Topic: do you believe in ghosts/afterlife?

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Reply by capybaras


yes and no?! (leaning yes) its kinda hard to explain, ghosts and the paranormal are a huge interest of mine but I haven't really experienced much to make me a full blown believer yet. I wanna go to a haunted area one time to see what it'd be like and to see if its real for myself

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Reply by aylin


nah not really
especially afterlife

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Reply by .+* aurora *+.


I believe in ghosts! maybe not the afterlife though- at least not a conventional heaven/hell situation. I think a lot of the time when people see ghosts it’s a boredom or fear-induced hallucination, but some are real. :]

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Reply by CalicoVixxen


I do believe in ghosts and afterlife.  After my dad died, he'd visit in dreams when the subconscious is more open and receiving. When my mom was pregnant with me, she saw the ghost of the blue boy.  I don't know if any of you are familiar with the blue boy but google it sometime.  It's an interesting story.  The next day, I was born at 1:35pm on June 25, 1967.

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Reply by Arkadius


I was raised in a Christian household. I was raised to believe there's two afterlifes. One being hell and one being Heaven. 

In all honesty, I don't know what I believe. But if there really is an afterlife then I hope it's not separated by good or bad. I just want to be able to float around without a care in the world with other dead people and just be me, y'know?

As for the paranormal - it's whatever. I don't think too much of it but I like researching it.

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Reply by x.{finn}.x


yeah because ive dealt with ghosts for a long time. idk about afterlife but ghosts kinda imply afterlife so..?? the first thing i think of in ghost expiriences for me is that time i walked into my moms bathroom and an image was sent to my head of a little kid. this was after every night that the toilet would make the sound of pushing down the flush handle just a bit so it would make the draining sound for a long time all the time. one day i walked into there when my mom wasnt home (i was paranoid abt the ghost too so i was on edge) then i felt it jump on my back when i went to pick up something and i tried to gather myself. i finally ran out of the room to downstairs. when i went back to see if i was crazy i looked up the stairs and i felt a strong presence of something. idk how to describe it but you could say its like feeling a magnetic (but not pulling) feeling. it didnt want me to go up there i guess. downstairs at another time there was a sound like glass hitting a spoon and i always went to check the place it was coming from and it stopped. one day i asked if i was making that sound outloud and i heard a dude say "no" i was spooked but was home alone yet again. so basically either im schizophrenic or ghosts are real. (a joke. i know schizophrenia isnt exactly like that)

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Reply by x.{finn}.x


yeah because ive dealt with ghosts for a long time. idk about afterlife but ghosts kinda imply afterlife so..?? the first thing i think of in ghost expiriences for me is that time i walked into my moms bathroom and an image was sent to my head of a little kid. this was after every night that the toilet would make the sound of pushing down the flush handle just a bit so it would make the draining sound for a long time all the time. one day i walked into there when my mom wasnt home (i was paranoid abt the ghost too so i was on edge) then i felt it jump on my back when i went to pick up something and i tried to gather myself. i finally ran out of the room to downstairs. when i went back to see if i was crazy i looked up the stairs and i felt a strong presence of something. idk how to describe it but you could say its like feeling a magnetic (but not pulling) feeling. it didnt want me to go up there i guess. downstairs at another time there was a sound like glass hitting a spoon and i always went to check the place it was coming from and it stopped. one day i asked if i was making that sound outloud and i heard a dude say "no" i was spooked but was home alone yet again. so basically either im schizophrenic or ghosts are real. (a joke. i know schizophrenia isnt exactly like that)

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Reply by KitKat


Reply by SABRINA


YES! I believe in an afterlife ! ghosts maybe. 

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Reply by Sylvester


yeah I do but don’t at the same time.

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Reply by ragdolly


not sure how to word this and my idea of it all is forever changing but I believe in both.

as for heaven and hell, no I don't. I believe in energy and I think of it as like... bits and pieces of "us" falling and scattering on earth as our souls move onto the next life: reincarnation. I believe entities can develop into many different forms, they give or take from many sources of energy. anyway... I've encountered entities, some from past lives followed into this life, others of nature, in the trees, an essence of loved ones that stick to an old rocking chair. 

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Reply by Em0princess666


reading all these are crazy. my bf reckons there is only one opportunity to live, then never you will ever live again. i always thought there was an afterlife, but tbh i didnt think much of it until he said that.... it weirds me out and makes me super uncomfortable and there is only one group of people who would know that and thats the dead

moral of the story i guess you could just see what happens,,,

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Reply by Celea Akuri


Nearly without a doubt. I've been seeing spirits since I was a wee little tot. As for the afterlife, well, if the spirits are to be believed then it would seem there are as many afterlifes as there are people. Belief in where you will go after you die seems to play a role, as does the spirituality of the deceased. It's almost like certain gods and spirits have dominion over the people who worship them in life. I believe in reincarnation, but am unsure how that fits into the whole, life, death, afterlife, rebirth thing. Maybe the gods take volunteers from the afterlifes to see who would like to live again? That would be an interesting idea. 

I've been looking into ancient middle eastern cultures lately, and what I find interesting is from the records we have, they seemed to believe that the afterlife sucked. Really makes you wonder what their lived experiences were like. 

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Reply by Kitten


I believe in the afterlife, like limbo and heaven and hell it's something I've always believed in.

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Reply by Mayu


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yesss! ive seen a lot of paranormal stuff first hand!! 

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Reply by headfirst4halos


so.. ghosts? not really. horror and ghosts r fun but i dont think ghosts are real. the afterlife though .. i'm an athiest so i dont really believe in much of an afterlife, but i do believe in reincarnation to an extent. energy cannot be destroyed or created, so when you die all of your energy is distributed back into the universe and used for new people, animals, plants, etc :)

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Reply by X_CyAN!D3_X


i believe in the afterlife, in terms that I do believe that we are born as different beings after we die eg anything that is a living being. but idk so much about ghosts though, but tbf, i haven't seen one so i really don't know tbh.

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Reply by Jesse


The afterlife yes. Ghosts.. well... kind of. I've had what I guess you would call "ghostly" experiences. The feeling of being watched, disembodied footsteps, the feeling of being touched, and one time a voice that almost gave me a heart attack.

So when I say I kind of believe in ghosts, it's because I felt and heard some very strange things that I couldn't explain where I use to live. I haven't experienced anything like that since moving.

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Reply by _p0ltergeistt_


to be fair i dont really think that they are real given that i have never interacted with one but i want to believe really badly

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Reply by must4rd_g1rL



i think dead it'z not da end of exiztence, also 0_0 i also think realitYy is made 0f layers that sumtimez touch and mix each0ther, that'z what we call paran0mal stuff, but maybe we juzt d0n't get it yet!!!

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Reply by |>ЯANCID<|


i believe reincarnation exists. ironically tho, i wouldn' t label myself as rlly spiritual at all. i think it'z more so tha fact that i literally cannot fathom nothing happening after death so i decide something 4 myself to lessen my paranoia :P

but tha fact that energy is simply redistributed throughout tha world and universe makes me wonder where it all goes. probably just into the creation of more fossil fuels or w/e. i'm not rlly sure.

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Reply by celebgossip


Im fully convince ghost exist and that there's an afterlife too

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Reply by IzhmaSprite


Yes, definetly. I used to know a guy named Horace that was always taking rides on the bus and enjoyed watching the rain. I invited him at my place once, but he was already there when i got home. Thats when he told me he was dead since 1870.

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Reply by Jade Harley


I don't really. I feel like anything that's passed off as paranormal or ghostly can be explained away by the environment they're in. I also think that its sort of a placebo in a way. Those that want to find something are going to take the things that they see and interpret it in a way that supports their argument, and those that want to disprove something are going to take what they see and use it to support their argument. Its impossible to be truly bipartisan on the issue so its hard to tell.

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Reply by saimonXD



I don't know why but i just believe in the existing of everything, every single god or ghost or entity

I like those things

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Reply by Ghost


Very yes. The afterlife definitely exists.

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Reply by Chud Goblington


I remember having a really good reason for believing in spirits but i forgot lol

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Reply by silly!!! :3


i'm not sure how i feel about it, but if there is an afterlife i hope each individual gets to choose their own paradise. mine would have morphological autonomy and dragons

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Reply by ♡Kay♡


Yes, I do belive in ghost but I'm skeptical when it comes to evidence.

I was sitting in my living room one morning with no one else home. Now in the bathroom is our dogs' water bowls. I heard the noise of their collars hitting the bowl while drinking. I pause for a moment because both dogs were in front of me. I went to the bathroom to see if anything knocked in to it but everything was the same including the collars we left on the sink. 

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Reply by ari


It's honestly hard to say. I feel like I don't truly believe in ghosts but I would love too. The idea of dead spirits roaming a mortal plane within the thin line of life and death is super fascinating and cool. But it just seems impossible. The afterlife is definitely a little more complicated, because I believe in souls. I feel like when you die you go to wherever your heart desires most. That's where rich people come from it's their final attempt at life and they're being rewarded.  So I guess for some people it's another try at life but for others it's a heaven of sorts. I feel like eternal damnation is unjust and unfair. So I don't know it doesn't exactly line up with any religon

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Reply by Bregje


 my opinion keeps changing on this topic but i think ghosts are real, im not so sure about the afterlife tho

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Reply by Livingdeadgirl02


Ghosts are one of those things I wanna believe in so bad, I find the idea of them so fascinating and I always grew up believing in them as well as having unexplained stories of my own :/ but the more I think about it the more skeptical I am, Feel like I'm waiting for them to prove their existence 

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Reply by hauntinghouse


i think i saw my cats ghost

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Reply by Johnytiger | New Music Video Out Now!


Everything is just vibration, when we release, our vibration moves into another state of vibration which is the transfer of the energy that can not be destroyed. So, yeah, i believe in ghosts.

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Reply by Actual Acorn


Gonna say no. Pretty much all ghost encounters can be explained by rare natural phenomena such as infrasound or carbon monoxide, or psychological phenomena like hallucinations, pareidolia, or an overactive imagination. Then there's the more cynical explanation that some people are just exaggerating or downright lying about ghost encounters for attention.

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Reply by sewerlain


Yes i do. I feel them around me, they follow me.

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Reply by PERCY ☆


well, the supernatural was always a big part of my childhood, and I was always very drawn to ghosts and creatures and stuff. and I also have a story that I heard from my grandma that has always stuck with me. When she was moving to America back in like 1980 or something with my mom and obachan, they were all unpacking and they saw a tall man with "old times clothes" and he looked young and stuff. and they asked him if he used to live there or if he left anything behind. he didn't respond instead he headed towards one of the secret stairways (it was meant for nurses and servants) and my grandmother tried to tell him the stairs were blocked off, but he went anyways. When they checked the stairs he had disappeared. My grandmother talks about it a lot.

also for some background info, the house used to be a hospital during ww1 or 2 I think. and many ppl have died there. And when I used to stay the summer there, I always had a weird chilling feeling.

so yeah! I believe in the supernatural, but I like to sometimes just believe in things for fun. but ghosts, yeah 100%! anyways ty for reading and have a nice day!!

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Reply by strawberrii..em0


Yes I even saw one when I was a child 

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Reply by danny :3


i have never had any sort of paranormal experiences, but i have met people who have dealt with paranormal experiences, and i have no real reason to not believe them, so i suppose that i believe in them.

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Reply by xXCoaty_AnneXx



I was a tiny bit skeptical until this year. 
My friends and I were at Bobby Mackey's and were on the ghost tour. I've taken this tour before, nothing out of the ordinary. This time, I felt a little nauseated right before the guide started telling the story about Johanna (iykyk)
But the real kicker is when we were on our way home my friend said that at a point on the tour she got a sharp pain in her back. I insisted on checking her back when we got back to my house. She didn't want to believe it, didn't want me to check, but when we got back and i looked at her back, there was a very clear red mark on her back like something had scratched her back.

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Reply by sage ( ´ཀ` )


i kind of like the fact that nobody knows what happens after death...adds a sense of excitement when you're at your death bed i guess, but also i do believe in ghosts because i've experimented since i was little and have interacted with several spirits

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Reply by august.


110%. i have experiences of my own, but i think id believe even if i didn't. because supernatural occurrences happen everywhere in the world and have for a long time. i think itd be stupid to assume that everyone is lying or wrong about what they experienced.

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Reply by shieldbug


 I've had a share of "paranormal" experiences: for example, I had a dream of the Grim Reaper claiming the lives of a bunch of people and I woke up when he killed my grandpa, meanwhile my grandpa had succumbed from an illness the exact same night without my knowledge... However, as hard as I try, I can't get myself to believe in the existence of the paranormal. It's fun to think about, but in practicality, it doesn't sit right with me - ghosts break the laws of physics and have no proof of actually existing other than circumstantial events or hallucinations. In the end, it's not that I believe that ghosts don't exist, it's that I don't believe that ghosts exist.

 Same thing with the afterlife: it's impossible to prove, just like the meaning of sentience. I would rather not live a boring, eternal life after I pass away, thus I choose not to believe in the afterlife. It's entirely up to you, and I still have a certain degree of respect to those who do believe in these things.

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Reply by Abashiri


I hope there is an afterlife.

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Reply by Stoney Sills


As someone with an extensive past on the subject, yall might find my blog of interest! While I'm still very skeptical when presented a story, i've had such insane encounters to where i dont have the luxury of being a non-believer. Seeing a doppelgänger definitely changed me for life. 

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Reply by ren-chaos


I honestly kind of believe that the afterlife depends on what you believe in, if you dont believe in anything, then you just die I guess.

but anything is possible about it really. I want my afterlife to be like a liminal space kinda place, where im able to fly around and explore cool places.

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Reply by RAYTA XD


Reply by Emma


I don't know if I believe, I'm agnostic so I deeply think humanity isn't capable of finding the truth about it. But I want to believe, I want it to be true. I think anything existing is better than nothing existing at all.

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