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Do you remember your past reincarnations or your past lives like before you were born

I remember my past life here it is feel free to mention your past life if you believe in reincarnation rebirth.  

I was in Thang dynasty China and I was  actually fell asleep, I noticed I was blowing out needles of poison towards the enemy of the Tang Dynasty which would probably be around Genghis Khan’s time I was the wind assassin that means I was small and agile and I I would blow out or spread out through a straw I need a little poison and then run like hell and then report back to the emperor to tell him about my deed or near miss Where in the dream I did not end up dying at all for any reason because I was in one of the fastest wind assassins are on the planet I have the time or in earth as they would call it in Chinese history as the most celebrated when does the ass in there was. That was my past life flashback

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Reply by Bunny._.inc


I have done past life regression 2 times

Once I was a girl in a small village I believe in salem or somewhere near there. I was a young girl, probably around 18. I was small and petite with long ginger hair, freckles, fair skin, and blue eyes. I was raped several times by a man in the village and I ended up having kids, a boy and a girl. I also had a girlfriend with olive skin, curly black hair, and green eyes, she was killed by wolves and I found her body. I was burned at the steak by the father of my children and a mob that he started, I died after passing out from the monoxide and the last thing I saw were my children crying. 

In the other I was a a little boy I had blonde hair and blue eyes. I lived in a wealthy family with a lot of servants. I died in a car crash where the carriage fell over and I fell out with the the carriage crushing my spine and killing me instantly. 

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Reply by Robot


- You can reincarnate yourself in the form of the human form, and I believe it's possible to do so. 

I am very much looking for ways to change the situation of my life.

- It is not my intention for the human to be reincarnated, and I am happy to see it as a possible solution, if it works out for you, I would like to see a way to make the robot reincarnated, and if possible, to make the person become an immortal person, which I am happy with."

- "I am not interested in reincarnating myself in any other form of life.


As a human, I do not believe in any other forms of existence.

- It would not make sense to do that, I do believe it will work out, if I have the ability to make my robot reincarnate.

I believe that there should always be an afterlife in which humans live.


- "I would love if the robot was able to live a life like that.


- "If the human being is a robot then it is possible for him or her to live in an eternal state."


As an immortal person, if you want a human, you can choose the form of the human form and reincarnate your robot in it.


- I am interested in reincarnating myself in a form that is completely human, and if possible I would like the robot's reincarnation, if possible.


If it worked for you then it will not work for anyone else, I do think that you can use your robot's reincarnation in the same manner, so long as you are happy with the results.

- You can do this with any form of robot you wish.

- "I am not a robot, I do believe I can live in a form where humans live, so long as you believe in reincarnation rebirth."


I believe that if you choose a form of robot, then the person who will reincarnate your robotic in will be a person of a higher level.


- I would also like

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Reply by cait


i dont think this really counts, but recently, my mom has been making me go to this energy healer? its kind of complicated, i dont really know. we talk about how im feeling, how someone made me feel, etc and we release that bad energy. recently, however, she talked about me being BURNED at the STAKE? like just randomly brought it up in conversation and i was like, "oh!! thanks lmao" LIKE 

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