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How do I move on?

I was in a long distance relationship for over two years. This person was my whole life honestly, they were the reason why I seeked therapy for s stuff because I finally saw a reason to like being alive, I wanted to be better for them. We never once got in a fight or even an argument, whenever we disagreed on something we'd always talk it out calmly, our communication was great. I mentioned the long distance thing, well.. that distance was from one continent to a different one. We were getting ready to move in together, they had everything ready to move to my country, last thing they had to get done was change their bank account type to an international one... And then, covid happened. Then a year went by and it got harder and harder to deal with the distance, the different timezones, the disillusion of the plans that didn't work out. They broke up with me about a month ago... We're still friends, but I still love them just like the first day.. I still catch myself daydreaming about our future life together, in that little house we'd talk about, with a bunch of cats, a couple dogs and a crazy amount of plants, spending our days cooking together and singing every night... It hurts to think about, but all these thoughts always come rushing to my mind whenever we talk. I got in a video call with them for the first time after the breakup last night, I managed to hold back crying during the call, but as soon as I hung up I just broke down... Where do I even start to move on?

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13 Replies

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Reply by 99iris


Letting yourself feel is the first start of it. Cutting someone off entirely may seem impossible since you've planned a future with this person, and I understand this certain pain completely. 

It feels like seeing your soulmate one more time watching the stars until they drift away forever. As dramatic as it sounds I like to view it that way. Especially if you're a person that loves to love. 

You're still young, explore, travel, surround yourself with people who you know have good intentions. Keep the feeling mutual, you don't have to cut them off entirely, just make sure you're not constantly responding. 

Play Music, allow yourself to feel emotions, just don't hurt yourself. Talk to someone you trust, find a new goal and maybe those feelings may differ during time. 

More importantly, let yourself heal

I hope you found that reassurance of moving on and life's taking you to the right path.

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Reply by anndroideee


me paso algo muy similar bro, tenia un novio a larga distancia y de verdad pensé q funcionaria, al final terminamos pq él me fue infiel, a diferencia de vos, él y yo no somos amigos y nos tenemos bloqueados mutuamente, ya van 10 meses de contacto 0

Yo te recomiendo q cortes cualquier tipo de comunicacion con esa persona, no intyentes ser su amigo ya q solo complicaran las cosas, NO PUEDES SER AMIGO DE UN EX

no te voy a decir que superar es facil pq no lo es, el proceso duele y tienes que aprender a llevarlo, el tiempo lo ccura todo, tal ves te duela dias, semanas, mese, incluso años, pero eventualmente dejara de doler

no intentes llenar vacios emocionales con otras personas, primero sana y luego intentas otra relacion, siempre recuerda que hay mas personas en el mundo 

ojala puedas seguir adelante :))))

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Reply by blackamulet


Yikes, such a hard pill to swallow. Try focusing on yourself and bettering yourself and think of yourself better.

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Reply by Raven Soulifer


Cutting ties might be the only way to do it. I was DEEPLY in love with a guy long distance. He decided to take a different path in life and just be friends but over time I realized I just couldn't do that. So finally in December I said goodbye and explained my mindset and feelings and hit the dreaded "unfriend". Then bawled my eyes out for days. But it was the push I needed because now I'm with someone. 

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Reply by Raven Soulifer


Cutting ties might be the only way to do it. I was DEEPLY in love with a guy long distance. He decided to take a different path in life and just be friends but over time I realized I just couldn't do that. So finally in December I said goodbye and explained my mindset and feelings and hit the dreaded "unfriend". Then bawled my eyes out for days. But it was the push I needed because now I'm with someone. 

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Reply by Lauren Lee


Don't contact them. It's the worst thing to do. You can't push away your feelings, just let them sink in. Sometimes you need to experience all the feelings to get over them. Also think about it this way. If you guys broke up, bond wasn't strong enough therefore it wasn't meant to be. At least your one and only is still out there. Except you need to go through billions of other people, maybe only hundreds.

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Reply by plumnii


Personally, it was the realization that like she isn’t the same person anymore.

Idk of this is like shitposting bc this topic is like rly old but I wanted to say my opinion on it. 
She goes to my school and the thing that inhibited me from getting over her was the fact that I had to see her in the hallways every day. Then idk I was like “I can’t do this ajymor” and so I just stopped. At first it took a lot of strength to not look up every day and look for her just so I could catch a glimpse of her walking with her friends but as time went on I just kinda forgot abt her 

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Reply by notcris


Long distance stuff really hurts, and I completely understand. I can see why you feel this way. I recommend that you just cry. Let it all out. Its not the greatest advice, I know, but that's what works for me. Love is a great feeling but it can hurt especially in this case.

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Reply by LexiconDisgr4ced


Same thing happened to me. However my long distance relationship was abusive so I ran and got an in person bf within two weeks. 

Don't do that, though. 

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You posted this 11 months ago and i hope you don't need advice anymore but if you do i think you should try finding icky scenarios about them like oh you saw their butt rack or a booger lol. Or meet new people or compare them to super hot people haha.

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Reply by PrincessMedusa


Honestly ....

As much as it destroys you at first you need to cut ties fully with them. Doing so stops reopening the wounds. You need to let yourself heal and be without them. They have been a big part of your world and life struggles, life accomplishments, etc. You have to live life and feel okay having life happen without them there. When you have something good or bad happen and you no longer crave to instantly call or message them to tell them before anyone else. You have to be okay and happy with you and finding yourself again. 

I know it sounds harsh,and it'll be hard and hurt badly . I only say this from experience and learning the hard way... 
You can always pm me for more details and more information if I worded anything bad I do apologize. 

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Reply by Sloppobottomus


As painful as it seems, personally it was easiest to move on once you limit their involvement in your life. 

Think of it in this oversimplified way. You have a car because you need to get to work. Your car brakes down and it's somehow irreparable despite your best efforts. You can't bring in a new car until you make the parking space to park a new car and get back to working again. The appropriate first step is to call and get the old car removed.

There are going to be days where the pain and mental torment is beyond difficult to push through and every little thing reminds you of them and the happiness they brought you but you'll get to a point where you realize that our time on this earth is limited and as selfish as it seems you need to put yourself first. What you had with them was special but you owe yourself that happiness and love that person made you feel. Fall in love with yourself and learn a bunch of new nifty things on the way. Day by day the pain will become smaller and while the thought of them will likely never fade, at least you'll be thankful you took action to give yourself a life that revolved around your happiness and wellbeing and hey, while unimaginable now maybe you'll find someone 1,000,000 times better on the way but in either case the first step is to put yourself first.

Best of luck on your journey my friend. My inbox is open should you ever need to chat.


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Reply by Phantom3365


hmmmm this would be better to talk about privately add me ill explain further

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