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Mass Murders in Atlanta

Posted by geekout


Forum: News and Politics

It's been almost a week. For me, it's been depressing, but I've had to learn about a bunch of things related to Asian immigrant womens issues, a little about Christianity, and a bit about Chinese American history. I'm hoping the victims of this murderer get justice.

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Reply by Cashlin


I keep seeing about this and the other murders on social media and it's pretty screwed up. I think part of what makes it awful is a lot of us saw this coming and don't know how to stop the ignorance, hate, and confusion. 

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Reply by geekout


Yeah, it's hard to know what to do when it's happening, but maybe we can use some hindsight and avert problems in the future.

Early in the "war on terrorism", activists agitated to avoid scapegoating Muslim Americans. I think that worked out sort-of OK. They are still suffering a huge amount of bigotry, but at least we didn't have internment camps.

There's a rally on the 11th called "White Lives Matter", out here, organized partly by the KKK. We have to unite against that. I am figuring out if I can go.

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