Topic: Weirdest dream you've ever had?

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Reply by Mossy_Jester


I frequently have dreams where I have my sense of touch which can be cool BUT I frequently experience pain in my dreams. I have felt the sensations of being stabbed, bitten, shot, coughing up blood, beheaded, dying multiple times, etc. As well as mild sensations like the feeling of rough motel carpet, the coldness of snow, slime on the inside of a well, etc.

It's interesting but not always fun

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Reply by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Metalhead_11


so I'm "old" and this dream happened at least 15 years ago, maybe more. 

I was in a weird mall, I couldn't shake a cringy feeling that I wasn't supposed to be there and it was embarrassing. My mom was with me, and we sat next to a fountain with yellow tiles and listen, it's a dream, but it's still super weird.... she told me I needed to learn how to eh........ "feed babies". I'm 34 and don't have any children. lol.The dream abruptly ended, so I couldn't find anything else out about where I was or what I was doing there. Very absurd.

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Reply by Gwamomi (。・ω・。)


I remember 2 dreams that are rlly weird

1. (my most recent dream) so I can't remember most of this dream but what I do remember is that all of my 8 dogs were at the bottom of the pool and they were sideways. My parents were there so I screamed "Are you guys going to do something!?" and my mom said "oh don't worry! they will float to the top" and seconds later all of my dogs just start floating to the top and get back on dry land and the dogs still ended up alive

2. It starts off with flying cows in space and there is a planet with a cow head and the cows were circling around the plant. then it cuts to a flood happening and the tiger from Kung Fu panda and the squirrel from ice age were fighting over 100 huge acorn trees that turned into a huge acorn. then it cuts to me in my elementary cafeteria and a 7 year old asks me "hey do you want to be my friend?" then I just said "nah no thanks." then the girl looks for someone else to play with, then after I was "done" eating my pizza (I didn't eat the crust) and I went over to get another pizza and the 7 year old and someone else were playing tag around the table where there was pizza at. then the 7 year old said "Uhm actually don't be greedy! You didn't even finish your pizza!" so I go to finish my pizza then after I actually finish I go back to get another slice. but all of those 20 boxes of pizza were all empty, and the 7 year old ate it all. then the 7 year old just summons a flood then it cuts back to the tiger from Kung Fu panda and the squirrel from ice age just continue fighting, then it cuts to the tiger from kung Fu panda on the muddy ground and she said something like "I'm sorry bro, I cant fight anymore." and that's how it ends.

ik my dreams are random asf

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Reply by (๑ > ᴗ < ๑) lydia ⋆˚🍥˖°


last night i had this dream and like me and my family were all just like driving around in car and then me and all of my siblings got out and like my parents just drove off i guess and like we were all like at this university and like the bell rang and then all the students ran out but like they werent actually stufents they were like these stock png photos of kids graduating and then like we had these water hoses and we like just started spraying the ground for some reason? and like it was getting all muddy and then like we were just like standing by the entrance of the university like right by the door and then like this other door started opening and like my older brother told me to run and like my older brother had this baby and like i thought it was his baby because like in my dream he was like 20 and like so i thought it was his but well it was actually the guy that owns the universitys baby, like i don't know how my brother got it but like anyway so now the guy was chasing us and like we ran into this other part of the university and it was like some sort of gift shop or something and like then my brother just set the baby on the self and like i was like kind of in this hallway where there was like a public bathroom, a fire exit and just a another door, so i went in the bathroom to hide but there was like some guy laying there in the floor face down so i just decided not to so like then i kind of just stood there while i could hear the guy that owned the university yelling at me brother and like so i opened the other door and turns out it was an office and oprah was there just like sitting at a desk? idk it was weird and anyway then the guy that owned the university and my brother were there and like he was just yelling at both of us and then he asked oprah which one of us took the baby like that wasn't already obvious and then like the dream ended. 

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Reply by bunnybunny


  • a yo-kai watch one where i saw a picture of haruya and touma (one of my ships) kissing and jiba jinpei (not part of the ship or even from the same season as them) was just there in the background standing there looking like :|
  • animal jam got hacked and someone stole my car den item by literally driving off in it
  • bishop (kart kingdom's main artist) uploaded a video of him reading comments from the kart kingdom wiki and for some reason the video's title was glitched
  • a tv app where there were different communities for tv shows and there was a lot of rule 34
i've also had a couple of dreams where i meet people i used to play with in aj but nothing really interesting happened in them. but i can tell you that one of the people i dreamed about thought i was his girlfriend at one point. i actually still remember part of his username and could probably find him in my buddy list.

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Reply by meloria


i have a reoccuring dream every so often where im sitting by the ocean and humming the same song over and over again and then i see a woman that looks just like me but older walk up to me and sit beside me and open her mouth as if she was going to tell me something but i can never seem to get past that part of the dream because i always wake up

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Reply by Mossy_Jester


I frequently have dreams where I have my sense of touch which can be cool BUT I frequently experience pain in my dreams. I have felt the sensations of being stabbed, bitten, shot, coughing up blood, beheaded, dying multiple times, etc. As well as mild sensations like the feeling of rough motel carpet, the coldness of snow, slime on the inside of a well, etc.

It's interesting but not always fun

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Reply by Tricky


I was cuddling Johnnie Guilbert 

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Reply by GaboruCioara


I forgot the age I had during that time, but I had a dream where I was a deer walking in a forest and then I saw 2 people cutting trees with a chainsaw. I kinda screamed [in the dream] and I was running away. Then randomly I was in a airplane with other animals . That dream was so random for the age I had, even now if I had this dream now I would be surprised. 

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Reply by Reixx_moon777


well... i dreamed that my mom was crucified, when i woke up in tears 

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Reply by Razzle !!


when i was five, i had this reacurring dream of the corner of my room just slowly zoom in.

it was very weird and sometimes i still dream of it but it wasnt as scary now than when i was younger

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Reply by Sel


I had a dream that I am also dreaming but aware that I'm awake. Idk how to explain it's like closing your eyes and there's a video playing in your head? A day later, I was about to sleep and suddenly I feel like I went to a different dimension, it's like dreaming but awake, it also felt like the one in my dream.

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Reply by (๑ > ᴗ < ๑) lydia ⋆˚🍥˖°


i once had a dream about a gingerbread men and a gingerbreard woman and they invited the gingerbread woman's mom over and then they were having dinner and while the mom wasn't looking the poisoned her food and they she died and then they ate her body 

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Reply by Panda Warrior


The chickens were the rulers and they made me give birth in a dark room and I couldn't move and then they stole my baby from me and so I escaped and then my dream boyfriend (a reoccuring character) came to save me but then he got captured and I had to carry on by myself. Then I don't remember but basically I was being executed for trreason or smth and then I woke up just before my head was going to be chopped off.

And then, another time, I was in my old living room and a bird's head flies in and smashes his head in through the wall. So I got up and tried to escape but then it was in the living room and it's body was a man, like a dark shadowy figure but it's head was a tropical bird. And it was hovering over me so I ran upstairs and it was chasing me and I kicked it down the stairs and then I tried to escape through the bathroom window I think. But the demon bird got my leg and it made a demonic screech and was about to attack me and then I woke up. I'm actually having flashbacks and feel quite unsettled, that bird better not come back tonight istg. 

And that's why I HATE birds!!!!!

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Reply by Milo


The oldest oddest dream I had was basically me and the Wonderpets trying to catch a pirate villain on a train and there was this whole chase scene of us running on top of it in the desert. We went down a fire escape on the train and it was like a cave filled with treasure like in Aladin. We go into a room on the train that had the most treasure with skeletons and dead bodies all over the place. In the middle was a skeleton that looked familiar to me. This was basically a recreation of that scene in Avatar the last Airbender where Aang found Monk Gyatso's skeleton but it was my mom's instead. I remember waking up sobbing thinking she was actually gone (I was like 9).

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Reply by Lloyd's_Void_23


I often end up writing my dreams down in my notes app after having them (so i can look back at the details later ;3) and this one isn't that long (at least i hope):

I was in front of a one-story abandoned house in the middle of a nice neighborhood with my friends. It was a cool fall day with colorful leaves falling and you could see sunbeams peaking through the trees.

My friends entered the house without me, it's dark and the light from outside doesn't seem to enter the house. 

Furniture is scattered all around and my friends have already started poking around, talking about nothing. (Like their mouths were moving and they were making expressions but it was either static coming out of their mouths or just silence i dont remember)

I decided to poke around as well, not wanting to be left out and end up finding a photo of myself and all of my friends dressed up for a party (i remember it being like clue?? themed? like the board game lmao)

I pulled the photos out of their plastic and one of my friends immediately tries to take it from me. I didn't recognize them talking to me. (It was like they were talking through? me? or like talking to somebody behind me? just not *at* me)

I put the photos back and they stop like they never tried to rip the photos from my hand in the first place. I walked back outside and looked at the house across the street.

The house held up by pillars in the air and there's a staircase to my right. There's a window which i could see a woman laying in a chair talking on the phone. I crossed the street and looked up again.

The sky is dark and the woman was replaced by a dark shadow smiling at me. I blinked and noticed I was at the door.

I rung the bell and stepped back, watching the woman get up, still on the phone talking about nothing, and walked down the stairs.

She walked towards me and i asked about the abandoned house across the street.

She stops mid-sentence and stared at me ( or through me?) and i turned back to the house. All my friends are staring at me, unmoving.

Then there's these hit points that rapidly increase in the middle of a window.

I blinked and it's all white now.

No neighborhood, no woman, just the abandoned house across the street and my friends are still poking around in there like nothing happned.

I heard a voice and it directed me to a chair made out of trees.

I sat down and listened to the voice again.

It told me to forget (something but i dont remeber what) and my friends in the house disappeared into wisps of colors

It told me to forget water

and i did

it's just white and i can't feel anything

The voice tells me to forget stone

and then i woke up.

It was pretty weird but interesting and i kinda wished that i followed through saw the ending (if it had one haha)

Also i wasn't lucid dreaming (maybe not intentionally) this was just a 'normal' dream.

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Reply by GERARD ★


i had smeggs with a jeepney

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Reply by cybervenus


omg thank you all for the responses, i love reading through them xxx

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Reply by Fran^^


Tuve sueño en donde estaba en la casa de una amiga, en esta casa habían personas que no conozco pero en el sueño se me hacían conocidas estas personas estaban hablando de una religión (yo no soy religiosa, no creo mucho en esas cosas tampoco se mucho sobre las religiones)decían que su religión era el karma de todos, que lo que pedía se cumplía. 

Estos hombres eran negros, con un traje formal negro completo, los ojos y dientes grandes y los labios también, sus ojos estaban rojos como cuando te pega bien fuerte la droga así estaban los ojos de ellos, uno de estos hombre (el más grande) me da la mano y me lleva a el balcón en este lugar me dice "te veo asustando, quieres que te lleves a casa?" Cuando dice eso empieza a sonreír, una sonrisa enorme sus dientes eran chuecos y un poco amarillos cuando dice esto yo me asusto y siento que estoy en peligro, el me carga y me lleva a su auto, su auto estaba lleno de fotografías y cosas de brujería (parecía un ritual) una de esas foto era mía pero de unos 8 años.

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Reply by Deranged_Romantic


Finally somewhere to post this epic adventure of a dream-

Basically in the dream my family and i were on holiday, and for some reason the car we were using was really small so we were able to fit down this extremely small steep road, but there were cars in friend of us too so it was taking a while, so (IN THE DREAM) i fell asleep. 

In this dream within my dream i appeared beside this bright yellow house, with neon blue doors and a red roof, the grass around it was really green and the even the sky was like, neon. I was on the path beside it and as i walked further the landscape turned into a city, ya know big tall skyscrapers, all grey concrete, the works. Except it was all textured like roblox items, blocking, kinda laggy and completely smooth. As i walked through i kept seeing tiktokers and YouTubers that i follow and they were all just passing by, going about their daily lives, but they were all waving at me, and smiling at me like i knew them. 

After a few minutes of walking I ended up next to this store building. The inside was completely empty and looked a bit like the inside of a modern clothing store like primark, or smth. 

I crawled in thru the half open door and went to the very end and there was this hatch on the wall at the back. There was something about calling me to go through but something else egging me to stay put. I went through the hatch.

On the other side it was like a mirrored version of the place I’d just been, but it felt. Greyer. More muffled, i tried to go back but the hatch was locked from this side. I stepped out of the empty clothes shop and it was all the same but all the colours were muted and cool. Nobody was around and it was completely desolate. I turned around corners and tried to make it back to the house, hoping that it would of stayed the same but as I turned the corner it was-

Censored??? Like covered in a black rectangle that followed my eyes as if I was in an edited video. It’s was creepy as hell and I couldn’t go back. I remember feeling so scared, like, to the point that this is literally my second worse nightmare that I’ve had. And then (INTHEDREAM) I woke up. I was sat in the car with my family and we were still waiting for the cars in front of us to move. 

Then I woke up irl, at about 5 in the morning to my incorrect alarm clock. 

Very weirdcore/dreamcore vibes from it!! I also kinda wanna make some art of it and if I do in the future I’ll attach it to this post<33

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Reply by Joa


It was a strange dream but not a nightmare tho

I was in my house, sitting in front of the tv, but it was off. Behind me there was a strange lady with no face. She sat down next to me and grabbed my shoulder, it felt comforting somehow.

The scene changes and now i'm sitting in front of a strange blind creature. It asked me to cut my fingers. I did and the creature ate them. When it was the time to cut my thumb i gave it instead a red lace. The creature chocked and died. I got out of the room and got my fingers back

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Reply by finn


i keep having dreams of the zombie apocalypse and it comes in like waves like covid, and in some of them i'm like fleeing a school that's oddly familiar. its weird because society continues living and my mom still has to go to work. ive also been having dreams about my neighbours cause i live in a fourplex, they will be like trying to look through the peep hole and banging on the door.

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Reply by Luc1.pudd


Cuando tenía como unos 5 o 6 años soñé que una carne gigante se apoderaba del mundo mordiendo a los humanos y convirtiéndolos en más carne, yo triste al ver como se comían a ni familia agarre agua y justo cuando me iba a comer la carne se la eche a la boca y descubrí que era su debilidad, desconverti a mi familia y conseguimos pistolas de agua y logramos rescatar al mundo.

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Reply by Luc1.pudd


Cuando tenía como unos 5 o 6 años soñé que una carne gigante se apoderaba del mundo mordiendo a los humanos y convirtiéndolos en más carne, yo triste al ver como se comían a ni familia agarre agua y justo cuando me iba a comer la carne se la eche a la boca y descubrí que era su debilidad, desconverti a mi familia y conseguimos pistolas de agua y logramos rescatar al mundo.

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Reply by Luc1.pudd


Cuando tenía como unos 5 o 6 años soñé que una carne gigante se apoderaba del mundo mordiendo a los humanos y convirtiéndolos en más carne, yo triste al ver como se comían a ni familia agarre agua y justo cuando me iba a comer la carne se la eche a la boca y descubrí que era su debilidad, desconverti a mi familia y conseguimos pistolas de agua y logramos rescatar al mundo.

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I have many weird dreams but so far this is the only one that comes to mind for now is that I was given a pet mouse for free and I really liked the pet mouse but the mouse ran away and got trapped in a mouse trap and died and I was so upset that I wouldn't get over it even though the dream was going on trying to make me forget about that mouse but I was still upset over it

I think it means even if something makes you happy sometimes you have to let go because not all good things last 

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Reply by Zen


I've had many honestly, like being blended into neat chunks, being chased by the shapes from the TV show Mister Maker, being an abused and tortured doll that gets decapitated, being in an apocalypse of zombie witches then asking for a large bee to help but I betray it and it stabs and eats me, getting lost in a never ending maze of toilet cubicles with people screaming out my name but I can't see em, me and my friends getting obsessed with getting a sarcophagus to the point we destroy civilization, becoming Velma from Scooby Doo and getting turned into a vampire that has to kill the rest of the gang one by one, becoming a pumpkin, having my body get taken over by millipedes and watching them control my corpse, I even had ones that were a big continuation that kasted over 2 months (there was so much drama). I could go on 

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Reply by Mari


like 7 years ago i dreamt i was sitting in starbucks drinking coffee with dan and phil, but i guess the apocalypse started? because when we went outside the sky was red and there were call of duty hellhounds (specifically those) running around. Super random, still no idea why i dreamt that

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Reply by eddie


i had this dream when i was like 8. 

i was in this soft play place but it was empty and abandoned, some of the lights were turned off so it was kinda eerie. i played for a bit before i looked at the top of the play place and saw an area was dark with loads of red eyes. i went up there and i saw that my sister had been captured by the crab demon things and i had to get help from the child ghosts hidden in the play place without being caught by some weird guys.

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Reply by Casey


A couple of days ago i had binge watched a show i like. When i finally went to sleep i had a dream that i was in a dark room tied up to a wall. It was completely dark and i could hear water dripping. After a while the water dripping got louder, and louder, and louder. After a little bit a character from the show approached me with a knife in hand. After staring at me for a bit they took the knife and cut me open while i was alive. After they finished i woke up and just sat there. I didn't know wtf to do lol

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Reply by Xlone-medicX (~_~)


So I had this dream about 2 months ago that repeated two nights in a row. Also, I apologize if I typed this out horribly lmao it’s been a minute and I had to take it from my notes to remember all of it lol.

So in the dream, I went to go meet with this girl. We were both outcasts and had our issues so we connected with each other. Her appearance changed both times I had the dream, the first time I believe she was kinda gothic and had a vampire vibe to her and was into the occult. The second time, she’s taller, slightly muscular, and had bleach blonde hair in a type of bun, dressed in a white tank top shirt and jean shorts. She gave off the adventurous vibe, but i can’t remember if she was into the occult or not. Low key towards the latter half of the dream I started catching feelings cause she was practically perfect for me and the vibes were 👌

The girl’s special tho and she had magical abilities that allow her to manipulate the world around her. Both times I had the dream, she flew me into this building like some abandoned skyscraper. We enter through this opening and there’s this roller coaster in there. The roller coaster is almost the exact same as some horror one that was supposed to be familiar to me. First time I had the dream I was off of shrooms, but the second time I was fully sober. We go through it, she makes fun of me for closing my eyes at the beginning, but she always managed to get them open about 2/3 steps into the roller coaster (mostly out of shock tbh lmao) before we’re dropped into this tub of water (part of the ride). 

After that (from what I recall.. struggling to remember) we fall off and this one guy comes up bitching at us and is like “you damn kids keep sneaking in here! you’re probably tryina sneak up into this attic and live in it so you can fuck huh? Well you can’t and I’m gonna lock it so— “ after which he walks up and leaves behind the door which is when the girl turns to me and says “watch this ”. She goes to the stairs and vanishes into the attic, she then grows into a giant and rips the roof and attic completely off revealing a beautiful night sky in a desert field with a house/cabin there. It’s supposed to be an older home of mine which, also looks familiar to me. Note: ( second time the dream occurred before she opened the door we were being chased by my parents cause I had snuck out or some lmfao. 

The cabin/house was oddly familiar, it’s smaller in size and there’s nobody there, like literally in the middle of the nowhere, but there’s security fences and sensory lights that never turned on. Every single time I had this dream I was straight up mesmerized by the beautiful and unobstructed view of the galaxy and as we started walking to go lay on the roof of this one spot a little ways ahead, I get this feeling of dread and fear and I say “aye yo I changed my mind we need to go..” and she’s like “what why?” And I just keep reassuring her we need to go NOW, because it felt like there was a wendigo after me out there. But I couldn’t say what i was worried about cause If I acknowledge it it’d come for me. 

I woke up suddenly after that ffs, but the first time I had this dream, I had her rip open another portal to run through, but that sense of fear was still there because it wasn’t much farther from that house we were by. After that we escaped out of that area completely and I believe I woke up.

Easily one of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had and it felt like a message or a prediction of some future event I’m going to go through. It’s not the first time I’ve had a heavily metaphorical dreams predict things so I wouldn’t be surprised, I just don’t know what it means. 

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Reply by ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚


i usually don't remember my dreams, like i'll dream about something really absurd that i'm sure will stick with me and then after 20 minutes i've completely forgotten it! there's this one dream i had back in 2020 though, i don't really remember the details, just that there was a name that kept getting mentioned or sometimes even chanted in the background. right when i woke up i wrote it down in my notes and i tried to google it but this name literally doesn't exist? i thought that was really weird. and i also vividly remember having a specific dream multiple times during my childhood, it was basically me being stuck in a house on fire. i kept having the same dream over and over and after a while i started being able to get out. i didn't recognize the house at all but for some reason in that dream it was my grandmothers house? i have no idea where that came from but for some reason that's one of the dreams i remember the most, probably because it reoccured so often.

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Reply by Xx_AxelEra8_xX


i dont usually remember my dreams. But this was a few weeks ago.

anyways it was some cheap bootleg game / movie using footage of some simps sons xmas thing which for some reason circled around at the same part. The same two Commodore Amiga demoscene graphics where there and frequently some vhs captoning test scrolled down .

It was a very surreal dream and also i wish that in the future. tech recreates our dreams

- AxelEra8

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Reply by N0AH!


Had a dream about some Indian man named “ Ricardo” On the run from the police after shooting up buildings with a AK-47 and he went on the run for a few months I think. Idk if he was found or not since the dream ended.

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Reply by jay


one time I dreamt that I was getting chased by like mascot versions of nickelodeon characters in a corn field, dora always caught me and id wake up immediatley. I also had a dream that china ann mclain brought my grandpa back to life?? not sure but my dreams are always feverish

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Reply by Clover


I had this one a while ago when I was back in high school. The entire dream was in black and white. I dreamt that I was at my father's house with my stepmother, but we were in the 1950-60s, in a universe where the US was at war with the Soviet Union. In this universe, the Soviets had invented a new kind of soldier made completely of ink, and they could absorb any ink around them to reform or to create more soldiers. As a result, people living in the US had to destroy any print materials they came across. 

These ink soldiers were indestructible by normal means, the only way to get rid of them was to play the audio of the original Beetlejuice movie but sped up incredibly fast. The audio played periodically from any nearby tornado siren or speaker system. 

In the dream, my stepmother and I came across some books in our house and needed to turn them in to be burned, we got into our car, and as we drove the sirens went off, melting nearby soldiers and filling the roads with waves of black ink. We turned a corner sharply to avoid being swept up in the flood, and the car's headlights shone upon the torso of a melting ink soldier. 

I have a lot of strange and vivid dreams like this, but this one was definitely the weirdest, and the only dream I've had without color. 

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Reply by KURAGE





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Reply by Alexsis


I had a dream that i was watching a guy in a cage descend down into the open floor with some creature also stuck in there with him screaming "don't let it get to me! Please! I'll do anything just don't let it near me!" Before the thing managed to escape and bit him in the stomach ad i felt a sharp stab to my stomach when it bit down and was chewing on him with the guy still screaming and it was really gory and then i woke up with a stomach ache. Very fun exprience 10/10.

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Reply by evrst


This wasn't my dream but this was a couple years ago. My dad, one morning, said he had the weirdest dream/nightmare(?) that startled him awake in the middle of the night. He said that he had a dream about tripping over a sidewalk crack in front of our house during the night and when we tripped, he startled awake and had to check if he didn't actually trip or if he was trippin' (;𖦹ㅁ𖦹)

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Reply by 𝕃𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕪


The weirdest dream I've ever had was this one dream I had years ago about my parents being in a car crash. I dreamt that they were driving down the road when a giant hand reached into the car and sort of just pulled them out of it. When I woke up the next morning, the car was totaled in the garage, but my family was fine. And my mom was like "Oh yeah we got into an accident last night but it's fine the car was just wrecked."

So spooky...

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I can't quite put a finger on the weirdest dream, since all my dreams are insanely weird.  However, there was one particular that has had a strange effect on me ever since.

The night before my birthday, I dreamed that one of my classmates (who i am now very close with, but wasn't at the time) had died.  I didn't see him die, but I caught word of his death through social media while sitting in the airport.

I remember being so tired the next day that I forgot about the part where he died entirely until the teacher mentioned his name in class.  I may have even been convinced that he really was dead for a moment, because I heard his voice and thought, "isn't he dead?"

Once I had realized it was a dream, I still got really scared that it was going to happen, and feared for weeks that he would die the day I left for a vacation.  I had even brought bandage wrap to school the day before leaving in case he got an injury.

Thankfully, nothing happened to him.

However, ever since this dream (about 3 months ago), I've just about remembered every dream I've had every night.  None of them have scared me quite as much as this one did, but I still find the way it affected me interesting.

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Reply by 🦇🕷️🕸️ RAY 🕸️🕷️🦇


literally just a few days ago i had a weird ass sleep paralysis dream and it was just a fish floating through the air towards me and i tried to swat it away or scream cause for some reason i was terrified but i couldnt move or scream and i woke up with a nasty headache

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Not too long ago I had a dream I was being stalked by this shadow man thing and the only safe place was my car. But whenever I'd get down he'd come for me and I would have to go escape to my car. He kept changing too like he started out as a shadow figure and then he changed to looking like someone in different masks and work uniforms. Then the dream ended at like this neon bar arcade place and then he was gonna get me and then I woke up lol. 

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Reply by miscuits


when i was young i used to get a reacurring dream. i would be in a tiny old wooden house in the middle of nowhere, its night. no trees or mountain or any other houses in sight. when i look up at the sky itd be one of those stereotypical images of what the devil should look like and the image had text that would say "666 repent before its too late" sometimes i feel like i was hearing those exact words come out the image??? looking back that kinda dream kinda made sense cuz i used to watch a lot of yt vids of where christians would "die", go to hell, go to heaven, then come back to life to tell ppl to repent. its crazy that when i stopped associating with religion and became agnostic i stoped getting that dream.

also sometimes my little sister would appear in the dream and id get extremely protective like if i was protecting her from something. 

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Reply by ✰ⱫØ₲₳✰


This happend very recently and I have to say no other dream has made me scared shitless usually I would have weird and bizarre long dreams but nothing out of the ordinary or serious but not this one short dream

Starts with me and my family in my front door with packed bags as is we were trying to escape something the sky is red with orange like the red sky from roblox and I see around that my neighbors are also ready to leave from something so my family heads to one of our big trucks when I see over my house.. a mushroom bomb and the cement floor moves like a ocean wave and start to hear cries and screams of help and my ears began to ring to nothing and feel as if I became blind, and then I woke up in a sweat I've never ever had any dream as serious or scary as that

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Reply by ✰ⱫØ₲₳✰


This happend very recently and I have to say no other dream has made me scared shitless usually I would have weird and bizarre long dreams but nothing out of the ordinary or serious but not this one short dream

Starts with me and my family in my front door with packed bags as is we were trying to escape something the sky is red with orange like the red sky from roblox and I see around that my neighbors are also ready to leave from something so my family heads to one of our big trucks when I see over my house.. a mushroom bomb and the cement floor moves like a ocean wave and start to hear cries and screams of help and my ears began to ring to nothing and feel as if I became blind, and then I woke up in a sweat I've never ever had any dream as serious or scary as that

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Reply by MBkruising24


A witch on a motorcycle (looks like ghost rider) was chasing me around the neighborhood on a sunny 9:00 am morning.

It was scary while it lasted. after that, it fell in a sewage system.

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Reply by Galaxy_RequiemZ


Lately I've been having this nightmare, for some reason it reminds me of backrooms but it's...very scary, at least for an almost 16-year-old like me.

This Nightmare begins with one day me, my mother and my grandmother looking for parking in a .... I think a supermarket or shopping center, it's one of these indoor parking lots.

And then a strange white figure, in a suit and with a smile, resembling a splendorman, approaches us and offers to play a game, which he had been waiting for us. 

So...we tell him no, and we drive away and find another parking space, but then the car is ambushed and thrown into a pillar as the figure from before gets taller and...Machiavellian, then the parking lot becomes closed and challenges us to find the exit, the parking lot is completely pitch dark and is made of Material that inflatables could be made of (that's right, right?) Then, the car disappears and the three of us go looking for the exit, the first to be eliminated is my mother, and from there the creature becomes more aggressive. My grandmother and I hid behind some inflatable fences and we tried to make a plan, then we remembered that there was a part that seemed patched, and we intuited that this is the answer, but when we tried We try to get out but my grandmother stumbles, I help her but at that moment a deformed and skeletal arm grabs her, my grandmother tells me to run and find the exit and then I see a figure Arachnid starts looking for me, I slipped through the floors scratching the walls trying to find the patch in the darkness, but then the figure found me and... I fell from the parking lot Now I was on the third floor and I fell on top of the car and my grandmother and mother tell me that we have to run away from there and we leave from there while the spider figure chases us and when we get outside Outside, which by the way was raining, the creature begins to die and melts and the nightmare ends there 

I don't know what you think but the nightmare terrifies me (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

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Reply by Paki ★


when I was like 9 or 10 years old I dreamed of Voldemort transforming me and my dad into pigs and he locked us in a dungeon with Harry Potter. Wtf

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Reply by Toby♀


Had a lucid dream that I was being kept in a concentration camp in a spaceship above a place very reminiscent of the Windows XP background. The camp was controlled by satan and I could feel all of my thoughts being watched by a "big brother" figure. If people thought the wrong things or did the wrong things they would melt into the ground and die. I talked to an elder at the camp who told me a phrase to say during a culling ceremony that let me escape. Freaky stuff. 

I have a few recurring settings I see in my dreams, one of which is the windows xp background. Another is an unrecognisable road going along a shopping district, the car always end up driving up a steep hill and I have to hold on in order to not fall down.

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