anyone into shifting? if so you got any tips?
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9 Replies

Reply by 1D10T_P13
1f 1 h4d t0 g1v3 4ny t1p, 1t w0uld b3 t0 just d0 wh4t3v3r y0u w4nt! I st4rt3d g3tt1ng r34lly cl0se t0 sh1ft1ng 0nc3 1 w4sn't t13d t0 th3 "0h 1f 1 d0nt d0 x y 4nd z 1 w0nt sh1ft" m1nds3t. Just h4ve fun!
Reply by Robot
Reply by MaxStarz
I've shifted before awake and asleep. The first time I didn't know what shifting was, and somehow I ended up fully shifting asleep. The second time it was for a second, but I was fully there. This was when I was awake.
Reply by mío
hi. i cant rlly give you tips, but taking breaking is very important. methods that helped me were different types of manifesting and lucid dreaming!
Reply by Yoshii
Personally I'm taking a break rn and mostly focusing on subliminals for my CR but I'd advice you that you'll shift some day, it may take a long time but every attempt gets you closer to your DR and u don't have to do anything in order to shift. U don't have to lie still, u don't have to drink a ton of water or even meditate, while yes some being placebos and some convincing your mind that if you do them it will be easier can help with the shifting belief, just know that just because you aren't following instructions some youtuber or tiktoker told you to follow you won't shift, shifting happens all the time. It's all up to believing
Reply by Bad B!tch
I Love shifting but I have a problem with finding a dr I like and then dropping like a week later and I just need to stick to one dr
Reply by pouthy
Omg yes i have one tip, it's trying to shift every single day. I have a blog post on this so if you wanna know more check it outtt :D
Reply by bem
buy a journal and write in it like u alr shifted. write about how it makes u feel, what ur dr(s) is like & how easy it is. live in the future. u alr are a master shifter. oh & shifting itself is not as complicated as people make it seem. if i had to give an analogy, it's like facing a wall with moving locks and having to jab the key into one of them. it's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of timing and sometimes luck.
Reply by Dante
Ten un diario, escrito y si quieres oral, graba tu voz relatando como te sentiste despues de X metodo. Yo recomiendo el guion escrito, la LIFA app no la veo tan segura o confiable. Toma suficiente agua, ten minimo un dia de descanso entre cada intento. Ten dias fijos para shiftear, trata de aprender mas sobre tu realidad, por lo menos imagina, si no puedes vizualizar, que estas alli. Trata de tener un horario de sueño fijo y saludable. Yo suelo intentar de noche, puedes poner afirmaciones de fondo, o meditar ya sea para shiftear o simplemente para dormir. Si se te hace mas facil tener sueños lucidos, mientras estas soñando, di: viajo a mi realidad deseada, o viajo a X lugar en mi realidad deseada. No te desanimes, medita en cualquier momento del dia. Trata de acercarte a tu RD haciendo cosas que TU de Tu RD haria. Pon en tu guion que no pasas años, ni meses, ni semanas, tal vez solo dias, es mucho mas facil asi. Te quiero, ojala todo quien lea esto, logre llegar. <3