it's been over a year since the pandemic began and we all went in2 lockdown. it's been rough. we lost many loved ones during this whole circus, and we have all been thru mental health struggles during these times. we used the internet as a way of escapism, we all have used zoom 4 school and communication, and we have lost many connections w/ friends, acquaintances, and/or any family.
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what will life look like post-covid?
35 Replies

Reply by SuperrnovaKitty ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
guy above me sucks their own toes up their booty.
Reply by bunny
Reply by raie<3
its sad, honestly. people are dying, and people still don't think it's real. :(
Reply by Kylie
At this point it's kinda hard to imagine, I'm so used to it now that it's kinda weird, I feel like everyone else around me is getting super used to it too.
Reply by fendi
Reply by Jenga ★ミ
new. Almost everything in my life has changed since COVID became this
really important thing and I almost consistently feel like something
worse is coming. It's hard to believe anything is looking up but I also
am trying to do better than being defeatist all the time. Seeing so much
traumatizing and horrible news for over a year now paired with seeing
the absolute lack of basic human empathy in so many people has changed
my perception of the US but also just of people.
people have been lost and I came very close to losing my own father to
COVID and the idea that everybody that surrounds him in his social
circle are all vehemently denying the severity of the virus as well as
almost the entirety of our state feeling the same is... angering lol
Reply by necromancer
this is just a dry run of what our lives will look like under climate change tbh. we'll miss these days. also I'm so scared of antibiotics resistance lol
Reply by muj
La pandemia fue un respiro después de todo personalmente fue algo bueno, me hizo dar cuenta lo mucho que necesitaba ir a terapia superar mis problemas tambien me hundi en otros pero aun asi fue una pausa de mi vida en la normalidad.
I love when people post things like this. These are the conversations I want to have!
I think life during COVID gave people time to figure out who they are in their interpersonal relationships. I realized hella imperfections in myself and in the world. (Not that I wasn’t already aware of a lot of them already.)
Reply by Black Sheep Derrick
Everybody will be so scared of the virus people will be willing to transfer there consciousness into a robot body so they won't get sick anymore.
Reply by Samantha
Honestly at this point, I could give a fuck about a virus. If I catch it I catch it. I love halfway across the country from my family (career changes and shit) so it's not like I'm about to spread it to them. I'm damn tired of putting my life on hold for something I may or may not end up getting. I'm vaccinated. I wash my hands. I socially distance when I can. But shit, I just went to my first concert in well over a year last Saturday and I'm happy af I took that risk.
Reply by 𝓬𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮
I’m hopeful we can get back to semi normal. It depends on how we all act and getting over fear. I’m done being afraid of getting it. I don’t want to get it but I’m beyond done letting the fear rule over my life.
Reply by oakleythespaceman
Well, I really hope things get better, even if everything seems to be taking a downward trend. It makes me wish I was something like a tardigrade living on a patch of moss so I didn't have to worry about human bullcrap. Urgh
Reply by LuLu
Reply by Neon Phantom
I don't even know. My son is 4 now and I don't think he remembers a pre-Covid word. People wearing mask, the tv PSAs, lockdowns, its all normal to him and something about that is really scary to think about.
Reply by xX♡ sushi ♡Xx
I just got my first shot today. I feel weird about it. Idk if this shit will ever be over
Reply by Kinnie
I know that I'll be in therapy by then because something went wrong during late 2020. That, and probably trying to restart my life.
Reply by Flynn
i dont think there will ever be a post coivd, though i do think itll just exist like the flu only needing to get like a shot every year. Kinda sucks but ig thats how its gonna be
Reply by Milla
i hate those idiots that dont think its real or are camping out infront of parliament bc they think the vaccine is sum sorta microchip or whatever. ppl are dying and being hospitalized all around them and they still keep those selfish opinions that dont benefit anyone not even themselves. some ppl who have died or have had close ppl die would have given anything for there to be a cure before then but those other bitches are just whining their asses off saying "nonono the latest facebook thread says that someone is trying to control us or whatever" like whats the logic behind that??????
Reply by bigdiggitydawg
I dont think therell be ever a post covid life ... itll honestly be here forever.
Reply by N A T H A N
i think that it wont ever end but it will fade out and everyone will get it or get use to it after everyone gets the vaccene
Reply by Shoe
Honestly I can't imagine a future without covid and not having to wear masks. Its been so long and wearing a mask in public is the new norm. its so weird not wearing one.
Reply by 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝
I'm having more trouble adapting to the post-covid world than I did adapting to the pandemic tbh. Can't find solitude outdoors anymore because there's always other people around now. During the pandemic, I could go for a walk on a night and not see a single other person. It was awesome.
Reply by ratmorgve
I honestly really enjoyed the pandemic life and am having a hard time adapting. I´m so used to wering a mask constantly and now I feel so exposed without it. I was never one to go to crowded places and such but now it feels extra weird. Plus I miss online school so much, having in-person classes seems useless and a waste of time (with the traveling especially).
Reply by 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙_𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍9
two or three types.
Reply by Minty
I think it's a misconception to believe we will ever truly be "post-COVID", in the same way we will never be post-flu. Variants/sublineages of this virus are going to continue circulating indefinitely.
Society has decided that it is moving on, tanking whatever losses may come.
Reply by Maiden Death
I was fourteen when the pandemic started. Now, three months from now I will be eighteen. I feel no adult at all, I had no experience to allow me to feel this transition. I'm just another child being forced into maturity.
Reply by fluffle
i think it completely skewed everyone's perception of time... no one feels their actual age. i think we should collectively agree to knock off 2 years of everyone's age haha. i still feel 19 lol
Reply by Sopi
Reply by リサマリ異能
Only when the city center is free of fent zombies will the pandemic truely be over.
Reply by Naoki
It ended, no pandemic, no virus, but there still are a lot of problems in the world
Reply by מרא mara
People (including in this thread) are pretending it's already over, even though the virus is still out there killing and disabling people. I don't know how it can end while that's still going on.
Reply by Jo
Here in 2024 everyone is happy it’s over but now they’re gen alpha kids on TikTok pretending it’s march of 2020 and the pandemic has just started and making an “aesthetic” out of the worst time of most of our lives and they are literally sad that they cannot experience it again as teens like it took me years of my life and they now want that? Nah f that there is just so much wrong with this
Reply by Colby
Like all things, it takes time to heal. Obviously we've recovered from COVID now by some measures but I do see some benefits and negatives to society post-covid.
Firstly, the biggest issue is I think the pandemic seriously fucked up communication skills for some people. The pandemic happened when I was in HS, so still mentally developing at a fast rate. Being isolated for a whole year probably stunted the ability to communicate for lots of kids my age. I can't even imagine what it was like for people younger, like middle school.
However I think there's a few benefits. I think society in general has finally started to appreciate socializing and cutting back screen-time more. I've been seeing it more and more lately compared to fresh from COVID or before then. Counter-cultures are developing against social media, news, etc. People have emphasized going out more and I think that trend will grow larger.