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Conspiracy Theories and World Politics
5 Replies
Reply by Vigilante Stylez
The problem is.. the government does lie, the media has lied, the government has murdered people, it does send people to pointless useless wars, spirit cooking is something they actually do, and is documented. These are things that are verifiable true. The problem is when they create groups like "QAnon, and others" that tout to believe in the truths, and then also believe in outlandish completely untrue unproven wild conspiracy theories that are verifiably false, such as believing in "flat Earth", Trump will come riding on a white horse to restore America to it's former greatness (whatever that means), UFO conspiracy theories, Niburu, Planet X bullshit etc. These groups may have been created in order to distract from the real things the government is actually doing. Also to discredit and silence those who speak up about the real atrocities the government is doing by lumping them into a disliked group of weirdos who believe in stuff with no proof. On the contrary there are many "skeptics" who are not "conspiracy theorists", but in fact do not trust the mainstream narrative, or government. They want more transparency from the government, and facts without spin from the mainstream media. To ignore government's capability and factual proof of evil deeds, is to deny history, and that in and of itself is just as weird, foolish, and even stupid as being a conspiracy theorist. Matter of fact it is the same as a conspiracy theorist, as the conspiracy theory for that would be to deny there is any foul play happening from the government or the mainstream media. That would require almost religious level "faith" because the facts state otherwise. Critical thinking and logic can help a person to decipher between real conspiracies, and complete and total bullshit.
Reply by LuLu
The USA is basically built on blood and lies, so they've definitely created their own pool of conspiracists. However, spirit cooking is equally as documented as the UFO conspiracies you mentioned later, so not the greatest example.
Reply by Vigilante Stylez
Name a country that wasn't built on "blood, and lies". That can apply to any country. However the USA has the weakest laws against "subversion". While I do believe that people should have the freedom of speech, there should be a clear delineation of what is "subversive". The individual ought to be able to say whatever is in their mind, but then there is the "press", while they should have the freedom to watch the government and report what the government is up to to the people, they should not be free to shape public opinion through known lies, and half-truths.
Reply by gothking454
pedosatanic elite wants to sacrifice our children", it's the
"apocalypse", the "new world order"
Reply by Red Field
Whatever happened to the Anarcho-Communists? The actual Liberal left? I don't agree with them economically, but at least they hated big government and recognized it as a monopoly on violence. The modern "leftist liberals" are state worshipers like its their religion. they've been brainwashed by politicians, hard.
The state's growing and trying to control every aspect of people's lives, these so called "liberals" are liberal in name only, they're actual authoritarians. Liberalism is dead.
I completely agree with Vigilante Stylez on corona vaccines. Not only have they more adverse affects in just two years than all other vaccines combined for the past decade, they don't even work remotely as effectively as other vaccines.
I can break down what actually goes on in the minds of half of these "lliberal leftists":
They hate work, they want "free stuff" and feel entitled to other people's resources. They take stupid careers in useless fields like gender studies that have very little real world value, but they believe they suddenly attained a moral high ground - that people are being "oppressed" and only they can see the oppression - which gives them an inflated ego, but then can't pay back student loan debt.
They hate that they have to work a barista's job to make a living. Its why they hate capitalism - they can't stand the idea that other hard working intelligent people make more than they do without being as "educated" as they are. They hate it that these very people that they don't consider their moral equivalents are living happily. Hence, the only way for them to get resources is to get the government to force taxes and regulations on businesses and provide welfare and minimum wage from there.
Its why every election, these "leftist liberals" keep voting blue. The blue politicians realized that they can easily get votes if they promise free stuff and support "moral progressive issues" like climate change. These politicians just want more power and they don't really care about social issues.
The problem for these liberals is that half the population really doesn't want to vote blue, hence these liberals now have to convince everyone to vote for the blue party. They'll politicize everything if they believe it will help the blue party win. The blue party promised to cancel student debt and give them free stuff, what more could they ask for?
Hence why vaccines and mandates were completely opposed by these same people when they were being developed under Trump. The second the blue party got power, they were on top of the world, thinking that they were going to get freebies. However the blue party then started pushing vaccines and mandates, of course it would be hypocritical for these liberals to oppose them, hence they immediately flipped their stance. They also saw this as a fight against "capitalism" and all those "uneducated" people that were living happily. All their previously held beliefs like "My body my choice" went straight out the window.
Biden made the economy worse and caused disasters in several other areas on government, but of course the liberals will do any amount of bootlicking, in the hope they continue to get freebies. But alas, Biden cancelled the massive student loan debt, a massive slap in the face of all these liberals that thought giving the government authoritarian power would work in their best interests. Don't be surprised if you see liberal progressive leftists coming out against mandates now. Also be well aware that they'll do a complete 180 and jump to lick the government's boots the instance the government promises them another freebie.