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In dreams where you've died

why does it feel so real? i distinctly remember this one dream i had where i was being chased in the parking lot and got shot because i didn't turn a corner fast enough... woke up with immense pressure, almost pain in the spot where i got shot on my body. maybe it was like being shot with an airgun. not that i know what that feels like 

how does the body/brain correlate localised pressure with being shot... maybe i was just extra imaginative that night  ┐(´ー`)┌

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Reply by greg the painter


I've died in my dreams throughout my life. It's just anxiety over trauma experienced. They're the same type of dream event where you're trying to defend yourself and throwing punches that are completely ineffective, or fleeing someone and moving in slow motion. I've fallen to my death, been shot and stabbed. Never beaten to death. I think that would take too long and I'd force myself awake first. After I die I force myself to waken and I'm pretty depressed for the better part of a day. As I've gotten older and have more control over my life and my ego is fleshed out I've died less. I've also been able to inflict harm on others when defending myself-something that never happened when I was young. I'm 60, btw.

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Reply by m0n0cr33p3r


I can't remember a dream where I have died but there is one dream where I did feel some pain. I had big wings but when I tried to fly I got pulled down and I felt a pain on my back. When I woke up I could still kinda feel the pain and I can still sorta imagine what the pain felt like even though it only happened in a dream. I'm not sure why this happens but it's probably the same reason you feel like your falling in your dreams. Maybe your brain "sees" you die and so thinks "oh guess you should probably feel some pain then since that is what is supposed to happen when you die." 

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Reply by Robot


I'm not a big fan of "tactics". I think the best thing that you could say about it is "you should not be using a toy for any reason. I am not going to do this. You are a child and your toy is just too big."

But you should be doing something like:

Do something that you like and you should be using the toy for the rest of your life

Do something with your life.

Do things for the rest of your life.

Do stuff with you and you shouldn't.

Do something for yourself and you shouldn't be using your toy to be used in the future for any reason.

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Reply by Elijah Blackwood


Yeah! I had the exact same thing happen to me. 

I asked my psych teacher about it, & we figured it had something to do with the fact that your brain literally can't tell the difference between what's real & what's not.

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