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Lately been dreaming of death, danger, the dead, and kids

For the last month I've been dreaming of a recent relative who just passed at the end of last year. The first dream only I could see him and no-one else. He was at a front  door telling me to follow him. This past weekend I was at his supposedly grave and when I looked in thinking I was going to see a rotting corpse he was down there standing staring up at with me with a smile and glowing skin. And kids. Kids have been all over my dreams. They play around me not really paying attention to me. Like bystanders. This past weekend I also dreamt my friends girlfriend had a miscarriage. These dreams. Pesadillas en vivo

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Reply by PaganMoon84


Do you have any abilities? Or is this abnormal for you? 

Death in a dream usually means the ending of something, not literal death. But if a relative is visiting that often, I'd think they are definitely trying to speak to you. Do you currently have kids? If not, sounds to me like you will in the future. Or at the least be surrounded by them in either a school, daycare, etc kind of setting. Are the children alive and healthy in your dreams or deceased? 
Little clues matter in context. All details can offee a sign of some sort. 

Your friends girlfriends miscarriage.... Well, I'll ask the question again. Lol
Do you dream like this often or have you ever predicted anything? 

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Reply by Pesadillas En Vivo


I always dream like this. The children stopped. I don't know about any abilities but sometimes I do say things, feel, or see it coming. I don't think it has to do with any children in the future for me. Leek or so I've been taking melatonin so it's harder for me to remember my dreams. 

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