Topic: The worst part about being in a relationship?

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Reply by aiden


wish i could say, if i ever dated anyone now who knows what would happen lol, i kinda dated someone, but i was a pussy and ghosted them a day later.

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Reply by boxdyewarrior


Dependency on your partner :/

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Reply by madmaxxx


The worst part is sharing my space :/ I love being around them and all but they get so weird when I need time for myself :((( I’m introverted so that just might be my own problem 

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Reply by vynrichterso


wouldn't know, quite the loser myself

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Reply by Ei Walangaqapelyido


Not being able to know when are you gonna break up 

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Reply by Helena/Angel


When it ends up becoming long distance :(

I love my boyfriend with all my heart but we haven't really talked a lot since he moved away :C

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Reply by 4chanthug


Knowing that even if they disrespect you in any kind, youre so attached that youll almost always forgive them

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Reply by Daniel


Many people are mentioning what I would be mentioning. The one-sidedness, being so attached that you'd forgive them for any amount of disrespect when they wouldn't do the same. Overall, I'd say it's trust issues from past experiences that hinders anything greater, or just creates an uneasiness/anxiety about things.

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Reply by Xx_mx.k1llmys41f_xx


When you think so highly of them they start getting toxic, and doing not okay things.

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Reply by Amejest


Being love bombed :<

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Reply by Nereida


Boring people.

I get bored really easily. If my S/O isn't adventurous or can't entertain me, were through.

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Reply by ItsNaomi98


I would say the worst part , is we don’t know what they’re truly thinking , the soul attachment, the one sided devoted loyalty until death , the never thinking they could betray you the way they did, the feeling like you just witnessed the love of your life die as you watch except they’re alive still and in your presence. It was all an illusion, was any of it real ?

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Reply by vexxxtasy <3


the worst part is overthinking ur whole relationship cuz ur so worried theyre cheating or they dont rlly love u O_o

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Reply by Slurpwis


i HATE having 2 answer 2 someone!!!
if i wanna spend 24/hrs playing IMVU it'z my RIGHT!
stop txting me! 

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Reply by xX ari Xx


being paranoid all the time or feeling like ur not good enough for thm >,,,,< 

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Reply by jxyd~


being with someone who literally runs from any difficult or mind-engaging conversation!!! i HATEEEE IT

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Reply by Elizabeth


being with a partner who blames all there problems on u :/

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Reply by 𝕻𝖗𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊


It honestly takes up a lot of free time or time away from taking care of myself. Also that fear of potentially being cheated on as well or your partner taking interest in someone else. 

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Reply by kay kitten


to me the worst part about being in a relationship is the overthinking and the need of reassurance

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This is more of just something I wanted to get off my chest and to be honest here the worst part about being in a relationship is when it’s over and you’re trying to heal not just about what happened with them but also what you yourself did and I’m just speaking on myself for this one but looking back I was honestly an Ass hole to them the whole time during the relationship I would be passive aggressive and saying really hurtful things to them not only because I was upset at something that had previously happened but also just because they would do things that made me uncomfortable or even just annoyed even tho I won’t get into too much of what they did but it was a lot and it made me very upset half the time however that is still no excuse for what I did I still hurt them justified or not and even tho I couldn’t apologize or take back what I did I still want to try and be a better person to learn from my mistakes and do better in whatever relationship I get myself into because I’ve hurt people a lot more then I’d like to admit and some of those people I would love to just talk to again and just say sorry for everything not for forgiveness but for closure just to know that their ok I don’t want to be that asshole who just ruined their life forever I know that saying sorry won’t take back the damage I caused but I at least want them to be happy and safe because knowing I hurt someone I was supposed to care for hurts me and moving forward I want to be a better person and change clean up my act and not hurt the ones I love so that’s where I am in terms of life sorry for the long winded reply and or spelling mistakes I wrote this at 7am lol 

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Reply by --urfav_vampire--


Not many people say it, but actually having to talk to your partner. Dont get me wrong, i love it its so fun and amazing, but i have anxiety and think im annoying- OH! And when YOUR expected to pay for everything

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Reply by SuNNyDaYz


Can’t play with the boys when shes constantly texting you 

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Reply by Vitóriaaw


quando você trata a pessoa da melhor forma que pode e faz tudo por ela. 

Mas ela não faz o mesmo e não parece te tratar como prioridade dela .

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Reply by Starlitz


The fact that you give your all in a relationship and that same person says you're not enough for them. That hurts :(

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Reply by cam 🫀


when even if they text me constantly and tell me constantly how beautiful, pretty, etc, I am it's never enough. it's not their fault but I just can't trust lul

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Reply by clay <3


getting too comfortable and then the love starts to fade 

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Reply by jaedawg


when the way youre feeling or feelings you have just cant seem to be explained to them

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Reply by Nao_06


I show a lot of love to those who don't deserve it

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Reply by SaturnianPisces


Having to face your deepest insecurities and not being able to run from your shortcomings

Letting issues go unresolved because neither of you have the skills, energy, or ability to talk about things when they bother you.

Or even, when you try to address those issues, but they feel uncomfortable with the idea that relationships take work. They think that if a relationship takes work, it's not the right one. But that isn't true at all.

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Reply by ~Niya Rae~


Some people want to be in a "relationship" but when the relationship is loading they're super clingy or act like you guys are legally bound together.

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Reply by Jay


Forgetting that you’re in a r

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Reply by SugeyV28


when they get bored of you lol

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realising the other person only likes the affection u give them, not the actual person u are...

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Reply by Rory


Being treated poorly and then being blamed for it

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Reply by Gustina


My commitment issues lmao, also the grasp of marriage??? Imagine walking he and there's literally someone waiting for u like??????

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Reply by theprettier.ex


How sometimes they ignore ur calls omfg its so annoying

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Reply by mandy!


Reply by kaleidoscope


i think the worst part is having to introduce them to the other people in your life - friends, family, etc. and then also dealing with their friends/family if you don't get along with them

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Reply by Paki ★


Reply by Amelia


When one party is more giving than the other. 

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Reply by -BlxckRxse-


They say they like the crazy girls, until you act crazy :/

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Reply by s4wyerr_


Socialization is a part of every relationship... of course they want to talk to you. You two (or... three? not my place to judge.) are dating... its kind of natural.

But I often hate how overthinking can ruin a good relationship. Paranoia, constant questions... It's hard for both parties. I often find myself on the giving end. Being a hopeless romantic AND having trust issues surrounding romance is like hell on earth.

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Reply by DAMI!!𓍊✧˖


haiii! :3 i’m just gonna rant abit about things that i hate in relationships nowadays because finding genuine love now is just so fucking HARD ╥﹏╥ but yeah

1. the whole nonchalance of it all. 

i hate how speaking to someone nowadays slowly turns into a competition of who can respond later than the other because there’s this whole concept of “if he wanted to he would” and “if you respond to fast you’re being too forward” like what?? just RESPOND WTF how else is someone gonna know that you like them if you don’t even respond to their texts and let them know how you feel. it’s so silly because how does someone’s response time determine your relationship. (ngl i have fallen victim to this because as soon as my fav person stops responding as fast i do get a bit panicky but that’s when the reassurance comes in and they hopefully let me know where they’ve been so i don’t have to worry anymore, THATS how to communicate. but most people leave the reassurance part out and that’s when they start to drift and stop responding to eachother even more)

2. not being able to listen to your partner

now i’ve been wanting to talk about this for a loongggg time because this has been an issue for me for AGES. see i have autism right so navigating relationships for me is already a bit tricky. and when i spoke about my current hyperfixation to my now ex boyfriend he would just disregard me and not listen to me in the slightest he didn’t even act like he was interested like he would literally go “that’s so interesting but i don’t care” and it made me feel SO idk is neglected the right word to use? i just felt so ignored bc he just shut me down completely. and the reason why i value being listened to so much is because some people may have grown up in a home where they weren’t listened to as much so it’s kind of a sensitive spot for them and it’ll make them feel misunderstood. and all they want is for someone to just take some time out of their day to understand them and listen to their silly rants. maybe this is me projecting my parental issues onto all of you reading this (i most definitely am) but i still think it’s really important

3. the concept of lovebombing

i recently got lovebombed by yet again my now EX boyfriend (idek if we’ve broken up because he won’t answer my texts but we’re definitely done in my books) and it got me thinking about how i hate this whole idea of lovebombing and i can’t wrap my head around why someone would do this.

to summarise me and my ex’s relationship: we connected through having a very similar music taste and we understood eachother to a certain level and bonded a bit, he barely showed me affection at the start and i was kinda starved of it tbh this was before we were dating tho so i didn’t even know he “liked” me. we stopped talking for 2 months then started up again. then all of a sudden there was this burst of love and i pretty much was showered with compliments and “i love yous” and i took that shit and ran with it he literally asked me out the DAY we started talking again and i felt like it was rushed cos we only just started speaking again i got attached pretty quick and that’s when he started pulling away. and i was always running after him and  overthinking if i did something wrong, then he pulled the “it’s you not me im such a horrible boyfriend” card and pulled me back in AGAIN it was just a cycle of this over and over til i got fed up 

so i was just thinking like if you’re not interested in someone why waste their time? and why waste your OWN time investing in something your heart isn’t even fully into? it’s just so ridiculous seriously if you’re not CERTAIN you want to spend time with this person then why do it… even if you’re “not sure” just don’t do it. 

SORRY FOR THE LONG RANT LMFAOOA but yeah those r my thoughts <3

xoxo moe

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Reply by ~Siren~


How some of them may not respect your bound

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Reply by lambert


people have proboly said this but when you give someone everything you have and give the so much of you time and love. And the way their treating you is teribble but you dont relize it cause you love them so much and they take advantage of you cause you gave them everything, and they left you with nothing

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Reply by aveen


for me, it's having to give up things that MAY make my partner uncomfortable (ex. talking to a certain person, talking abt certain things). This usually isn't a problem in any real relationships because adjusting to another person's interests (even if you personally don't like them) is just apart of healthy relationships, but I feel like it's been normalized to not do this idk.

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Reply by charlie


when ur parents dont like ur s/o 

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Reply by sudisch


its getting bad when you start to suggest his/her friends because when he/she says "BLAH IS MY FRIEEEND.BE RELAX" you can understand that is not true person for yourself.

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Reply by zepar


it's always been physical intimacy for me. i learned the hard way i was aroce. i just cannot do constant hugging, being too physically close to someone, 'relationship actions' such as kissing, cuddling, etc. and dont get me started on the expectation for sex. the best i can do is hand holding, lmao

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