sparkling water is actually good:p
Topic: Unpopular opinions
Reply by libxertyy
Reply by Angela AnaconDope
i'm guilty of loving that weird cherry flavor no one likes, things like dr. pepper
Reply by Kinnie
Summer is the best season;
Reply by Steve Raines
Ego. Pride. Narcissism.
Reply by Skyll_x
Reply by Saul Goodman
Reply by Robotic Gunner
Reply by jezebel
Reply by Kitchen Staff
Most modern mainstream media (music, movies, video games etc) is extremely boring and I don't get how people unironically enjoy that.
Reply by v3nus
that one victoria's secret song on tiktok is the worst song that ever went viral on tiktok :))
Reply by ⋆ asda✰ ɞ
Reply by ♠ 𝕷𝖔𝖌𝖆𝖓 ♠
Reply by H I M E
Buying a pre-built PC is more sensible than building a PC yourself.
It's not as easy to build your own PC; and while it's really cool to do so, it's just completely outside of what the majority of people can do. It is much more cost efficient to buy a pre-assembled unit with insurance than it is to buy and insure each individual part of an expensive Lego set. And there's always the risk of spending a metric ton of money, only to mess up on the build.
Reply by xXkf100Xx
Reply by Dragonsalt
I'll give like a culture take, an political take, a food take, and a tech take.
1. "wokeism" has gone too far in lots of aspects of online media. While I agree that some people can be "problematic" we probably shouldn't be unilaterally deleting them off social media without a clear breach of ToS.
2. Biden has been doing soooo much better than anyone ever expected and is passing unprecedented legistlation.
3. I refuse to believe that anyone likes the taste of beer. I've tried several different brands of beer and it's just all disgusting. Seriously just how do people do it.
4. You don't need to keep 9384928492 pictures on your phone taking up massive amounts of space. Once you take a picture you want to keep upload it to Google Drive or something since they provide free storage. Actually insane how many people I've seen that have absurd amounts of pictures on their phones.
Reply by sir trent
half of space hey will hate me for this
Metallica isnt as good as people say they are
half of the metal community are sexist and/or racist
pop punk should have died in the 2000s
saying nirvana is overrated is dumb
being emo isnt a personality trait
Reply by Bottle O' Glue
Here are mine:
Nickelback is better than Metallica (Nickelback is the bottom of the barrel, Metallica is a tripping hazard in Hell :) )
Sonic Adventure 1 is better than Sonic Adventure 2
The original Backrooms post is better than the newer stuff (the newer lore is great, but it detracts from the mystery)
CGI was better from 2007 to 2009 (I would say 2000 to 2010 because of LotR, but there is SO MUCH bad CGI from around then that I would look like a fool)
The Commodore 64 is cooler than modern computers
And finally, ceramic cartridges on a turntable sound better than most high-end stuff
Reply by BadInfluence
Reply by
eating tomatoes raw are a valid form of eatery and i will not be swayed to the contrary.
Reply by Abashiri
Mine are:
-I hate Western emo culture
-I hate cultural gaps between different countries, especially race
-I support GMOs and human cloning, and killer robots
-I love the tropics, I hate carpet looking brush
-I hate politics, period.
Reply by Bunz
Reply by ~24kCozy~
door dash, uber eats, postmates, grubhub are all stupid. costs more, takes longer, food is cold when you get it and you never know what your driver is doing to your food. just drive to get your food.
Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng
Reply by Wednesday
Reply by hellokittylikestocode
Reply by OmNomStudio
Reply by Woahmeatball
People who hate change in the smallest things really need to grow up and except diffrences.
Reply by Jada
I know a lot of people hate pineapple on their pizza, but hear me out: I actually kind it? I know, I know, it's like totally bizarre, but there's something about the sweet tanginess of the pineapple that really does it for me. Don't get me wrong, I love a good classic pepperoni pizza too, but sometimes it's fun to switch things up and go for something a little unexpected, ya know?
Reply by ★SAGGS★
bnha fans are getting to be too much and we should stop them before its too late
Reply by kyrie:)
Reply by Ava ^_< -★
Reply by ˚✧₊⁎lex¡e⁎⁺˳✧༚
Reply by fluffmon !
Reply by Jake
Reply by Panda Warrior
- Original Coca-Cola is overrated
- Rice is better than pasta
- Bananas are gross
- The Lion King is the best disney movie
- Seagulls don't deserve rights
Reply by rigby roxz
When someone is rude you shouldn’t be mean back because you’ll just be as bad as them is my unpopular o
Reply by DemonAngelCat
1. Oreos dunked in tea is the shit
2. Using the “x interest is your whole personality” is a shit insult, I’m sorry you never get super deep in your interests that you learn new life skills by analyzing whatever you’re interested in but that doesn’t mean you get to go around insulting people for being passionate about their interests, in fact, some of us can’t really help it.
3. The best pizza toppings are: pineapple, black olives, and goat cheese, if you wanna fight me on this, we’re brawling in the Jewel Osco parking lot/j
Reply by Ridley
- Tiktok and trendhopers has ruined creativity and originality when it comes to fashion.
-Pineapple does NOT belong on pizza.
-People who are racist, fat-shame, are homophobic/transphobic, and that judge in general SUCK and should be held accountable for their actions.
- Cats are better than dogs.
- Michael Jackson was a good person and is innocent.
Reply by vic_zombi3
- coffee is disgusting
- white chocolate is rlly good
- reeses are overrated
- all skittles taste the same
- i love cats just as much as i love dogs. i genuinely can't pic 1
- scenecore and scene are 2 different things. hyperpop is NOT scene
- scenecore ppl are usually rlly cool! modernizing a style isnt necessarily a bad thing
Reply by Shooting star!!
Reply by DemonAngelCat
I got another one:
J.D. from Heathers is NOT hot, he is ugly as shit and a disgusting person, his tragic past doesn’t excuse his actions.
(Istfg with how poor Veronica’s tastes in men are I could probably pull her and I have the personality of a nuclear bomb placed inside the sun-)
Reply by altpandaz_xx
Milk goes before cereal!! That's the correct way to pour it so that the cereal doesn't IMMEDIATELY get soggy
Reply by sug4rfxngs
Anyone CAN be attractive with the right hygiene, fitness, diet, self care,and therapy habits.
Reply by Hallucigenia
Reply by Toby♀
Reply by 🦴
Reply by CARTER K xD
i don't know when it happened but now i can't stand it. :( maybe the creators of it were different and i hate current perfume or someone use it a lot so it's lost pleasant smell
Reply by LightningShade
1- Summer is overrated. There are bugs everywhere and you just sweat all the time. Winter is by far my favourite season, and I love snow and cold weather in general. And winter clothing looks way cooler.
2- Well my irl friends are gonna kill me for this, fortunately I don't think they know what Spacehey is-> Parties are overrated. I like music, I like [certain] people, but crank that to a 1000 and it's not a fun experience anymore. In fact I just get agitated and feel nauseous and like my heart is gonna burst out of my chest when the music is too loud. And you can't hear what anyone is saying. Maybe it's just my sensitive hearing, I dunno.
3- Sparkling water is THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD.
4- My irl friends are also gonna kill me for this, and perhaps 3/4 of Spacehey as well but I'm not a big fan of jewellery and/or piercings. In fact, I have kind of an aversion towards anything similar to that. The thought of touching jewellery or even looking at it disgusts me. Not always, but certain types make me gag. I don't know how to explain it :|
5- Wearing pants under a shorter skirt is awesome looking.
6- Bread sucks, pasta and rice better
Reply by LavenderLushLuxury ☭
-Monster energy drinks are vile taste disgusting, They are a Big Pharma chemical experiment
-Bacon is OVERRATED AF honestly
-I DON'T get the hype about, The Irwin Family, Simping over Millionaire Celebrities is cringe and pathetic tbh.
-I support the DPRK, North Korea! They are on the right side of history after seeing how the US UNALIVED OVER 20% Of their population and multiple war crimes done to them during the Korean War
-Vegan Chicken, Taste's so much better then REAL Chicken TBH
Reply by LavenderLushLuxury ☭
Also I CAN'T stand that tacky AF, Playboy designs in people's profiles or anything that has to do with Playboy in General, I feel the brand is disgusting and Hugh Hefner is a Predator, TBH. I feel people are weirdos for using the logo In their SpaceHey dot com profiles OR TikTok, OR, Anywhere ELSE TBH Honestly........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDGAF, What people say about it, That's just how I personally FEEL