I have a blog at
https://softnews33.wordpress.com/ that I tried to turn into one of those blogs that reposts stories. It's failed, but it has a pretty good blogroll with various leftist/left-ish news sources. I still post there when I can.
It's missing several, because I didn't feel like putting up the Intercept and Grayzone. Everyone knows them. Whatever.
I'm not trying to signal boost the left version of "World News Tonight". The end result of reading that is usually a night of armchair quarterbacking over shit we have zero effect on. (If you're elite enough to have impact on those things, great. Read it, agitate, etc. If you want to be like that, go for it. Get into politics. Work in the political ops of a union.)
I think the more interesting stories are from regular people, active left troublemakers, street level intellectuals. I also think history's interesting, so that'll get int he feed too.
I listen to a few podcasts, but the main one I <3 is the Antifada. I like when they talk some ultraleft theory, or any theory. It's fun and funny.
The other podcasts are Chapo Trap House - sometimes good, but usually annoying; The Axe Files - pisses me off a lot, but it's insider talk between elitists; Security Now - apolitical update on how your computer will f u; 538 - more insider talk; Code Switch - has its moments.