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Heavy equipment mechanics/tech

Posted by Floki


Forum: Automotive

Hey guys I just wanted to get in touch with some of ya'll who fix heavy equipment/machinery. I currently work in the automotive field, and i have SOME experience working on diesel. But i really want to try to get into the heavy equipment side of this work. And to obtain some knowledge on what i need to do to get my foot in the door somewhere that I can make the transition from cars to heavy duty stuff. And any tips you may have that could get me prepped for said transition. 

All answers and tips are more than welcome, since i know heavy equipment mechanics are very scarce, this could also just be a place for everyone to just shoot the shits and have a good time.

I also wanted to let you know i do have some of my own tools, not in buckets. i have a napa service cart that holds all the tools i have now. Which I'm able to do basic repairs like oil changes, filters, grease jobs, tires, etc. 

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Reply by ~*💚Chels🖤*~


Hello! I am currently going to school at AIM (aviation institute of maintenance) to get my A & P licens(airframe and powerplant) so I can work on airplanes. With this license I would be able to work on things like trains, power turbines, roller coasters, elevators etc. But my focus is airplanes. They also offer several other, not just an AMT license. :)

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Reply by sinofcringe


Hope all went well for you considering how late I am to this. The best piece of advice I can give as far as transitioning from auto to diesel is to apply. I've worked on buses and trucks and every place I've worked has hired auto techs. School or no school you're going to start out with boring work. Oil changes, services, PM inspections, tires, and maybe brakes depending on on the shop. You just have to get in the field. Once you're in just learn as much as you can at the job, ask to learn more, if they can't teach you more or won't, then start applying elsewhere with you new skills and do that until you're satisfied. Try to give each job a year though. The first 6 months is always slow, after that they should start giving you bigger jobs and stuff as long as you've proven yourself. Feel free to hit me up if you still need advice.

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