I really want to work, I do, but I am terrified... of everything. Messing up, forgetting, overstimulation, anxiety attacks, shootings/robberies. Literally anything you can think of that is or is not in my control. I cannot see myself working any job, which breaks my heart. I have dream jobs, I have the desire to work, I even got a job a few weeks ago... but I never showed up. Couldn`t pick up the phone, couldn`t move my feet. I suppose an online job will do but if I don`t leave my house I get so depressed and anxious it`s practically unbearable. What do I even do about this? Everyone says I am making excuses and it makes me feel like shit. Thanks xx
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anxiety is holding me back
10 Replies

Reply by seraphxo
me too....i've mostly been putting it off LOL.
Reply by Kylie
That was happening to me a lot to not to long ago, I ended up with a job at McDonalds but the anxiety was way to much and I ended up quitting after 3 days. I ended up having to take anti anxiety medication and that's been helping a lot, I'm about to be hired on as a medical scribe now.
Reply by Nostalgia Goddess
I've been in that position as well. It's hard getting a job when you need references, but don't know anyone other than family. Thank goodness for Temp Agencies
Reply by Thunder Dragon DJ Kaos
Reply by Nat Nat
I don't know. I think we all have those worries, but most of us power through them and those thoughts don't control us.
I used to feel this way about going to the gym - that I had to eat right at a certain time, that I had to do everything a certain way, or else it was worthless, when, really, I just needed to show up, do what I can, go home, but do it consistently.
Everything in life is about putting one foot ahead of the other one step at a time. Sucking at something is the very first step at getting pretty good at something down the line.
Reply by CupidRuben
The best option is to just do it and avoid jobs that cause stress like u could work in a library, book store, or at home jobs. I have social anxiety and I’m going to college so I know my anxiety levels will skyrocket so I’ve been looking for jobs that I can work from home :)
Reply by Vicky
I'm like that. I have no problem working but I've become so socially anxious that even the idea of talking on the phone is overwhelming and it's really hard to earn anything online.
Reply by Kade
Honestly the best thing about jobs is it’s JUST a job. You can go in and pretend to be someone else entirely. It’s not your real life, your home life.
Worst thing about a job is if you’re having me to health struggles or are on the spectrum, it will probably make coping worse.
I got so overstimulated at my retail jobs that I’d essentially put myself into stimulus deprivation, after work. I couldn’t have my any more movie or conversation. Shit literally hurt and made me physically ill.
I think finding a place where you have good coworkers is the most important thing. The job itself can be boring or it can suck. The people you work with make or break the environment.
Idk I’m not giving advice or anything. But I understand. Also as someone with agoraphobia, it’s real man. Idk what is yo with you but if it’s “in your head” then that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Brain matter is 100 percent real and it affects every aspect of our existence. That’s not a bs excuse. That’s an immutable fact.
Reply by J@cki3
Wow, 3 years ago. Hoped things worked out for you. You will make mistakes but it’s normal and not the end of the world.
Reply by salem
same.. I'm almost 17 (next month) and when I was newly 16, I tried to get a job. my step mom works at a doller tree and asked her boss to get me a job and she said yah just come in and I got it. well. I got ready, mom drove me there nad before I even got out of the car I started bawling. I got in the store, walked around but the idea of walking up and asking for a manager made me cry even more. I felt like a pathetic failure. like I got my parents so annoyed and over me. I went home and cried myself to sleep LOL. it was embarasing. but.. IGOT sent to treatmet again and got meds again so hopefully I can do it and try again. and I hope you can to. its scarry but we have to do it some way. I have faith in you ^^