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Bernie and AOC are fucking awesome

Posted by Vegan Prepper


Forum: News and Politics

Tell me I am wrong or right. I literally give no shits.

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Reply by Johnny Lee


Bernie is ironically a rich guy yet he demands that rich people give up their wealth I am by no means a rich person in fact I'm very poor. But as I undestand it no matter how rich or poor someone is you shouldn't take money away from them especially if you aren't willing to give up your own wealth. Also, AOC all she does is talk she never takes action like as a Conservative I'll take an objective view and try to look at what the left sees and all I see is talk and no walk. Now see I see a lot of walk with the republicans although they do have their drawbacks because lets' be honest 80% of the people in politics are old hags 15% are middle aged 4% are in their early or mid 30s and 1% are young.

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


"Bernie is ironically a rich guy"

Fact check:

‘I didn’t know it was a crime to write a good book’

 yet he demands that rich people give up
their wealth

'We must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share. Period.'

I am by no means a rich person in fact I'm very poor.

as I undestand it no matter how rich or poor someone is you shouldn't
take money away from them especially if you aren't willing to give up
your own wealth
. (Illogical fallacy, hence the line through it)

Also, AOC all she does is talk she never takes action

Here is a link of something courageous piece of legislation SHE wrote



like as a Conservative I'll take an objective view and try to look at
what the left sees and all I see is talk and no walk.

Every week I watch Bernie Sanders live meeting with AMERICAN Unions to work for better pay and benefits for AMERICANS----not fucking Jeff Bezos, not Elon Musk, FUCKING AMERICANS. Now tell me, as a conservative, what politician is busting their ass FOR YOU and YOUR family. Please. Entertain me.

 Now see I see a
lot of walk with the republicans although they do have their drawbacks
because lets' be honest 80% of the people in politics are old hags 15%
are middle aged 4% are in their early or mid 30s and 1% are young.

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


whoops I need to respond your age thing-I am sorry, what does that have to do with anything at all?

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


 Bernie is not a fucking old hag. I am saying I love Bernie and AOC. Elizabeth Warren kinda pisses me off because she is rude to people but still. You can't necessarily hate a woman who's entire life's mission is to improve public education who furthermore used to be a public school teacher.

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Reply by root


INB4 that guy says that "for someone who doesn't give a shit you sure seem to give a shit"

not that it matters because you're right @Vegan Prepper.

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


Hahahaha yes!! I meant it more as I will respect your opinions regardless and I don't mean to put anyone down or anything. Probably should have said that lol.

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


I hate American politics, it's always left foot right foot. Always taking a step forward and back. ALWAYS forgetting about it's children who deserve an equal chance at education. America's only building up their prison system/military industrial complex. That is their focus and education is always a bottom fucking priority. I'm a teacher and my goal is for every child in my class to at least have a fucking shot. Bernie and AOC actually show through their actions that they want to advance the next generation forward instead of backwards. That's all I care about.

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


us you don't pay attention without telling us.  Honey she's done
absolutely nothing to further ANYTHING she's spoken about!!!!! 

here ya go, here is a list

Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

tell me what you disagree with on this thread and then we will move the conversation forward


I also like how you linked to AOC writing the green new
deal considering it's been around since 2007 or
2008:  https://www.investopedia.com/the-green-new-deal-explained-4588463

why would you link something that doesn't work? hmmmmmmmm.....................

it was also blocked: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/435899-senate-blocks-green-new-dea

You don't pay attention AT ALL. 

I have no room for personal attacks or insults on this platform, so take it or leave it.

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Reply by Evan⸸⛧


Social-democracy is a betrayal of working class people. People of the world have no time to waste with idiotic crony politicians like Bernie or AOC. Capitalism is destroying the world and exploiting, killing, and manipulating gullible people into thinking that capitalism with a safety net if the new messiah.

Americanism is not only a mindset but a tool for mass oppression against marginalized people everyday.

Go read books like 'Principles of communism',Settlers:The mythology of the white proletariat, State and revolution, black marxism, as we have always done, combat liberalism, the communist manifesto, the capital, Reform or revolution,

Besides books I'd recommend you watch people like FinnishBolshevik, Fellow Traveler, Hakim, Socialism for all, Lady Izdihar

You should also read "The Combahee River Collective Statement" Very interesting and necessary read for any progressive

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