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I Think I Might Be A Libertarian

A place for people who think they might be a Libertarian and want to find clarity. 

"The Libertarian Party (LP) is a political party in the United States that promotes civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism, and limiting the size and scope of government."

"The party generally promotes a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the Democratic Party's modern liberalism and progressivism and the Republican Party's conservatism. Gary Johnson, the party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016, claims that the Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally conservative than Republicans."

"Current fiscal policy positions include lowering taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), decreasing the national debt, allowing people to opt out of Social Security and eliminating the welfare state, in part by utilizing private charities. Current cultural policy positions include ending the prohibition of illegal drugs, advocating criminal justice reform, supporting same-sex marriage, ending capital punishment and supporting gun ownership rights."

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16 Replies

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


Welcome to the club 👋

Happy to have you.

If you want to refine your libertarian beliefs I recommend watching some Tom Woods videos.

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Reply by Anna Mae


"Comrade" - go away commie. 👊🇺🇸

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Reply by Anna Mae


Emo Walsh - Thanks for the recommendation. I am still figuring out what my label would be. I'm not big on labels but its helpful from time to time and I'm simply enjoying learning more & figuring myself out. A year ago I was essentially apolitical, thought of myself ad centrist if anything, but the more I learn the more I lean Right. 

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


That’s usually what happens. The more people learn, the more they ask questions, the more right they go.

Although this isn’t necessarily the case, sometimes people ask questions and learn and go left. It comes down to what kind of questions people ask, and what they focus on learning.

If you focus on how the world should look like, how well off people should be, what people deserve, you go left.

If you focus on how the world should function, what systems produce results, how should things be structured to actually produce material, spiritual, and social well being, the well... then the left calls you a Nazi. 

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


^ Perfect example ^

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Reply by Anna Mae


From now on I'm gonna do my level best to ignore commies & rabid leftists. Conversations with them never go anywhere but in circles and end in someone (anyone who isn't going with the popular narrative) being labeled some form of a racist or some shit. I don't feel like giving nutjobs a sense of validity. Damn pigeons with diarrhea.   Since the block feature doesn't work great on here yet I figure the next best thing is starving them of the attention they so desperately crave. 

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Reply by \m/ Judas \m/


I always chuckle when someone who is openly supportive of communism purposely describes libertarians wrong to make "their side" look better. To support communism is to be economically illiterate, which is why those people don't understand that libertarian support of the free market doesn't and will never support large corporations working hand in hand with the government. Because that's not what a free market is. But they have to exaggerate and mislead about what the free market is to feel better about their historically failing system. 

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


^ now here is a well studied man ^

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Reply by Anna Mae


"To support communism is to be econimically illiterate." 

I like that. Simplifies things. I noticed most of these commie wannabes on my forums are young as hell, clearly niave & idealistic, and completely ignorant on the topics of economics & human nature. 

Also, thanks for not being a fucking commie, I'm getting more than a little sick of them on this site. Fucking hounds. 

This particular forum isn't even about communism, I'm just trying to figure out if I'm a Libertarian of not damnit. People just gotta invade every space they can like cockroaches or termites and spread their insanity. I don't want any damn part of it. 

Anyway I've allowed myself to be lumped in with conservatives up until recently. I was apolitical for the longest time, fucking hate politics, probably would have been right smack dab in the middle. But as I explore the world of politics I realize I "lean Right" and have some views that aren't necessarily compatible with conservative views. They were just the closest I could find to what I believe. Which I'm still refining but I have a general idea. 

The biggest thing is I believe in "insanely" small government. The way our government is now is NOT how the Founding Fathers intended it. Its too damn big & all powerful, its reach too damn far. They have their hands in every aspect of our lives and only hunger for more control and more power. Its disgusting and dangerous. I've felt the sting of that & the rampant corruption multiples times  in my life already and I'm only going on 30. 

Even beyond the corruption & partisan bullshit, even just the sheer amount of laws we have is ASININE. No citizen or even lawyer, cop, or public elected representative can know all of them. That in itself is a huge problem. 

I remember the first time I discussed building a fence around our yard. I was going over the expenses of building it and it was brought to my attention that I would have to pay for a permit to build on "my own" land and it would have to be built within the town's standards. I was flabbergasted. Like wut 👀. Same goes for when I wanted to build a playhouse for my kiddos. 

When the government has that much reach, its gone too goddamn far. 

Hell I'm currently locked in battle with the courts over my right to homeschool as I see fit. I am well within the state laws and yet the prevailing attitude is "We need to reach our hands into your home to 'make sure' you're doing what WE think you should be doing and if not, we have forcefully gained (over time) the 'right' to take your parental rights away and decide for ourselves." - Excuse the fuck me.

Our laziness has allowed our government to get to the point where they have pretty much absolute power over the people. Its fucked up. 

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Reply by OnKrew


Liberals aren't real

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Reply by OnKrew


Liberals aren't real

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Reply by Vigilante Stylez


It's the party closest to my views of law and order.  

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Reply by Red Field


hehe I'm an AnCap

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Reply by abe


Are you Retarded

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Reply by MetalHeart


Reply by Evan⸸⛧


super average political take "yerm i just found out about a political ideology yerm this is me guys.. uhhhhh they speak meaningless whispers.. uuhhhhhh im a libertarian guys haha" like go read an actual book on politics LMAO everybody wants to have a political opinion but nobody wants to do the basic work of actually reading

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