What is the worst part of a relationship to you?
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The worst part about being in a relationship?
268 Replies

Reply by Xx ItzMikey xX
Reply by Alyssa Nicole
I think it’s more of a me problem but I get aggravated super easy and then I feel like garbage lol
Reply by Junky Punky Patrick
They take up a lot of free time, and if it's not with the right person, it really sucks.
Reply by xdoomsayerx
Reply by Satan`s lapcat
Reply by Regular Ass Raymond
Keeping yourself grounded because your decisions effect more than just yourself.
Reply by Megz
Everything. Just don't do it. LOL
Reply by D e v i N
Oh god. It's most definitely how emotionally draining relationships can be, and how you don't truly know someone until you realize that you're the only one trying to improve yourself for that person. How much that truly drains you.
For me, it was always feeling like I was doing or saying something wrong. I always felt as if I would have to walk on eggshells because she adamantly refused to take responsibility for how she processed and projected her trauma. I was a horrible person before her, and being with her had changed who I was for the better. However, she didn't put the same energy into me as I did to her, and then I almost felt like I was being victimized, manipulated.
When I was finally done with it, she just threw all of her emotions on to me to get me to stay. She continues to do so, and I had to cut her out of my life. Never want someone to live through something like that.
Reply by DevCam
I think when the other person isn’t willing to put in the same amount of effort as you do to them. It could be a distraction problem for me but I like to put in my all and everything to that person but when they don’t reciprocate, it just makes me feel resentment and when I try to communicate that to them, they think I’m just being too needy. All I ask is for a compromise where we can meet in the middle so we can both speak each other’s language.
Reply by Inshanity666
For me, it's been feeling let down by my needs not being met. Not having the stresses and chores etc. shared. Basically trying to run my own life, another adults and a child. Too common I've seen as well.
Reply by badwolf
The relationship I was in was doing ok but the distance between us was a pain n the ass we did visit each others cities and her parents were pretty toxic deep down.
They didn't consider me a "Real Man" because I didn't have a job.
But that is Anglo-Indians for you, money money money... and you think those stereotypes are just jokes you see on Family Guy but they're real.
At the end of the day she dumped me for her fugly ass work colleague.... and that was the end of that.
It's not all bad you meet new people in life and the memories become more and more faded and it doesn't hurt as much.
Reply by Amoni Warren
Reply by Cynanne
The worse thing about being in a relationship for me is expectations.
Reply by blu🕷maggit
Reply by Miranda & Esme
Reply by Birdwallpaper
Reply by AubreyNolan97
Worst part hands down is vulnerability. IMHO For a successful relationship at some point you have to be at your most vulnerable with someone whether that’s physically, mentally, emotionally, or all three. And then when that vulnerability is taken for granted and tainted, you want to do everything you can to keep what you have or rebuild what you had all while doing your best not to build strong barriers to ensure you aren’t cutting them out or becoming too distant unyi either you decide to stay or go.
Reply by Seeker
There's less room in general, my cats take up a lot of bed and so do my plushies. I can't share all the space with them all and now another person? Need a neko girl to blend in with the other cats so it feels more normal around here.
Reply by Fabian Dee
if u dont want to socialise just with them, then y r u in a relationship with them? if they want you to just hang out with them, or their lame friends all the time, rather than ur own m8s ok that sucks ass. what about when it gets to the stage when you are expect to have joint friends? haha then they cant be honest with you and it gets all very political.
Reply by Rita
Being in a relationship with someone who is possessive, doesn't communicate and is boring. I like to have fun and live life to the fullest.
Reply by Shawn Bergmann
Reply by Chunky Monkey
Reply by Chunky Monkey
Reply by kay
the relationship slowly becoming toxic and they still expect you to treat them like you normally would even though they're draining you mentally
Reply by Jay
that sometimes it feels like me or any other person is the real one having feelings while the other is just doing this for "fun" or just using you
Reply by ✫ emmaline ✫
“iTs nOt aLL aBoUt sEx” says the man posting cinemascope ratio images of women projectile squirting into the camera on a site shared by minors but ah yes where are the real wamen
Reply by Sarah ann
Reply by Ashley
Being the only one trying and willing to compromise
Reply by zorbnog
The most difficult part of being in a relationship is when they can't understand what you've been through, or aren't willing to be understanding.
Reply by necromancer
Reply by Edgelord
How if you plan to be long-term, their family becomes yours in a sense. To a normal family it would be ok, but I swear my gf's family is the rejected script of an overly dramatic telenovela.
Reply by bluesapphire_princess (Mimi Rina 👑)
To sum up my relationship with my ex boyfriend:

Reply by Squeesqueepp
Reply by luh yaya
i think the worst part of a relationship is the end of one its no suprise that relationships are hard but when worked on you realize the love you have for your s/o what sucks is when you work on it and still dont fix it or the relationship ends. all your left with is regret and the desire of filling that void that was created due to the absence of that persons love
Reply by PrincessSade
Reply by Xx_Rayce_xX
The unfortunate fact that they ultimately end no matter how much hard work or effort seems to go into them.
Reply by Diabla Venenosa
I think for me its how attached i get to my partners. it's terrifying for me.
Reply by Ketty
Being cheated on my whole life and not feeling worthy why am I in this world if all I did was suffer and still suffering
Reply by Ketty
Being cheated on my whole life and not feeling worthy why am I in this world if all I did was suffer and still suffering
Reply by Shannon
Not being able to be with friends by yourself and not being able to be with women. Gotta love marriage right?
Reply by Jackie 🤍
feel like I show my love to much and my partner doesn't really as much as I do
Reply by Ryan
It's just my son and I. We live like bachelors and he's my best pal. I work allot and I raise him full time so it's hard for me to pursue romance because no woman is patient enough for that. However, I'd like to have a real partner to grow and to build a life with. I miss having a partner more than anything.
Reply by briii<3
how usually at least one person isn’t emotionally available while the other is super open and it feels super one sided
Reply by 🥀 Aly 🥀
Being responsible for effectively communicating your thoughts and feelings to another person. Being responsible to another person.
Reply by Lexie♡
Reply by Luna
For me that's when your partner expects your undivided attention. Don't get me wrong you can have the most caring loving partner but they still can be guilty of this. I do believe in each partner deserves their own time, no problem with that. Just don't get how when they are on their own time you respect that and leave them alone and everything's peachy.....but when you are having you time or WORKING they want your 100% undivided attention......yeah out of here with that......
Reply by slater
the worst part of a relationship for me could probably be how easily jealous i get and how possessive i can be of a significant other.
Reply by Kate
I don't think there is bad parts if you're in a good relationship. I was in a lot of bad relationships and now that I have found a good relationship, there is no bad part. We may have disagreements but nothing bad like in the other relationships.
Reply by Bri
Reply by SilvaBabyyy
when i gave more energy and effort then i received .... really made me change my perspective about anything in the future .... and the fact that my friends tell me im always better single says alot, because i agree.