« News and Politics Forum

Politics and the lack thereof

Posted by Steve


Forum: News and Politics

One of the things I remember liking about MySpace was that no one I was friends with ever seemed to argue about politics. In fact, we never even brought it up. One of the things I've come to hate about Twitter is that it became SO political and SO extreme in a hurry. Now my feed over there is filled with political arguments. Facebook used to be OK, but then Twitter and Facebook both started censoring people with views that roughly 50 percent of the nation share. So those people not surprisingly got mad and left for other social media sites like Gab and Parler. But when they got there, feeling free to state their views for a change, politics became ALL they wanted to talk about. So far here at SpaceHey I have not been involved in a single political discussion. I have seen posts about people who got into arguments over something political somewhere other than in my feed. But so far nothing in my feed has been political and I like it that way. I'd like to keep it that way. I wish there was a place like this where the only thing you couldn't say was anything about politics. 

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Reply by Steve


I need another political website like I need an extra hole in my butt. I'm glad I haven't encountered any here. I hope somehow it stays this way.

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Reply by ~Broken Toy~


Politics, unfortunately, is EVERYWHERE.

You're probably only thinking about "Government Politics".....

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Reply by ~Broken Toy~



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Reply by ~Broken Toy~



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Reply by Steve


I get what you mean, but yeah, I was talking mostly about government related politics. I just don't respect our professional politicians enough to want to spend all of my time discussing them and the things they do.

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