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i want ur fav 80's - early 2000's anime rec's!! >:]

Posted by l.eisnthere


Forum: Anime Fans Group

im a real sucker for old shoujo's especially, although i've run that genre kind of dry and i need anything that has that good nostalgic quality ya feel! talk abt some of the things u liked abt the show if u want, anything rly!!

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239 Replies

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Reply by oyster


I watched Planetes (2003) recently and it's soooo goood. It's really unlike any other anime i've ever seen.

Other than that, FLCL (2000) is a must watch and filled with 90's to 00's transition aestethics. Plus, the soundtrack rocks.

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if you like shounen, yu yu hakusho has that PRIME retro art style, and tbh the characters are great and i'd die for them. also fushigi yuugi is pretty widely available and defined shoujo for a while.... i can't say it's GOOD, necessarily, but it's fun to watch.

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Reply by ion<3


I haven't watched that many but my favs are:

Perfect Blue (1997)
Horror, Dementia, Drama, Psychological
(I have to warn you that it has nudity, some r//pe scenes and violence)

Ghost Stories (2001)
I'd say it's horror but the dub has a different, comedic, script

Elfen Lied (2004)
Action, Horror, Psychological, Supernatural, Drama, Romance, Seinen
(This one has nudity and gore too)

Chobits (2002)
Sci-Fi, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Ecchi, Seinen

Hope I helped!

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Reply by PinkGh0sts


Oh one of my favorite has to be ā€œRanma 1/2ā€ 1989, Itā€™s basically this boy fell into some cursed pond and now can change into a girl when he touches cold water.Ā 

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Reply by Ash


cardcaptor sakura!!

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Reply by Abri Muccino


Perfect Blue, Sailor Moon, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Higurashi: When They Cry, Soul Eater, Ouran High School Host Club and NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind.

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Reply by Beau


I totally recommend Shamanic Princess!! It can be found on YT and CrunchyRoll!! Its a rather short series, being about like 7-8 episodes I think? But they're all about 30 mins long :] It was made in 98!

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Reply by inactive


I watched Inuyasha awhile back, the episodes drag sometimes since thereā€™s a lot of battles, but itā€™s full a lot of cute and funny moments! I do recommend it for the nostalgic feel and story. :D

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Reply by ZAE !!


Serial Experiments Lain!!Ā 

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Reply by Rickasaurus


More modern feeling would be something like Escaflowne or Fushigi Yuugi (maybe the mother of all shoujo).

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Reply by hallucinogenicHypnotist


You've prob watched before but evangelion is the GOAT of 90's anime

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Reply by Iwin Ulose


Wolf's Rain if you want to be sad :D

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Reply by Kava Plays


Ranma 1/2!!! It has a lot of action, humor, and romance all with the early 90s nostalgic feel. I really love the art style and first opening. It can get a bit raunchy at times because of one character, but I think it's a good watch. It's a classic and it really is hilarious.

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Reply by Ascher


Urusei yatsura is definitely up there for me, even just the openings by itself are a masterpiece. Very catchy! By the Same person as ranma 1/2

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Reply by Tina mae


ouran high school host club and kiki's delivery service!!!

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Reply by killuastrange


one piece started on the 90s if im correct..but yeah maybe cowboy bebop? i actually rewatched it sometme this year and it still holds up. and maybe rorounin kenshin?

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Reply by lisa Lan


Dear Brother (TV Series 1991–1992) - IMDb

i would recommend onisama e from the 90s ultra dramtic and dark, but if you would like some thing more light hearded try adshita no nadja from the early 2000s
Ashita no Nadja - Ashita no Nadja updated their profile...

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Reply by Milla


Fruits Basket (not so much of a Shoujo but the animation style is there), Sailor Moon obviously, InuYasha, Code Geass

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my personal favorite is slayers

I like it because it's entertaining, humorous, has actually pretty good world building, and does a good job of satiating my desire for an old school fantasy anime

the second season, slayers next, is fantastic as well and I would easily recommend the first 2 seasons, maybe the 3rd as well

if you like the fantasy genre and like retro anime then you might want to give slayers a shot

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Reply by KLUE



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Reply by Hunter Calley


Definitely Evangelion! The artwork is still supreme

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Reply by damnann



Wicked City is one! Itā€™s pretty fucking wild!!!! Horror mixed w vaporwave- def a vibe.Ā 

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Reply by Elizabeth


Cowboy Bebop is so good if you love action, sci-fi and anything involving cowboys.ni highly recommend watching it in dub.

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Reply by Crackhole_Shippment


Zatch Bell without a doubt. Still annoyed that the anime never finished.

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Reply by ShutUpGabe


Yu Yu Hakusho, still my all time favorite from that era and I've rewatched it many many times.

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If you like the Moomins, you might like theĀ 1986 Wizard of Oz anime! It's 52 episodes and I watched it all the time as a kid, I also have a soft spot for UnicoĀ 

People have already mentioned other stuff I was thinking of, but I haven't seen Porco Rosso or Nasicaa mentioned yet! Grave of the Fireflies is also really good but really heavyĀ 

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Reply by Bouchu


OuranĀ highschool host club, HeidiĀ 

p0ks1 portada | Host club, High school host club, Ouran high school host  clubHeidi', 'Vickie el vikingo' y otros dibujos que cumplen 40 años |  Televisión | EL PAÍS

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Reply by ā›§ phinus ā›§


Cowboy Bebop
Watching right now, didn't finish yet but it's my fav anime atm
Really mind blown and hooked on it

Neon Genesis Evangelion
I know it's basic and overrated (don't really care i watch n recommend what I want fuck u) but its just too good and the story is too nice.

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Reply by CaesarOrzell


World of Narue is great. Watching Happy Lesson right now and it's pretty good too! Kanon (2002) isn't as bad as everyone says it was, and if you want more romance, I've got His and Her Circumstances, I heard that one's pretty good.

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Reply by Kris


Here are three old Anime classics I like that are in the late 80s

Neo Tokyo (1987)

Full of surrealism (Especially the first story, Labyrinth Labyrinthos). My favorite though would have to be The Construction Cancellation OrderĀ 

Robot Carnival (1987)

Stories full of robots!Ā  That movie was way ahead of it's time.Ā  Just my opinion, it could use a bit more dialogue

Akira (1988)

A cyberpunk flick that was also way head of it's time.Ā  One of the best anime movies besides Spirited Away as I've been told.Ā  It's setting kinda reminds me of Blade Runner

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Reply by vixen


for movies i would recommend:

  • battle angelĀ 
  • akira
  • my neighbour totoroĀ 
  • ninja scroll
  • grave of the fireflies
  • angelā€™s egg
for series i would recommend:
  • maison ikkoku
  • initial d
  • rorouni kenshin
  • great teacher onizukaĀ 
  • ranma 1/2
  • fist of the north starĀ 
  • golden boy
  • slam dunk
  • dragon ballĀ 

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Reply by vixen


for movies i would recommend:

  • battle angelĀ 
  • akira
  • my neighbour totoroĀ 
  • ninja scroll
  • grave of the fireflies
  • angelā€™s egg
for series i would recommend:
  • maison ikkoku
  • initial d
  • rorouni kenshin
  • great teacher onizukaĀ 
  • ranma 1/2
  • fist of the north starĀ 
  • golden boy
  • slam dunk
  • dragon ballĀ 

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Reply by Tobal :P


Prob Perfect Blue (1997)

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Reply by Alveus Nosville


FLCL and Black Lagoon

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Reply by ā€ MelliKay ā€



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Reply by xX_fr3aki3_fr0ggi3_Xx


ik this is an old forum but shiki is a rlly good horror anime from that time period !!!! i reccommend it sm !!!!!

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Reply by KuLeiV


I'd also like to suggest Serial Experiments Lain. It's not gonna be for everyone, but hey, it ain't a cult classic for nothing. If you want an anime that will inject a retro future aesthetic right into your blood stream, this is it. Thematically, it's primarily about how advanced technology's presence in the real world blurs the line between reality and virtual reality. It's trippy at times and even more often difficult to follow on your first viewing, but that's what gets you to revisit it again and again.

Both the opening song "Duvet" by Boa and "Lain's Theme" slap, so I also recommend listening to those songs from the OST, if nothing else.

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Reply by Green: the Sin-Eaters


Rose of Versailles is 1979 so not technically 80s but utterly gorgeous. First eps are a bit boring, twiddling its thumbs to set up a really compelling and subversive shoujo tale.Ā 
Revolutionary Girl Utena is my personal favorite anime, an aesthetically marvelous, rich, complex narrative. It's really really heavy though, not just in narrative layering, symbolism allegory etc but also in its... content-warning meriting aspects. Don't worry, they're all engaged with with tact, but they are very raw. There are many CW guides all over the net.Ā 

It's more like late-aughts but Soul Eater is my fave Shonen/battle series, it's a lot of fun if you haven't engaged with it but the manga ends more satisfyingly overall

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Reply by rocks


one of my friends is constantly raving about Kite, i only watched some clips and read some reviews and it seems really good.

(also, its really graphic so watch at your own discretion)

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Reply by Rat Earth


Kite is great, and the same studio also did another OVA, Mezzo Forte. Both are technically hentai but there's versions with the H-scenes edited out if that bugs you. If you're into vintage anime sleaze with incredibly funny English voice acting, the Devilman OVAs from the 80s are great, along with the Violence Jack OVAs. Speaking of Go Nagai and shows you probably shouldn't watch in public, Re: Cutie Honey from 2004 is one of Gainax's most overlooked shows. If you really want to dig into the depths of scuzzy 80s OVAs, this list has most of the must-watch ones.

In terms of more uh, normal anime, I think Tenchi Muyo is super underrated despite it being huge back in the old toonami days. Sure, it's a harem anime, but it's got a lot of heart and genuinely really great characters (still don't suggest watching the sequel series and OVAs). Outlaw Star is another must-watch from the late 90s. Perfect Blue has been suggested a few times, but Satoshi Kon's TV series Paranoia Agent is also incredible (and pretty short). Magic Knight Rayearth is a series that gets overlooked a lot since a lot of discussion about shojo in the 90s is dominated by Sailor Moon and Utena, but if you're into Clamp's other stuff, you'd be missing out on not watching it. A (tentative) recommendation for more mech action is the various Mobile Suit Gundam series of the time (War In the Pocket, Zeta, and Turn A are personal highlights). Just make sure to watch the Universal Century stuff in order. Speaking of mechs, The Big O is basically what would happen if Bruce Wayne had a big robot, which is fitting since it's made by the teams at Sunrise who worked on Batman: The Animated Series. If you're into comedy Cromartie High School is one of the funniest comedy anime out there, with great dub delivery. I haven't rewatched it recently so ymmv, but I definitely have a nostalgic soft spot for another spoof anime, Excel Saga, too. An honorable mention is the 30-minute-long OVA Nekojiro-sou, based on some of the stories from the manga which I also highly recommend. My last recommendation, since I forgot it up until now, is Boogiepop Phantom. one of my favorite LN adaptations.

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Reply by Adahlia


I like evangelion, Dragon ball, hunter x hunter.Ā But my favorites shoujo are Kodomo no Omocha, Gakuen Alice, Marmalade Boy, Aishiteruze Baby :)

I have more that I like, but if I put them all the list would become somewhat long ><

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Reply by zacharry


Video Girl Ai (1992)

it's one of those really weird niche anime i don't
see a ton of people talk about, but it has what i consider equal parts 90s cheese and charm. it's pretty cliche and goofy by
today's standards, but it's only 6 episodes, so you won't be at too much
of a loss if you end up not liking it.

NOTE! this show does have 18+ themes and some nudity so keep that in mind if you do plan on watching it.

Video Girl Ai - Pictures - MyAnimeList.net

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Reply by šŸ”Œāœ© nepu


digi charat is a cute one ! a comfort anime of mine

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Reply by Galestorm


Ā I recommend this series from the 90s called Magic Knight Rayearth. This anime is basically a magical girl anime, an isekai, and a mecha anime all rolled into one. It was made by CLAMP, so the art style is awesome, has great fight scenes and characters, and some good plot twists you wonā€™t see coming. Its 2 seasons long, with 49 episodes total, itā€™s one of my absolute favorites (I also recommend the manga too, itā€™s even more stunning visually and itā€™s only 6 volumes long so itā€™s a quick read)

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Reply by Mysterious P4R4D0X


Neon Genesis Evangelion. Its basically a psychological horror disguised as a mech anime.Ā 

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Reply by ghostie / apollo


Serial experiments lain and Ouran highschool host club for sure !

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Reply by maniā˜†


super gals is really good and super underrated!!

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Reply by maniā˜†


super gals is really good and super underrated!!

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Reply by Ghost


Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040

Saber marionette j
Wicked city (not my fav cause its kind of cheesy but the scenes are awesome and gruesome)
Perfect blue and anything from satoshi konĀ 

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Reply by 6


LUCKY STARRRR one of my all time favs!!!!!! here's the link to its wiki page

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