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Looking For Comrades

Posted by Julia


Forum: News and Politics

I literally just found out about this website today and I'd like my friends list to be filled with leftists. If you read Marx, cool. If your lived experience radicalized you, dope. Let's be homies and talk about how far behind the US is compared to the rest of the world and what our ideal society would look like.

If you have books (or any sources tbh) to recommend, let me know! I want to read and learn as much as I can :)

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Reply by Yonv


"As We Have Always Done" by Leanne Simpson, "Black Marxism: The Making of The Black Radical Tradition" by Cedric Robinson, and "Settlers: The Mythology of The White Proletariat" by J. Sakai. All three of them are deep into anti-colonialism. But at the end of the day you don't have to read theory to be a comrade.

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Reply by Macky


One book I have is "Studies in Mutualist Political Economy" which is more of a Mutualist political economic theory. However, I am kinda lazy and don't read it. However, it has some good arguments that debunks classical liberal political economics from Adam Smith and other economists at the time, so it's perfect to use against arguments for the Libertarian minded people.

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Reply by Matty


I don't got any readings, but I do have some leftist YouTubers i watch. Some names are Vaush, Hasanabi, Kavernacle, Humanist Report, Ben Dixon, Tim Black, Re-education, and Beau of the fifth column, to name a few

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Reply by arachnidsGrip


Luna Oi is a brilliant perspective of the Vietnamese journey to socialism. Avoid people like Vaush, they tend to be chauvinists with little principles. People who primarily use their platform to just make bank on conflicts.

Finnish Bolshevik is also great. Very educational.

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Reply by Arius


These are some of my favourite resources. I've also linked to some of them in the Anarchism 101 group. Enjoy!

"Anarchy Works" by Peter Gelderloos, about the feasibility of anarchism. (I used to be vegan, and I also recommend his essay, Veganism: Why Not, for a vital critique of that dangerous diet.)

Emma Goldman's "My Disillusionment in Russia" for a scathing anarchist critique of the (unnecessary and tragic) Bolshevik takeover of the Russian Revolution. Her bestie Alexander Berkman also wrote a book on the same subject, as they travelled there together, and it was fun to read the two books in parallel.

"Endgame: Vol 1 + 2" by Derrick Jensen. Jensen's regressive 2nd-wave feminism is a problem. He's a TERF, and it's not okay. But this is still far and away the most brilliant book I've ever read about civilization and its environmental crisis. If you want to understand the fundamental problem that has lead to all the major issues we face today, and be inspired to do something about it, this is the book. (I mean, I guess you could also read "Collapse" by Jared Diamond, and Marshall Sahlin's "The Original Affluent Society" and maybe come to some of the same conclusions, albeit with pretty much none of the radical analysis or inspiration to take action.) 

"Queering Anarchism" is a trans-inclusive resource with essays by a variety of authors.

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Reply by SteamCookedFlower


Oh! That's nice, I am a left wing person, I've read Lenin and some Marx.

Surely, we will be good comrades!

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Reply by SteamCookedFlower


Oh! That's nice, I am a left wing person, I've read Lenin and some Marx.

Surely, we will be good comrades!

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