What is everyone's position on the current healthcare problem in the US? Do you support a public option, universal healthcare, complete privatization, or is medicare for all a globalist plot to undermine western civilization through communism (sarcasm)? Explain why in the comments.
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Healthcare in the US
18 Replies

Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix
I’m not super well read on the finer points of its operation in practice, but if one supports the idea of the public option as a way to moderate between public and private healthcare coverage, I would urge folks to rethink that position. Consider the effects that a public option would feel as the coverage of last resort (especially if insurance companies start dropping patients with pre-existing conditions which are no longer profitable, or whatever), leading to the overloading and undermining of healthcare services which the public option would provide access for. This could happen quickly or slowly, but in terms of maintaining stable healthcare, could potentially leave patients right back where they started if this dynamic were used as propaganda against the “inefficiencies” of a public option, when in reality it’s been stymied by corporate interest and the lack of full financial support by the federal government.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Yes because we all know claiming something as a human right automatically makes it abundant and high quality.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Sure sure I’m agreeing with you. When a bunch of people get together and vote for something, it pops out of thin air.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
A lot of assumptions and insults for someone who hasn’t asked any constructive questions to find out what I actually believe/have studied.
Reply by ppf
i don't claim to know anything about infrastructure, but i do think it's incredibly stupid people can't have vital procedures due to the price. im a pretty definite leftist, and even i know one of the core libertarian values is the right to "life liberty and property/the pursuit of happiness". doesn't "life" include proper medical treatment?
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Hey sure Quinn that’s a good point. When libertarians talk about liberty, we talk about being in a state of freedom. Not imposing a state of obligation. So libertarians are more concerned with the state of obligation that is created when something like medical care treatment is mandated to be free.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
In summery the libertarian argument here is,
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Another way to look at this Quinn may be as follows,
Reply by Forrest
After living in Canada for 5 years, I think anyone who talks shit about Universal Healthcare is an absolute moron.
The slightly higher taxes are worth it for me, my loved ones, and my neighbors to not have to choose between necessary medical care vs. buying food and paying bills. If we held the ultra rich accountable for paying their fair share in taxes, we'd be able to easily fund a robust national healthcare system.
Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx
Reply by umbrykane
I'm semi against UHC, as of how the current money system is ran (Pretty much the more you do to someone the more money you get paid). I've been to medical school and listen to other people in the field talking about how they give people the wrong diagnosis just to make them come back again and again, or giving them placebos. We would need to find a way to make money itself not as important so people will be in the field to help people and not to make money (For example, being a teacher is a pretty thankless job and teachers dont get paid shit for what they deal with. If you become a teacher its because you have that passion, its never really for the pay check).
Reply by Macky
I think you make a pretty valid point. I'm going to explain how only Universal Healthcare wont actually solve the current problems, but rather it's a variation of social and economic factors that contribute the declination of people's mental health.
again and again, or giving them placebos."
I'm not a sociologist, so I'm not super well versed in the social and economic aspects of mental health, but I did watch a video that explains how the current system breeds and social environment is a breeding ground for mental illness.
cw: talk of suicide, mental health, and addiction
Reply by Caitlinv
I'm a Pharmacy technician and something I quickly learned is that private insurance is a fucking joke and half worthless.
Reply by Caitlinv
Reply by gutterman72
Reply by gutterman72
Reply by gutterman72
Reply by gutterman72