Topic: Weirdest dream you've ever had?

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Reply by Nervo the Clown


I've been havin' a few weird dreams where i can see a few glimpses of the future for some odd reason. I think it's called Deja Reve or "Already Dreamt". I've been havin' these types of dreams for when i was at least fifteen. It's a pretty strange and weird feeling.

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Reply by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX


I had a weird dream just last night. In the dream, I was in charge of solving a murder that happened inside of this giant white house that was in the middle of a corn field. The house and the surrounding corn field were giving me very weird vibes. It almost felt as though there was some sort of evil entity haunting the area. At one point in the dream, I was standing in the middle of the corn field and began to feel as though I was being pulled into the ground. There was another point in the dream where I had visions of the murder that happened through the murderer's eyes. Very unsettling.

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Reply by That one guy you know


Personally my weirdest dream was of this red lady, if you know the video by jesse vii or whoever her name is you'll know who I'm talking about. Anyways it started out with me and three friends doing some silly stuff on an ipad when suddenly she appeared. When she appeared we were like "huh whar exqueeze me?" then we started seeing the image in random places, and then eventually it became the sky, it became everything, all I saw was her, my friends were dead and I was the only one left. I didn't go back to sleep that night. :D

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Reply by Lemonspiderzz


I have a lot of weird dreams xd

But one of them was like, I was in a giant field kinda place but it was super bright, almost like u just couldn't open ur eyes type of bright, and there were just rows and rows of small empty homes(?) Or rooms? Not big enough for a house but too small for a room so idk. But it was like all there was, just a giant field of empty small white houses/rooms, with blinding light, no grass, no clouds, nobody else. 

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Reply by kalista


(nsfw but funny)

In my dream, I was taking sex ed but for cars. Specifically the cars from the Pixar Cars movie. The classroom was normal with a blackboard and I was still a human. There was also a part where I crashed over a really long dinner table and supposedly I was a car, but I still looked like a human?? The best part was at the end where I was finally a real car having sex. Nothing about it even resembled sex, it was just a lot of figure eights. I had that dream like two years ago lmao

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Reply by ch10rln3


I had this dream when I was around 5 yrs old. Never forgot. So basically, me and my family was at this outdoor Mexican restaurant, and we went during a thunderstorm for some reason (dream logic, lol). There was a pond nearby, so my mom walked over to it, and started dancing around the pond like a moron. Then, she was struck by thunder, and this caused her to get decapitated. My dad saw this, and in a fit of anger I guess, he walked up to a nearby table and took a fork from it, and threw it on the ground. Then I woke up, terrified of headless people. Thankfully, this fear was very short lived. Crazy, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Reply by ✩A1d3n✩


I had such a disturbing dream, I was at a massive Highschool and there was a boy I know irl (he hates me and I hate him but we both pretend like we don't hate each other) and his friend group.

I was just walking next to a cliff and suddenly he walked up to me and poured gasoline over my head and pulled out a lighter, I realized what he was about to do and jumped off the cliff next to me and survived. it was so weird and off-putting but I often have dreams like this. 

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Reply by alex :P


the strangest dream ive ever had was where i was drowning. i tried to swim to the surface but before I could I woke up. it felt like I had been suffocating and to this day i don't know why i had it.

i also lose at least one of my teeth in every dream i have so that's kinda funny lol

omg i just remembered i once had a dream where i was at this school and i had been picked up by my sister, and we were driving to this theme park. on the way to the theme park, there were pictures of the different uncanny valley mr incredible with the text "lethal" and "qanon" in 2009 meme font. when we got to the theme park we were by a ride and someone got flung out of the ride and got cut in half sideways. i was so freaked out when i woke up i cried

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Reply by Юрий Уют


I did a lobotomy at the animal burial ground

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Reply by Kornystarrr


I am a thanatopraxist, that is, I see many lifeless bodies, I constantly have dreams in which they talk to me and ask me for things, this has been causing me insomnia and I need some strong medication to sleep. but I love my work because few want to take care of humans after death :(

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Reply by Kafka.lover


La verdad yo tengo sueños demasiado extraños desde que tengo memoria, asta el punto de causarme insomnio, desde los que mas me pasan que son en los que me matan, torturan de formas demaciado realistas asta sueños lucidos donde creo hzver invocado algún demonio...

La que voy a contar es una leve que me paso algunos meses y es el que no me deja dormir por que me a hecho pensar que lo paso no feu solo un sueño.

Esto me paso cuando fui a la casa de una amiga de mi madre, fuimos, platicamos y todo estuvo bien pero yo estaba demasiado cansada, no había dormido bien en algunos días por lo mismo de mis pesadillas, entonces la amiga de mi mamá como tenemos mucha confianza me dijo que yo podría dormir en el cuarto de su hijo, que no estaba, ella ya sabía de mis sueños y como su hijo es chaman me aseguro el cuarto de su hijo tenia poteciones y que yo pobria dormir a salvo, le creí, fui a dormir y pues aunque estaba nerviosa me dormí, entonces me desperté en la habitación me pare pero en el piso enfrente de la cama ha7algo escrito "Tu ya haz estdao aquí." Escrito con macarones (ni ideade por que con macarrones.) Esto de por sí en los sueños sería raro por que se supone que en los sueños no puedes leer, hay esta eso escrito perfectamente.

Luego de leer eso me di cuenta inmediatamente que era un sueño, tengo mucha experiencia con los sueños lucido sabia despertar, entonces de repente estaba sobre la cama de nuevo en el cuarto pero yo no podía moverme, estada como paralizada, creo que tenia paralisis del sueño, quizás tranquilizar me pero entonces sentía como si una mano enpesara a recorrer mi cuerpo, mis ojos estaban abiertos pero no podía ver la mano solo sentirla, era una sensación horrible, en mi mente solo podía maldecir al espectro o fantasma, despues de una rato sentía un fuerte dolor en el pecho, como si me diera un infarto y entonces pude moverme, salí corriendo del cuarto y según mi madre salí con la blanca y asta la precion se me bajo. 

Espero y me crean y no me tachen de loca como me pasado antes.

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Reply by yuppiwn


una vez soñé que mi ama estaba cargando a un bebe, y yo no sabia quien era o de quien era igual dije de broma -jajjajaja creo que ya tengo un hermano, total que desperté escuche a mi familia  hablar de que alguien iba a tener un bebe y yo quede tipo wtf yo acabo de tener un sueño de un bebe pero no le tome importancia, después pasan los meses y ya había nacido la bebe ya estaba mas grande y mi mama cargo a mi prima se los juro que vi lo mismo que en mi sueño fue como un deja vu ay no se se sintió bien fea la sensación y eso adiós. :D

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Reply by Strawberryy :3


tia alrededor de 7 años, una noche, yo me fui a dormir y pasaba esto.

todo estaba en un color amarillento desgastado, como una foto antigua, yo estaba en la vieja casa de mi tatarabuela, con su vestido blanco de flores, sentada en su mecedora, mi cara era...muy rara, tenia los ojos sin brillo, vacíos, y mi cara no tenia nisiquiera una expresión de seriedad, era muy raro, el pensarlo me eriza la piel, me levante de la mecedora y me dirigí con esa misma expresión a un puesto de perritos calientes que estaba parado frente a la casa de mi tatarabuela, mire al hombre frente a mi, no se si habréis escuchado hablar de el famoso hombre que aparece en tus sueños, el "¿has visto a este hombre en tus sueños?" pues, era el, me agarro del brazo y me susurro algo, el sonrió, y en el vestido de mi abuela apareció una mancha roja en el costado.

Me desperté asustada por el sueño, sentí que era algo muy malo, a la noche siguiente me volvi a dormir, y soñé lo mismo, y al día siguiente, hasta hacer una semana entera soñando esto, el octavo día, mi tatarabuela falleció.

hasta el dia de hoy le sigo teniendo miedo a esto, y sigo sin saber el motivo, siento que fue algun tipo de advertencia...

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well, it was more than two years ago, but since that dream this type of dream has been very common for me.

i had just fallen asleep and i dreamt i was cleaning my room. i don't know why but i started to feel a strange fear, as if something was bothering me. I knew I was dreaming but I started to get really scared so in the dream I sat up in my bed and said to myself "ok, I'd better wake up and then go back to sleep and dream something else" yeah... I don't know what my logic was.

i tried to wake up but i couldn't, i was still in the dream but i could feel my real body trying to move. i could feel how i was trying to open my eyes and move my arms but i couldn't. in my dream i was still sitting on my bed not understanding why i didn't wake up and couldn't move. a few seconds went by and i finally woke up, when i tried to go back to sleep the same thing happened again a couple of times until i dreamt something different.

i dunno why but this happened a few times more in this years, i like it tho :b, is curious. do you guys lnow what this dreams means??

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Reply by Vishnyaa🍒


Im used to have weird dreams, but this one was the weirdest. I once had a very vivid dream, where I was a little boy with red hair, and an old man (maybe 50-40 years old) kidnapped me and took me to an abandoned house, it looked like the backrooms (with those yellow walls and etc). At the end of the dream I managed to escape from that house, but the man chased me, he ended up killing me with a crowbar, I still don't know what that was, I just know that it was extremely creepy (´。_。`)

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Reply by Z0mb33Gia


Once I had a dream I was in a ritual 

I was surrounded by dark mist and blue fire and all I could hear was a type of singing before getting bashed in the head ( I COULD FEEL IT) and then waking up

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Reply by vix


i wouldn't really say it's what happens in it that's weird, but it's the fact that i have it so often. i usually start off in this giant theater where a play is happening, but it's always at the end, and then i'll go to walk out, and for some reason i go out some backdoor, and it's this beautiful forest with pillars and a gazebo in the middle next to a creek as soon as i walk out. nearby, out of the forest, on the left, there's an apartment block, but there's never anyone there. like, there's cars out front but never anyone outside, and the buildings look to be empty. once i went in and it looked to be falling apart due to age. i can only remember once where i was getting chased by something, but i woke up before i could find out what it was

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Reply by Annoying<3neko


This might be kinda long lmao

ive always told this story because it's so weird, in elementary school i dreamt in a sort of cartoony style like my own episode. It had Archie or old scooby-doo like artstyle and i just remember being uncomfortable the entire time. even with nothing happening i was just so anxious.

Later in the dream i cant remember what lead to it but there was a cartoon deer inside a trashcan, wearing it like those "naked barrels" you see in cartoons. And he was laying on the ground screaming his head off saying "I can't find my legs, i can't find my legs! I can't find my legs!" and he was shaking and crying and i recall the most gut wrenching feeling just watching him. 

Have no clue what it was about, if it was a weird memory or just something my wild mind makes up. But it still creeps me out to this day.

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Reply by Issy


Una vez soñé que tenía tres amigas de mi edad y que eran brujas, íbamos a mi casa todas las tardes a hablar de eso y estábamos en mi habitación a oscuras. En el sueño una de ellas nos dice que deberíamos intentar hacer el ritual del kiosco, no se exactamente de qué trataba pero por lo que ella dijo deberíamos ponernos en círculo sentadas en el suelo, levantar nuestros brazos y juntarlos en el aire en forma de cono y una de nosotras iba a estar en el centro del círculo, pero nunca hicimos el ritual porque yo sentí miedo y las eché de mi casa.

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Reply by ididntgotocollege


bruh i had a dream i was on a cruise ship but every wall was an entrance to a different part of the ship. and the ship was cool and everything but it was like a maze. and it was my ex-bestie that was my roomie on this ship, and they were crawling through the entire ship and i was just following them. it was horrendously boring otherwise, but i'm annoyed my ex-friend was in my dream. hope this helps! 

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Reply by 𝓗𝓪𝓲𝔀𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓼


okay, I'll start to say that if it sounds incoherent, it's because of the translator haha, well I'll start

When I was 5 years old I dreamed that I was in my living room next to a rooster with a pipe and a detective hat, he was telling me "advice" that I didn't follow so he grabbed my hand and bit it with all his strength and my mom (in my dreams) when she saw all that she grabbed vanilla yogurt and threw it all over my hair, then I woke up, I think so.

Another strange dream I had was that I was in a pizzeria made of inflatables at 4am, the lights went out and the "entities" that were around were looking for people to kill, it was like a survive and escape, I passed the obstacles and I fell Once, I see that they give me a hand, I look up and it's a girl with a blurry face, we become best friends and we try to get out of there, at the last obstacle, I stumbled, I was going to get up and continue but she before I could I didn't even get up, she grabbed a knife and stabbed me several times in the neck with anger and strength, then I woke up crying.

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Reply by aleri


yo estaba en una cena normal con amigos en una habitación cerrada de madera y con una puerta y sin ventanas, después de un rato tocaron la puerta, todos ignoraron eso, volvieron a tocar con más fuerza y ​​de repente la puerta se abrió y entró un payaso muy alto todos lo miramos y se comió a uno alargando su cuello (era como un juguete de esos que se estira en espiral) y no recuerdo mucho de ahí pero nosotros corrimos, después apareció otro payaso igual y después no se como pero se rompido una pared y ya no me acuerdo mas pero de repente todos teníamos vestidos de princesa :D

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Reply by MasterJoseph


One time I dreamt that Dog Man was the mascot of a clothing store at my school.

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Reply by L1LL14N_


weird but also funny. dont rememer much but like my frend stol my honey bun and i started screeming and choking them xD

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Reply by laysla !!


When I was little I had this recurring dream every couple of months. basically it would start very normal with like playing with my brother outside and things like that and then I would go out wandering outside and somehow a random little rat would start running in front of me. for some reason I couldn't help running after the rat even tho it gave me a really bad feeling like a pit in my stomach so in chasing the rat I would always end up in a huge sewer and at a random point the rat started egging me on saying I was going to lose and it was better and it would get me the next time I opened my eyes. eventually after a long time of running and sometimes coming across other animals I would reach the end of the sewer and sometimes I would win and get a cartoon type crown and sometimes I would lose and all I would see before I woke up was the rats face rounding out and staring into my eyes creepily.

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Reply by koko


I had a really weird dream, weird is kind of an understatement. At first, I was in the bathroom. It was a bathroom I had never seen before in real life, it had randomly misplaced walls just in the middle of the bathroom. I remember the smell being so nasty and revolting. The walls were smeared with feces and mold, and some kind of light greenish slime and weird-looking stains and symbols. In the dream, I was wandering through the bathroom and hiding from a principal. Or at least that's what I remember, this was a long time ago. I was hiding from the principal, it wasn't a school bathroom though, it seemed like a regular bathroom that had been dumped with sewer water and random walls here and there, graffitied on. I remember my throat feeling tight and my head being heavy, I was walking slowly through the bathroom until I reached a tunnel of sorts, I assumed it was a bathroom stall because of the several tunnels side by side. I had this dream when I had a fever, I've had a lot of weird inexplainable dreams when I was sick. Then when I reached the other side of the tunnel, there was this maze, but the maze was made of some bumpy, almost squishy bark. Like bark from a tree. I had to duck as I went through the bark maze because the bark walls were short. I remember running really fast, but my head still felt slow and dizzy at the same time. And then when I reached the end of the bark maze, there was a shiny, white, veiled woman waiting for me. She was standing underneath a white, silky rainbow, that looked like white cloth just high up above her. She didn't look real, she looked almost ai-generated. She looked like someone had typed in 'veiled white lady' into one of those AI drawing prompt things. She was kind of misshapen, distorted almost in some ways, her dress was morphed to her skin in some places. She had a little troll-looking thing by her feet as well, it was short and made of bark, it was bumpy and was rubbing its hands fervently. I don't remember her face either. She smiled at me and said, "So good. Do it again?". As soon as she said that, I was transported right back to the beginning of the maze and had to run so fast again and do the whole process another time, except this time there was a large tsunami of black foggy substance instead of the sky, threatening to fall over me. I had to run until I reached the lady again, my mind felt slow but I was running fast, I had to get there before the sky thing collapsed on me. And then over and over again, until I woke up.  

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Reply by realinternetuser


I've had a lot of weird dreams, but in one recently:

I was in a dark cabin in the woods, it was raining. 

The stone floors were wet, I was cold.

I looked through the window outside and saw a figure approaching.

It was a deer walking on two legs and approaching the window.

It began to bang its antlers on the glass, wanting inside.

And then I woke up :)

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Reply by anddy :3


Fue extraño ..,no parecia como tal un sueño no me podia mover.. era como si estuviera paralitica .

solo podia ver muchas casas iguales con un fondo azul y un cesped verde..

atraves d las ventanas d aquellas casas con un aspecto terrorifico se podian ver  personas pero...

no tenian rostro.

intente moverme pero era imposible ..

y eso es lo unico q recuedo ...

¿q sueño mas raro no?

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Reply by licawz


this happened last year, i dreamed that i beat up a random person on the street and then ran home (during the dream i thought several timees "why did i do thatt!???)

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Reply by EllanMko19


Esto sucedió hace poco debo decir:

Yo estoy acostumbrado a ir a la universidad, tanto que incluso ya conozco muy bien a las personas con las que  se interactúa, las clases que suelo llevar, las horas y así.

El detalle es que hace muy poco como unos 3 días atras, soñe que estaba recibiendo clases en la universidad como es de costumbre, pero el detalle que toda mi realidad era un swapverse, me refiero a que todo lo que conocía era un rol invertido de lo que estoy acostumbrado a presenciar, las clases eran diferentes, mis amigos y compañeros eran diferentes, sus personalidades o características, incluso sus estilos de vestir eran totalmente opuestos a lo que son originalmente, incluso yo en ese momento me miraba diferente y actuaba diferente, las clases eran en la noche?, Entonces en el sueño eran de Día, pero la sensación de vivir ese sueño para mi se sintió tan natural y agradable que incluso desearía poder una realidad así, es muy raro de explicar sin duda jajaja, pero eso me ah dejado con muchas dudas.

Alguien ah tenido una experiencia similar? 

Debo admitir que me gustaría investigar ese tema a detalle.

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Reply by dominiti


the most recent dream I had was strange. I lived in an unknown house with three people who I still don't know who they are, a woman and two men.

I remember that I never left my room, it was dark and cramped, but I was always on my laptop talking to someone called echo, unfortunately I don't remember what we talked about but I believe we were very good friends.

it was night and this woman who lived with me came to my room saying that some people were trying to enter the house and we needed to leave, when I left my room, I saw the entrance door trying to be blocked by these two men, but the The person trying to enter was very tall and I could see her face. It looked like a man, he was wearing a type of mask that covered his mouth, I remember his nose was big and I could see him smiling through his eyes, he was fully dressed, I'm not sure but he looked like he was wearing a nun's outfit, I passed by him and he stared at me until the end.

After that, I remember coming home and it was all broken and there was blood everywhere, the two men who lived with me tried to stop that person, but I don't think he was alone, everyone was sitting in the living room, the woman looked worried and these two men were very angry and hurt, they were still bleeding and I didn't know what to do.

That was it, my dreams never have a meaning, but I think about them a lot :D

(sorry for the broken english, I wrote it with the translator) 

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Reply by xX_vmpiric_Xx


I keep dreaming about the same vampire guy and its starting to get real surreal. Like i feel like i've always known him?? i assume its a past life thing..

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Reply by idkwhattomake_myname


It was of me being in a mental hospital but every time I tried to leave I would melt in a way sorta like clay. but for some reason the inside of the hospital looked like my local court house. Zooble (from the and amazing digital circus) and the corpse from the Roblox game Short Creepy Stores were also patience

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Reply by imelysiaa


Okay so the weirdest dream i had it was me being married to some man his face was blurred out but i remember there was like gold and white and he had on like a Indian wedding outfit and the ceiling had a gold chandelier and there was like gold tassels coming down from the door we walked through it looked super fancy so like i started to get this feeling like i need to go like this is wrong so i started running and i had a feeling like i was being chased

the dream changes to me crossing a bridge and theres someone with me and as were crossing the handrails turn into snakes and at this point im just screaming and when we finally got to the other side i notice that im pregnant 

And then i woke up :|

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Reply by sof


I dreamed I was walking by a school at night and a shadow man started chasing me, I ran as fast as I could but he was faster than me ended up getting me. It could've stayed like that but a week after I had that dream I walked passed the same school that I dreamed of, I didn't know it really existed nor saw it before. Really creeped me out


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Reply by RombredKayn


I had a dream awhile back, I'd like to say around a year ago that I still vividly remember, I had been in my bed, noticing some thing out from the window besides me, I take a look and it's, like, 3 different figures floating above the house infront of me, I then get up and try to walk towards the living room to get a closer look, getting a glimpse of something flying past in the air from the window beside me.

The dream was overall pretty weird, I'd like to do a talking video thing on it someday, possibly when I get enough courage to start a channel. 

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Reply by Kathrine


Hello ✨

My name is Kathrine and I’ve recently posted a new official forum for people to journal ANY dreams they’ve had wether it’s good, bad , vivid or otherwise. 

the spacehey dream journal archive

link down below 👇

but since this is a well trafficked forum I thought I’d post a dream I had here that might catch ur eye

The figure in tar 

It started in a summer meadow 

Bright green grass 

Calm breeze 

different types of flowers spreading over the meadow 

The sky was so clear I guess it’s what you would call a perfect summer day. 

Now usually I can either be an observer in my own dreams or I’m playing a role in the dream. 

Im not sure if that makes sense but I can’t explain it any other way 🤷🏻‍♀️

This dream.. I was playing a role 

I was in a beautiful white summer dress 

Running through the meadow in complete innocent bliss.  

While exploring the meadow I felt as if there was another person there with me. Observing me. 

I could feel eyes on me. 

I stopped and looked around to take in my scenery. 

It was so beautiful 

As I was looking around I saw in the corner of my eye a black figure, I turned to identify what I saw. 

It was a human figure covered in black tar. The tar from its body was dripping. But instead of dripping downward It dripped up to the sky .. it was as if the tar itself was defying gravity  

Baffled by this human like figure covered in tar I stood frozen observing it 

The longer I looked at this figure the more I realised the world around me seemed fake 

It wasn’t how it felt in the beginning… the world around me had changed  it became lifeless grey and dull 

The only thing that felt real was the figure standing in front of me.. It felt so familiar like I’ve known it before. 

As we stood opposite each other face to face 

I come to the realisation it’s my opposite. 

It’s a version of me 

My mirror self. 

As soon as I realise this my dream ends. 

I still think about it clear in my head 

The person covered in tar

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Reply by disc_rot


a dream i've remembered for years:

i was walking into this warehouse, everything was sorta monotone blacks and whites, weird cuz i don't usually dream in b/w, ik some people do. I walked in and there was a huge circle of a guys sitting down criss-cross. I sat down next to this kid who went to my high-school, but he looked all greasy and his face was like rotting. Right before i woke up, the last thing i saw was a syringe going into my neck. the syringe was the only thing that was in color, it was bright, glowing, green.

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Reply by popis


i usually get suppppper weird dreams that have connections between them and they are pretty weird usually. but here is a recent one!
i remember seeing myself as a guardian at my grandfathers house. the village my grandfather's house thats in is like supeer far away from the city, so its pretty boring and stuff there. at night you can litterally hear foxes or wolves just making sounds since its prettty close to the woods and stuff, but the village has a not so bad population whatsoever. so i was guarding the house under like a tiny cabin that is exposed in the front and i remember holding a tiny like candle holder thingy, and it was spookey kinda but i could see pretty much anything near me, then a car pulled up and 2 man with those lab costumes that cover ur full body had got out of the car, they said nothing and just started to walk to the door and i was trying to stop them since like what are you doing my grandfathers house?... anyways they said nothing and pushed me aside then i shouted and the candle in my hand turned into a flashlight and i pointed the flashlight to the backyard. and my grandpa's house has a pitch dark backyard like girl u cant see s*it there! so anyways, i pointed the flashlight to the backyard and a 6ft weird ss creature was there, with like bloody skin and muscles exposed, looking at me... and i just woke up immediately and litterally couldnt move and was stuck looking into the ceiling for like a solid 2 minutes..

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Reply by Tolue


I got sexually harassed a few times

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Reply by Tilly


i had a dream my skin was rubbed off by fish :(

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Reply by maddy


i ALWAYS have weird dreams my weirdest one recently was, i was in my grandmas house before it burned and was sold, and there was this monkey i ont know what type it was right now, but it was chasing me with a knife, then this older guys like mids 40s, showed up and said it was his son the monkey ran and jumped on the roof then jumped down on top of the older man then animal services said this monkey was innocent and sweet then right after the lady said that the monkey walked up to me and and scratched my arm making me bleed, it was a pretty big monkey maybe it was an orangatang? 

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Reply by maddy


i also once had a ream where i was flying with david bowie like literally flying but not in a plane then we stole a car and drove into the sunset, this was like 4 years ago now i also had a dream  of david bowie being and octopus? it was weird and like a year after the flying one

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Reply by Plague upon ye


I have Semi-Lucid dreams, I cannot change the course of the dream, but i can act accordingly to the situation at hand and i am fully aware i am in a dream.

At the time of this reply, it will be a little over a week since i had this dream. 

(TW: Hospitals, possible medical mistreatment and general weird dream happenings)
(I've never tagged anything like this, please take note that this is a dream after all and be careful!)

My dream self has been involved in some sort of accident, resulting in a light injury. I woke up on a hospital bed, all surroundings were bright, white and very futuristic seeming. Not much was thought of it and i went to sleep, waking up in real life. I am not a morning person, and so i rolled on my side and went back to sleep, returning to my dream. I woke up in the hospital again, this time hearing voices in the hallway, discussing my condition. Again, i fell asleep in dream and woke up in real life. Still, i felt tired and so i closed my eyes once more, waking up back in my dream. I was surrounded by doctors staring straight at me, talking about how it's weird i keep slipping under and that something must be done about it. That was when i decided enough was enough, my dream self forced itself to fall asleep again, waking me up. 

After that i got out of the bed and carried on with my day like nothing happened. I've never returned to that dream, not that i would ever want to go back. But yeah, one of the weirdest dreams i ever had.

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Reply by Plague upon ye


I have Semi-Lucid dreams, I cannot change the course of the dream, but i can act accordingly to the situation at hand and i am fully aware i am in a dream.

At the time of this reply, it will be a little over a week since i had this dream. 

(TW: Hospitals, possible medical mistreatment and general weird dream happenings)
(I've never tagged anything like this, please take note that this is a dream after all and be careful!)

My dream self has been involved in some sort of accident, resulting in a light injury. I woke up on a hospital bed, all surroundings were bright, white and very futuristic seeming. Not much was thought of it and i went to sleep, waking up in real life. I am not a morning person, and so i rolled on my side and went back to sleep, returning to my dream. I woke up in the hospital again, this time hearing voices in the hallway, discussing my condition. Again, i fell asleep in dream and woke up in real life. Still, i felt tired and so i closed my eyes once more, waking up back in my dream. I was surrounded by doctors staring straight at me, talking about how it's weird i keep slipping under and that something must be done about it. That was when i decided enough was enough, my dream self forced itself to fall asleep again, waking me up. 

After that i got out of the bed and carried on with my day like nothing happened. I've never returned to that dream, not that i would ever want to go back. But yeah, one of the weirdest dreams i ever had.

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Reply by LambOfGod


Sueño constantemente con "apocalipsis" o enfermedades que atacan al mundo y acaban con la humanidad, el caso es que siempre soy el último que queda con vida y veo como mis compañeros mueren, a veces de forma cruda y las transiciones de un momento al otro. Lo siguiente en mis sueños son... retorcidos.

siempre es agradable recordarlo, pero en el momento es aterrador

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Reply by Lotte <3


I had a dream where I was choking (for no apparent reason) and a guy sat across from me in a completely white room with white tables and chairs, just casually asking me questions like "what is your favourite color/food" ect. I ended up dying in that dream.

The next day I went to school and we had this like special lesson thingy on drugs (if I remember correctly) and the guy FROM MY DREAM is the guy that came in to teach us.

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Reply by ♫☆-xE_ElliNight_Ex-☆♫



For me personally, these were very strange dreams, as they recurred several times.

I'm driving a regular car (that's considering I'm not even sixteen now). No one even stopped me on the way, although I passed by several policemen. Then I came to a village, but it was like it was abandoned. Then I find some kind of downhill slope in the ground near one of the houses. Going down there, I was caught by some creatures that looked like the knitted creatures from the game Unravel. They lead me to some kind of tombstone, and then a huge flock of white pigeons burst into the room and pounce on the creatures that grabbed me. The String Monsters were frightened by this and ran away. Then a flock of pigeons surrounded me and began to fly around me. After a while, I also become white pigeon and we all fly away together. 

I know this may be something typical, but for me it was strange and even frightening. Well, at that time I was ~10-11 years old.

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Reply by Anneliese Wington


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