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Our Ascent into Communism USA
12 Replies

Reply by Macky
America is too class cucked to pull off a successful revolution that isn't completely squashed a couple days later. I think we would have to be in far, far worse material conditions where there are only rich and piss poor people and people would have to have 0 hope of social mobility. If nothing is done about income inequality then we might very well see a revolution that could overthrow the government in pure numbers. There would be a form of class unity since everyone has nothing to lose, but I always believe that America would succumb to Fascism over any Socialist ideology due how xenophobic majority of the country is.
Hell, the reactionary storming of the capital was way more successful since the police are more trusting of people with far-right views, but they weren't organized and posted everything online on parler.
Reply by geekout
Reply by Tuesday
The average American is too happy under capitalism to want a revolution. The Americans have their bread and their circuses. Even the most impoverished people in America can eat rather well and have access to luxury items such as smartphones, television, etc. Capitalism is too efficient and successful to be replaced.
Reply by geekout
Reply by Alice
Reply by Boris Grishenko
Slamdangles, have you ever read a book on socialism?
Reply by boshi
America is so far from having any revolutionary potential. First, basic class consciousness needs to be reached. Also, most people still believe every socialist country in history is evil.
Reply by mystical illusions
The USA prices have gone up ... and food making smaller packaging an less in the packaging ...
mostly we are trying to save our democracy... I believe most people do not want to live under a dictator or fascism... under the last disgraceful x trump ... an certainly hope people realize this sooner then later ... he is not who I would want to have our security info ... he has shown what he has been doing with what he took when he left the white house...." he is unfit for office ... an 1 of these law suits will have to stick ..." if not more ... I believe Biden is our best bet ... he has seem to get a lot done and believe he will do more in the future too for America... and do it with democracy in place ... an trump just does not want to take responsibility for what he done to our country ... maybe they will get him off the ballads in some state ... being it has shown he was responsible for the insurrection... an tried to over turn our elections with others to ... I don't understand why his cult followers do not see what he is doing to them by taking their $ ...when he does not give two sh*ts about them... and look some of his people he had are turning on him becouse he was wrong ... and throwing lawyers 1 by 1 under the bus ...an do not know why he did not pardon these witnesses an same with his family member's... they think while their in jail he will get them out ..." no he will get more charged an put in jail..." but I still believe people will vote for democracy an our constitution in 2024... then live under a military state ... like other dictators do...
Reply by Tyler i guess
Reply by Nathan
Reply by cyan
Reply by Nurses Whispering Verses
I like the implication that its only now just happening. This has been going on for over a century!