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Howdy guys!

I'm in need of movie or show suggestions. I've watched all the Studio Ghibli films a 100 times in a months span, lol please help.

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3 Replies

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Reply by Votera Binicci


I've heard Raised By Wolves on HBO Max is very good.

For Netflix I'd highly recommend Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness. Very good series, albeit very short (only 4 episodes).

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Reply by Jackie


if you're into comedy stuff, watch Arrested Development and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. these shows have the worst characters and you're not supposed to root for them. the situations they get into are so funny. watch Arrested Development first if you wanna watch It's Always Sunny because once you start watching It's Always Sunny, it's gonna ruin every other show for you because it's so good.

If you want drama, i watch this political thriller/dark humor show called Succession on HBO Max. it's about a media giant corporation family doing the worst things. and the cinematography in this show is top notch. Ozark is my favorite show on netflix right now. the story is so gripping and tight that it'll actually choke you. I have watched Breaking Bad before but i believe Ozark is a better show. the stakes are much higher and scarier.

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Reply by Elohimless πŸ€˜πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·


Try Tubi (it's FREE), you might find something good on there to watch.Β 

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