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Moderation is key

Posted by Natty


Forum: News and Politics

Moderation, yeah, it is key. For the love of God, be civil! 

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9 Replies

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Reply by Åndi [Hobbit]


It really, really is key.

I wish I could snap my fingers and make the whole world comprehend and apply this.

*sigh* C'est la vie...

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Reply by RezzyReks


Yes, we should make sure to seek out the middle ground in everything.
For example, the 'genocide vs no genocide' debate.

Surely the sensible answer is to just to a little bit of genocide? Then we can finally have unity.

Nah jk, we should actually decide policies and approaches to things based on what we think makes sense, not where it puts you on some imaginary graph. Seeking to compromise just to avoid conflict just gets you dragged in whatever direction is the most forceful.

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Reply by electroslag


I'm not sure if I read this right lmao. But I definitely think once these forums pick up steam that we are gonna need literal moderators to step up! 

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Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix


Yeah, I was reading this as a call to actively moderate discourse so it doesn’t get nasty or promote conspiracy theory, as opposed to “moderate” discourse which shuts down critiques of the current societal and political order. There should be room here for discourse on ideological or policy issues, but anything which denies people to their personhood or promotes active harassment of users ought to be kept in check. I say all this not having actually read the terms of services on here lmao

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Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix


you’re welcome to talk nonsense, my dude, but once you trot out ableist, fascist, racist, or sexist shit doesn’t mean you’re going to get a pass or a peck on the cheek from papa. really sorry that you can’t listen to lynn wood rant and rave on parler anymore, btw i’ll get back to doing some nefarious cultural marxism & silencing patriots, now

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


There’s moderators on this website?.. How much do they get paid.. and how do I apply....

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Reply by PsychicFat


In the same vein, liberalism is the passive path to fascism, for those that are calling for compromise and understanding are the same people who would turn the other cheek when a demagogue with nothing but contempt in their heart calls for unity after trying to set fire to the world.

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Reply by Natty


Loving the conversation. Loving the opportunity for free, unhateful speech to be shared. Hope censoring doesn't ruin this place, too, like it has many others. 

Moderation doesn't equal weakness. It is good to have opinions, based off truth and goodness and light, free of ego, full of love. Those are good. Those are real. Having opinions and feeling strongly about them is good, for sure. If you don't feel strongly about them, why have them? But it is good to keep an open mind and being open to having your opinion changed. 

Things aren't black and white. We need to stop viewing things as such. We need to realize that two polar opposites aren't the only choices. That is moderation. 

Level-headed. Peaceful. Not too much, not too little. Balance. We exist in balance. Our planet, everything. 

With love <3

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Reply by Helios (he)
