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Any Voltron Fans Here ?

Posted by Galra Keith


Forum: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Any Voltron Fans here ? 

I'm a big Fan of the Shows . My Fav. is Voltron Legendary Defender because they started off a Good story until Seasons 7-8 came .   

VLD was rushed, dreamworks didn't put much a lot of story in the show , They made the show with 8 seasons. means 8 Years not in 3 Years ! Didn't like they try to put more LGBT stuffs in the show , plus The LGBT peoples threaten the Staffs of the show. 

Plus Keith and Acxa Should been together , Hate Everyone saying Klance. Keith and Lance they aren't Gay !

I got the VLD  on DVD Just waiting for Season 7-8 on DVD.
I like some of the Voltron Force 

and The 80's was okay for me its hard to follow  . Plus I got the 80's Voltron DVD Box set !  
Coming Soon I'll start a Voltron Fan Group on spacehey when ever it comes online (Hope it will be on soon )
So What is your Favorite Voltron series? 

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17 Replies

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Reply by Benjamin


Oh my god, hi!!! I love Voltron Legendary Defender! Welllll, the first few seasons anyway haha, they really sort of ruined the ending and character development for me towards the end. But nonetheless, it holds a spot in my heart and will always be one of my favourite shows!!

I felt seriously let down when they rushed the show and in my humble opinion *forced romance where there is none* between Allura and  Lance. And also didn't give Lance the character arc he deserved :') aha 

But seriously 80% of what I draw is Klance xD 

I have never watched the original Voltron tbh, not after hearing Pidge's voice in it hahaha

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Reply by Molly


I love Voltron! Not the last two seasons though lol. They built up so much for the show only to throw it all away at the end and that sucked. Klance and Shallura are my fave ships. And Lance deserved  so much better! 

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Reply by Galra Keith


Anyone in here is a Fan of Voltron Legendary Defender and want to see more of it please sign my petition to bring Voltron on to PeacockTV For more Seasons More stories to tell because Netflix won't do anything with it!

Lets make it happen !

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Reply by Rem Rex MintRainbow


Honestly, headcanons are a thing btw-

I loved Voltron but I only really really connected to Pidge when it felt like she was a trans guy at first until she ended up not being one. The show really could have gone a lot farther, but art-wise it is my absolute favorite version of Voltron. The others I have tried to watch but I just couldn't get into them.

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Reply by ToriElectra


My first exposure to Voltron was watching the 80s version when Adult Swim aired it at 5AM -- I'd catch it on occasion when I couldn't sleep and I'd sneak downstairs to watch TV. I at least was familiar with it when Nicktoons came along with Voltron Force -- I watched every single episode of that, and was really disappointed when no second season happened.

Then came the Netflix revival via DreamWorks, and I was hooked. Every time a new season happened, I had to watch. And I waited for them to get back to Earth and hoped they'd have Vehicle Voltron in the cards. We got the Atlas which, while cool, still wasn't Vehicle Voltron (or even Gladiator Voltron, FTM). Unlike most people, I watched for the giant robot battles and plot, and I stayed the hell away from the endless shipping wars the rest of the fandom seemed to be engaged in.

By the time the final season came along, probably due to not rewatching the seasons after they first aired -- binge-watching may not be the best solution -- I felt like the show was running on fumes. They had this really annoying alien who kept going on about socks or something, and I just wanted it to end already. I fast-forwarded through like, half the finale -- I picked up at seeing hints of Vehicle Voltron, but they were only hints -- some of the parts were under construction. I was disappointed they'd waited that long, and we hadn't got any hint of the Gladiator Voltron either.

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


Long time Voltron fan here (I was 3 when the original 1984 show aired). I've enjoyed all the various series. I used to post on the official Voltron forums until that was closed down in favor of Reddit and Twitter.

I also had my own website which featured my Voltron fanfiction but Yahoo closed down Geocities and so I never bothered to rebuild it. Now all of my fanfiction is on Fanfiction.net

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Reply by Galra Keith


Do you know that some of the old Yahoo GeoCities moved over to GeoCities.ws 

I found your Voltron site 
Voltron: Defender Of The Parodies 

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


I'm actually surprised that website is still up somewhere. Guess it's true, nothing on the internet is ever truly gone.

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Reply by tori ☾


I love voltron :) sadly with how badly the bad side of the fandom pushed and threatened the creators; they were forced to rush it. If only that hadn't happened, we'd have a p good show. I enjoyed what we got regardless because I knew I would live in fanon territory after the show lol

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Reply by Galra Keith


I have a Voltron fan site I made If anyone wants to check it out here it is. 

{ Guestbook | Characters Bios | Fan Arts and Much More to come } 

and Come stop by at the Message Board as well https://voltronforever.boards.net/

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Reply by dakota 𓆣


if i'm being honest i really need to rewatch voltron but yeah i loved the show wasn't that big a fan of season 7 and 8 tho lol

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Reply by v1nc3n7


i really love the series, got burnt out around seasin 5-6 lol  im gonna start rewarching it soon

pidge was who made me start to think im trans and i have a mild hc theyre transmasc lol

this layout hurts my head idk how to stop talking so yea uhhh good show good show

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Reply by ArticMoss


I'm re-watching and is currently hyper fixating on the show, mainly on Keith.

I don't really care for the ship any is fine unless it's weird e.g: minor/adult, and siblings blood or not type ships.

and I love the Keith and Shiro's bond

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Reply by Snoopy


Hi!!! This is probably so dead by now but I just started it and I love it so much in on season 2 however I know that apparently it gets bad 7-8 and they discard a bunch of plots 

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Reply by Galra Keith


Yes it did. It suck so bad!  Snoopy. They should had given us more fill-in more of this show flash backs of Keith's Father, Keith shown off more of his Galra Side, whats up with all the Shiro clones, More of  Krolia in season's 7-8. 

Dreamworks and during the interviews with the casts and creators did hinted that there would be more to Voltron Legendary Defender story and with a Sequel

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Reply by Arth__



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Reply by Lilith S (Charlie S)


Me! I’ve been rewatching Legendary Defender because I never really finished it and I just got to season 3, I do agree that it seemed like they didn’t know what they were doing for the last season, but I did like season 7, but I definitely understand why you feel like that. I’ve never really seen the original, but I read some of the comics and watched some clips and I it looks pretty cool. 

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