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What Does My Dream Mean?

Looking for an opinion, About a month ago I have one of the worst dreams I can remember to date. I was walking through a drainage ditch kinda thing that went under a bridge. After I had gotten out the other side, I looked back because I had the strangest feeling someone was behind me but there was no one there. The moment I turned around, I head the sound of someone sprinting up behind me, I tried to turn around, but I couldn't move. I just stood there listening to the footsteps close in. When I finally was able to move, I turned around and there was a "person" no less than six inches from me. The only thing was they had no face (That I can remember), and they just began viciously stabbing me... I woke up screaming at the top of my lung sat like 4 a.m. To this day, I feel like it meant something, but I just don't know. Anyone good with this kind of psychology stuff?

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Reply by Sorrel


I'm not sure you'll see this. But at the time did you feel like you were betrayed? resentment to something or someone. Often when you dream of getting stabbed by someone not yourself it's this anger that someone hurt you.

The dream sounds horrific! It's important to remember the subtle context behind a dream that's in real life. Maybe had you abruptly stopped  weed? or maybe where you on some other medication? did something happen to make you fear this? (memory, show action) whatever. I'd sit back and check on yourself. :)  

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Reply by Amy


Dreams can be a window into our subconscious, and while I'm no dream expert, it's widely understood that our daily experiences, emotions, and stresses can heavily influence the content of our dreams. Your dream, particularly with its intense and startling imagery, might be a manifestation of some unresolved feelings, anxieties, or experiences you've recently had. The faceless figure could represent an unknown fear or a situation in your life where you feel vulnerable or out of control. The act of being pursued and not being able to move is a common dream motif and often correlates with feelings of helplessness or being overwhelmed. Remember, though, while dream interpretations can offer insights, they aren't definitive explanations. Each person's dream language can be unique to their experiences and emotions. If this dream, or any other recurring dream, is causing you distress, it might be beneficial to discuss it with a therapist or counselor. They can offer more in-depth guidance and help you explore any underlying issues or feelings that might be surfacing in your dreams.

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