond just the main kids. I mean who wants to watch over 20 years worth of the exact same shit? I think they have a perfect mix of things changing as the story goes on but also being able to pop in at any episode and still have it be enjoyable even if you've missed some shit

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Reply by $YD


American Dad, Family Guy and The Cleveland Show all give me the exact same feeling so I'll just lump them all together here lawlzz

Personally I can't stand these showz :/

Although I will say I do think these would be much better as timeblock bumper bits rather thn full episodes because there are some pretty good segments, I just think as a full episode it's so draining aand painful to watch ://

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Reply by $YD


Impractical Jokers is def a go to show when high, never get tired of the absolute cringe they love to inflict on each other x3

Also can we all agree that Murr's hair is all sorts of WACK!!? I can't believe they did him like that LMAOO

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Reply by $YD


I remember I LOVED Gravity Falls when it came out and I think I watched the first season and loved it but I kind of lost interest especially the more Bill showed up :/

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Reply by 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓌


1. Dont really like South Park, it's just not my thing

2. Same thing with American Dad, although if it's on I will watch it, which is something I don't really do with South Park

3. Honestly I dont really have an opinion on Impractical Jokers

4. Gravity Falls was and still is one of the best disney shows, along with Toh and Amphibia

5. Family Guy's humor is ehhhh

6. Never watched The Cleveland Show, so i have no real opinion

7. The Owl House is one of my all time favorite shows. So sad s3 got shortened I'm going to bawl my eyes out when it ends.

8. I didnt watch Amphibia as much as Gravity Falls or Toh, but I still sobed watching the last episode, from what I have seen of it, it was a great show

9. Didnt watch much of Ducktales 2017, but from what I have seen it's pretty cool

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Reply by Ophelia_hates_hamlet


I love gravity falls, it was littlerally my childhood and continue to watch to this day. I've watched episodes of american dad, and family guy they are both funny at times but mostly the humor isn't for me. 

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Reply by Mac


1. South Park - really great! One of the best animated comedy shows ever created, it’s also one of my biggest influences. 
2. American Dad - haven’t seen too much of it, but I have enjoyed what I seen. 
3. Impractical Jokers - my brother and I really love this show!! 
4. Gravity Falls - the GOAT of Disney channel. Enough said. 
5. Family Guy - I really do enjoy the earlier seasons, but I think the newer ones are a little bit mid for my taste. Still, it had a profound effect on me and I still do find a lot out of it.
6. The Cleveland Show - never seen it and I intend to keep it that way. 
8. Amphibia - I do admit it has its flaws but overall is really good, and I really did enjoy season two the most.
9. Ducktales from 2017 - watched season 1, really enjoyed it, and then forgot to watch the rest I have heard it jump the shark after a while, so I think I made a choice for the better.

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Reply by zane‹𝟹


doing this very simple 

1. South Park - yes.

2. American Dad - no

3. Impractical Jokers - reminds me of my ex i cannot ever watch it

4. Gravity Falls - probably the best kids cartoon ever made. 

5. Family Guy - mid

6. The Cleveland Show - weird nostalgia

7. The Owl House - never seen but actually seems cute?

8. Amphibia - never seen

9. Ducktales from 2017 - mixed feelings

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Reply by l8n1t3


1. a true classic
2. okay i guess
3. also okay
4. never watched
5. went downhill
6. never watched
7.never watched
8. never heard of this
9. never watched

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Reply by luciana🎐☾⋆。𖦹 °✩🌊


1. South Park - its a fun show and lovedd the last season  

2. American Dad - i adoreee Roger, Francine, Jeff and Rogu and it is funny 

3. Impractical Jokers - never watch it

4. Gravity Falls - literally my childhood i lovee this show and it is very very good

5. Family Guy - i only find the twitter clips of the show funny, but i luv Louise 

6. The Cleveland Show - never watch it

7. The Owl House - i watched 1 episode and found the mc annoying

8. Amphibia - i only watched half of the first season tried to finish it but never did

9. Ducktales from 2017 - i only watched the first season and forgot about the rest 

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Reply by dakota 📎


1. i never really got into it but i always thought it seemed cool

2. no real opinion but i love the theme song

4. best show ever of all time forever

5. wasted potential. could've been really funny if it wasn't like garbage

6. family guy except not as annoying

7. loved it so much!! wish the show didn't get cut short tho :(


9. ducktales 2017 was so good i miss it so muchh

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Reply by Neo :3:3 !!


south park is REALLY funny but the latest episodes have something just off for me ://

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Reply by Will


I really like south park its so silly. I havent watched it in a while but i used to be obsessed with it. I LOVEEEEEE IMPRACTICAL JOKERSSSS one of my favourite tv shows ever i love the jokers so much theyre all so nice and funny. The show is really funny and i never get bored of it. I havent seen any of the other shows

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Reply by ★𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚★


1. South Park- its okay when its on in the background, for an okay show it has a really weird fandom around it idk

2. American Dad- none of the episodes r that memorable but i used to watch it constantly and like all the time, pretty good i like it especially when im bored

3. Impractical Jokers- i LOVE impractical jokers i love it so much i love yeah

4. Gravity Falls- no joke, one of the best cartoons ever and it really never gets old as well as the crazy lore based around the show like whatt

5. Family Guy- i watch it when im high and want to give myself absolute brainrot, i literally never know whats happening half the time but its pretty funny im ngl

6. The Cleveland Show- arguably underrated, its actually extremely funny and actually makes sense as well as the characters are just better imo

7. The Owl House- never watched it, never want to

8. Amphibia- again, never watched it

9. Ducktales from 2017- this sounds so familiar but idk if i have watched it or not

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Reply by LavenderLushLuxury ☭


1. South Park - USED TO BE GOOD, Is Trash AF NOW 
2. American Dad - I still love this show
3. Impractical Jokers - IDK I DON'T watch it Honestly 
4. Gravity Falls - No Idea What this show is about Honestly TBH 
6. The Cleveland Show - I HATED THIS SHOW SO MUCH, Cleveland should have STAYED In Family Guy all along 
7. The Owl House - NO IDEA what this is EITHER 
8. Amphibia - NO IDEA WHAT this is 
9. Ducktales from 2017 - No Idea what this is once again....!!!!!

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Reply by paraps / bunsen !


1. Haven't watched any full episodes of South Park yet, but from the clips I've seen, it seems pretty funny.

3. I personally don't watch Impractical Jokers, but my dad's a big fan of the show. I have enjoyed the little I've seen of it from when I watched with him though.

4. Gravity Falls is REALLY good. Not in my favorite cartoons mostly due to my personal tastes, but still a really great show.

5. Honestly, I know more about Family Guy from the memes than the actual episodes. To this day, I haven't seen a single full episode of it. The memes are great though.

7. Never really got into Owl House tbh. Just not really my kind of thing.

9. It's been AWHILE since I've watched it, but I remember thinking it was good.

The other ones I'm completely neutral towards. Haven't seen enough to really have an opinion on them.

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Reply by Samo


1. Was a big fan as a kid. Not as big into it rn, but I still like some of the episodes
2. Never liked it and never will
3. What's that?
4. W
5. First three or so seasons are decent and then it goes to shit
6. Guilty pleasure
7. Not for me
8. Haven't seen
9. I'm a bit of a traditionalist ig, but I prefer the original

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Reply by OLI!!! ( • ̀ω•́ )


i luv the owl house- its really funny yet still has a gud plot!! ⎛⎝ ≽ > ⩊ < ≼ ⎠⎞

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Reply by 𓆩 ᏦᎪϴ 𓆪


I LOVE gravity falls, I'm also watching American dad from the start so far it's pretty good.

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Reply by Mileena >:3


1. One of my faves :3

2. Another one of my faves, prefer it over family guy. 

3. I don't care for that show.. 

4. One of my childhood shows!!

5. It was meh, but fun, but I don't like modern family guy >_<

6. corny, didn't like it.

7. 8/10, but i don't like how Disney cancelled that show ;-;

8. It was also good like The Owl House

9. Couldn't get into it...

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Reply by KittyXD


Rewatching hous md rn and i need to see house and jesse pinkman in the same room i cant explain why

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Reply by Francesco Berrone


South park me encanta pero más las primeras temporadas!!!!

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