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My dad died when I was 2

How do I contact his spirit?? Help me friends I need his money!!!

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8 Replies

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Reply by Saoirse


I really really really advise you do not try to contact his spirit. The odds of that backfiring are astronomical. Also dont believe anyone that offers to get that info in exchange for payment :/

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Reply by bongwaterdrinker


light a candle and say his name backwards then shoot his ghost with a gun if he doesn't give u money

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Reply by ⛦Gray⛧


I don't recommend trying to do it on your own. Try going to a professional. Just be very careful.

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Reply by gage


he prolly died so he didn't have to associate with you

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Reply by Somewhere


Reply by XUHCK


bro dad fr avoided an L

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Reply by Lomito ⦻


From what I see you love your father very much. 

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Reply by dexson


я хочу сразу вас предупредить, что это очень опасно и больно. я и сама вызывала свою бабушку и не по наслышке знаю об этом.

нужно прийти на могилу отца и начать читать клятву дьяволу при заданных свечах. после сделать надрез вдоль руки (от запястья до сгиба локтя) и потушить свечу кровью, назвав свое желание трижды. об этом нельзя никому говорить. обряд проводить строго при полной луне.

в течении скорого времени (от трех дней до трех месяцев) желание исполнится :)

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