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did you ever get a super weird dream

mine today was that one country only had hot water and another only had cold water. does this have any spiritual meaning

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Reply by Oak Madleaf


when I was like 8 I had a reoccurring nightmare that Taylor Swift would capture me and eat me in a sandwich. I was terrified of this dream, and it repeated several times over a 6 month timeframe. 

So one time when I was 12 I told a group of kids ab this at the camp I went to, and that night, whilst asleep in my tent, they pulled me out, placed me by the fire, and danced in a circle around me & the fire, chanting the shake it off lyrics. 

I am now moderately afraid of Taylor swift music. 

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I've had tons of weird dreams, but this one is the weirdest one of them all:

It was during the afternoon of Friday, June 2nd, 2017. The dream started with me behind the apartment I lived in for the first 6 years of life, and then I saw the dumpster spontaneously burst into flames for some reason. There were also some random people talking about random things behind me. The dream got even weirder when some brick walls came out of nowhere and started closing in on me. Suddenly, after the walls closed in on me, I ended up in a void of nothingness. I can't exactly describe what it was like other than being trapped in some sort of box. Then, after a while, I ended up at Downtown Disney, met someone in a Tinkerbell costume, and for some weird reason, there was a sign across from me that said "please don't feed the animals". A few minutes later, I woke up from that dream. Oh, and I also felt physical pain in that dream.

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Reply by Mitch_


Hola a todos! bueno aquí va un sueño antiguo y raro que tuve, estaba en una iglecía las paredes eran moradas, el piso de madera color marrón (aparte de ser muy pequeña) y tenia coloridos ventanales, estaba con mi rosario en la mano rezando hasta que mi mama y papa me dicen que sea niña buena y los espere adentro. Total que decidi seguir rezando hasta que me tocan el hombro, cuando voltee vi a una señora muy MUY obesa (tipo kilos mortales) de pelo corto rubio y con rulos, tenia un vestido morado con lunares rosas le colgaba de la panza un gran rosario. la señora me dice que si queria ir afuera y yo le dije que mama y papa no me dejaban y ella casi casi que me obligo a ir afuera, cuando salí de esa iglecia vi que todo el terreno era plano césped totalmente plano y un cielo azul despejado, luego de eso desperte <3.

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