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Horror movies within the past 2-3 years. ( Movies in general rather)

Anyone who loves a good movie, would notice that the movies over the past couple years have been....well, shit. They truly only make remakes it seems. As if they dont have any ideas for anything new. Now, dont get me wrong, when they remade IT chapter 1 &' 2 it was better than the original IMO. It had better graphics and things such as that. Along with older movies from back in the 70s-80s...they're trying to remake them now or try to make them into a series when they're not suppose to be! For example, The movie Top Gun. Top Gun is an amazing movie from 1986 that they remade just last year! Nothing could top the original and anyone knows that! 

You'd think since there are so many movie places, directors, writers and things related, that they'd be able to come up with something interesting. I guess they cant get their heads together to do so. 

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Reply by FRTIZY


I totally agree with what you said about the series thing! Theyre trying to turn good movies into series.. when they cant be series. Because theyres only one ongoing sentence essentially, its things you cant split into series!
I know MTV's Scream was released back in 2015 but its a great example of a good horror movie turned into a shitty series :[

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Reply by $YD


I feel like Jordan Peele's recent addition to the world of horror is a refreshing take on the genre at least?

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